Epilogue (Season 2)

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"You are so sexy

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"You are so sexy." Nate gives her kisses all down her neck as she looks in her mirror. "I can't wait to rip this dress off too."

"You can rip this dress off when we're on my plane heading to my islands." Chloe sighs into his kiss, the two head down to their limo. They purposely made sure they came late, so everyone would already be there partying. When they walk in everyone yells, and screams happy birthday to Chloe making her smile. She thanks everyone as she walks by them, she couldn't believe how many people had showed up. Nelly Yuki drunk danced on everyone and everything, stumbling over as well. Chloe saw Blair, obviously looking for her brother making her smirk.

"Sis, once again, Happy birthday." He kisses her cheek, but looks around the room as well. Chloe sighs dramatically.

"If you're looking for Blair, she over where the beads are." He gives her a genuine smile, hugging her tightly. Nate was talking to a very drunk Penelope, and was also giving Chloe a look for help but Chloe only giggled and continued talking to her guest. That was until someone tapped on her shoulder.

"Daniel." Chloe says, she looks over his outfit and he was actually dressed up for the occasion. Indicating that maybe he did care.

"Chloe, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. My dad knocked some sense into me, and I really can't believe how harsh I was to you when you've been so nice to me since day one. I like our friendship, matter of fact, I love our friendship. I just thought that you would forget about me, if you were to leave and I was scared so I thought I should end things first but now I know that's not the case. Congratulations on choosing Juilliard, and I hope after tonight we can continue to make memories together." He was very sorry, deep down. Nate watched from afar, trying to read Dans lips over Penelope trying to confess her love to him.

"Next time Daniel, I'll let you walk away from me. This time, I guess you can stay." She jokes, surprisingly to her, he grabs her for a hug. She smiles, relaxing and hugging back tightly. Again, at the wrong time, everyone's phones begin to go off. Chloe and Dan give each other a look and grab their phones.


Serena Vanderwoodsen just couldn't leave well enough alone. Since she had to find out the truth about me, I'm going to tell you the truth about everyone. Every gossip bomb I've got is about to drop, and if you got a problem with that take it up with her. Every wonder why Ms.Carr left town? A little bee Dan Humphrey had sex with her during the school play. Remember the sparks between Humphrey's sis and Nate?...during a hot photo session. Thank God is stopped. at pg-13. Or someone could've ended up in jail, like her brother. Our poor Chloe, raped and taped by Carter Baizen, was that your baby daddy Princess? Did you really have a miscarriage or was someone forced by Daddy Bass to get an abortion, I wouldn't be surprised since he forced you to go to Cotillion with Carter. As as for our Blair Waldorf? Say "uncle". We hear she kept it in the Bass family on new years. But rumor has it Chuck spent some time in Brooklyn, metaphorically speaking of course.

"You slept with my uncle?" Chloe and Chuck ask Blair as the two walk out of a room. Blair stutters, her face flushing.

"Wait you slept with Vanessa?" Blair and Chloe ask Chuck. And just like graduation, everyone around began to whisper.

"Wow Chloe, and to think I was starting to feel bad for you." Penelope starts, "You never had a miscarriage did you?" Before Chloe could even speak, Chuck did it for her.

"Penelope I'm afraid that it's not any of yours and anybody's business. She had a huge lost and you people think it's some sort of sick joke." Penelope backs down instantly, but that doesn't stop everyone from arguing. Serena tries to calm everyone down but suddenly everyone begins to turn on her as well, leaving the room when they're down.

"Chlo." Serena tries, Chloe walks out of her own party. She couldn't believe what Gossip Girl thought about her, as she's never sent in a tip or done anything to harm anyone. All she ever wanted was to be happy. The next couple of days Chloe sat in her room, just staring into nothing. Hearing people talk about her situation with Carter and talk about her baby, put her into a mess. How could people so be cruel? She wondered would it would be like if she would've been able to save the baby and keep it. Would she be a good mother? Would her and Nate still be together? Would her baby love her the way nobody ever has? Nate conversed with Margaret everyday to try to make things better for Chloe but nothing worked. Chloe didn't allow visitors, not even her own brother, who she was very angry at. Sleeping with Vanessa after everything she's done to his sister? Chloe and Nate had plans to travel and do business this summer, her father would be so angry if she didn't do that so she packed her things and waited outside for Nate and Margaret. Margaret would be staying with Lily and Rufus this summer since Chuck and Chloe would be gone all summer. Chloe was texting Blair when she noticed a limo pull up in front of her.

"Chloe." Chloe rolled her eyes, looking up from her phone. She hated how used to she got running into him.


"I would suggest us running away and starting that family you've always wanted but to my understanding you're still with Nathaniel." Carter smirks, but instantly drops it when Chloe doesn't play along. Whenever he would joke with her, she would always throw it back 10x harder, he missed it.

"Carter don't act like you didn't do what you did to me." Without a beat, Carter continues.

"And everyday I'm paying for it, and will continue to pay for it until you forgive me and, and even after you forgive I'll pay for it. You carried my child, we'll always have a connection. I'm deeply hurt that I put you through everything you went through. I still love you Chloe." Before Chloe could answer, another voice calls her from behind.

"Chloe?" Nate glares at Carter, Carter rolling his eyes. Nate takes Chloe under his arm.

"When he messes up again, I'll be here."

"Bite me Carter." Chloe snares, as he gets into his limo. Chloe turns to Nate, "Don't worry about him, and I'm sorry for shutting you out these last couple of days. I just feel like I need to handle my emotions, and no one else would understand what I'm going through. But I love you, with everything in me, and I'm so ready to begin this new chapter of our life together. I am yours, for forever Nathaniel."

"I am yours Chloe, for forever."

This is the end of season 2 y'all!! I am so so soooo excited to be ending season 2 and entering season 3, please let me know what you guys would want to see more of! More of Chloe and Dan? More of Carter and Chloe? Anyone ready to see if Nate can keep things steady this time around? I love you all so so so so much. Thank you for sticking with me!

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