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Chuck forced Nate to go to the ballet with him, one because he wanted to get a hold of Blair and two? He and Blair had a plan. Blair walked in with the professor Serena was seeing, Serena had called things off with him but he quit his job to be with her, which surprised Blair. Dan showed up, trying to find Serena. He needed to confess what he did, and that none of it was Chloe's fault. Serena was the only person he could think of. He noticed that Vanessa was there as well, Vanessa was never on her phone but he saw that she had a hold of it the whole time. Secretly, before she could put the phone in her bag as she wasn't looking, he stuck his hand in her bag, letting the phone fall in his hand. He walked away swiftly. There had to be something she was hiding. Blair only had one clue on who would do this to this to Chloe, the same girl who has been trying to take Chloe down for 3 years. Nate drank his day away, he had nothing else to do while Chuck was scheming. Someone taps on his shoulder, he turned around.

"Hey." He recognized the girl from Chloe's baby shower. "I'm Juliet, I know we've never had an actual conversation before but I just wanted to apologize for what happened between you and Chloe. I saw it on Gossip Girl." Nate could tell the girl was trying to flirt with him, and if this were any years prior, after getting his heart broken he would definitely feed into the girls energy. Only this time, he turned back around to the bar, not even entertaining the girl. "Okay..." Juliet wasn't expecting him to be so hostile. "Well if you ever need someone to talk to, here's my number." She wrote her phone number down on a napkin, handing it to him. She gets excited when he takes it from her, but her mouth drops open when he "accidentally" spills his drink all over it. She walks away stubbornly. Blair watched the whole interaction with a close eye.

Blair noticed all month that Juliet has been trying to make it into their world, becoming friends with Massie who went to Chloe's school and showed up to her baby shower. Speaking with Vanessa, who was with Dan. Trying to break up Serena and Blair's friendship. Now she was trying to get with Nate. Blair keeps her eyes on her, grabbing her phone and calling Chuck who was on the other side of the building watching Vanessa. Vanessa had a close eye on Serena who was talking with Collin. She held a shiny silver hard drive tightly in her hand. Juliet walks over to her, smirking at her and grabbing the piece out of her hand. They both walk over to Dean Ruther, dean of Colombia.

"I have proof that Serena Vanderwoodsen is having an affair with her professor." Juliet held the hard drive in front of dean Ruthers face. The dean was disappointed, only wanting to enjoy herself. Blair walks over to the three of them, wanting to talk to the dean as well. Serena and Collin stand behind the dean, wondering what was going on. Chuck grabs a drunk Nate, dragging him to be in the interaction as well.

"Actually this involves Collin, he's the one that was in the photos with Serena." Vanessa smirks evilly at Serena. Serena gave the two a confused look, having no idea what she did to either one of them. The dean explains that she would have to look into Serena's past to make sure that nothing like this has ever happened before or she would get expelled. Juliet hands over the hard drive to the dean but Blair grabs it quickly, dropping it in her champagne.

"Oops." Blair smirks back, giving them the dirtiest look. "You don't want to look at those photos anyways, because it wasn't Serena in them. It was me. Why would I jeopardize my college career by lying? Collin already quit, so let's just go ahead and have a good time tonight!" Chuck smirks down at Blair, backing up her whole story with a twist of his own so it sounded more believable. Blair nods.

"Don't you see, they're all protecting each other!" Juliet stuttered, the three of them stand by innocent.

"This is what they always do." Vanessa confirmed.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" The dean asked rudely to Vanessa, "Ms.Sharp the reality is that with no proof I can't tell who is telling the truth." The lights began to flicker, indicating that the ballet would start soon. The dean walks away, letting them all go. Juliet walks out, Collin following after her angrily. Vanessa follows as well, just as they got outside Dan grabbed her, holding her phone up to her face.

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