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As per Gossip Girls thanksgiving tradition, I'm trading my laptop for the stovetop. For the next 16 hours the only thing I'm dishing is seconds. When the cars away the mice will play, have fun little rodents!

Chloe sighs in relief as she gets the GG blast. Today was the day that she would tell her father about everything that happened, since he would be leaving on another trip. They decided to have a thanksgiving breakfast with Chuck and Margaret.

After some story telling, and Bart loosening up, the two decided that now would be the time to tell their father

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After some story telling, and Bart loosening up, the two decided that now would be the time to tell their father. Margaret holds Chloes hand under the table.


"Father, I have to tell you something." Bart sips from his champagne but nods. "A man..." it was still hard for Chloe to process the words.

"A man sexually assaulted her." Chuck finishes for her, as he sees her choking up. Bart face turns back into stone cold. The three see him clench his hand around his drink. He was angry. No, he was fucking livid.

"Who?" Was all he said, his voice shaking the whole room, not literally. Chloe flinched, looking up at him through her eyelashes. "Chloe Dawn Bass." Chloe couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Carter Baizen." She says quickly. Bart Bass stands up, taking his suitcase. "Father where are you going?" Chloe and Chuck both stand up as he walks to the door. "Dad!" They follow but he doesn't stop. "Daddy!" Bart stops his steps instantly. He had flashbacks of when Chloe would always call him that. When she was a baby girl, his baby. A quick tear falls from his face, he turns to his daughter and see she's crying. He had failed her as a father. He wasn't going to drop this until he saw blood.

"Don't worry about him anymore. It's done, do you guys understand? Stay out of this." Bart says, both Chuck and Chloe nod their heads. Bart leaves without another word, Chloe releases the breath she had no idea that she was holding. She looks to her brother, he takes her into his arms and holds her tightly.

"Everything will be okay."

"I know about you and Blair..."

"What?..S-she told you?"

"I saw you guys." Chloe sighs, "look I have to run, but I see the way you look at her. Please, just don't force her. Nate hurt her a lot, if she's done with Nate like if she really says, then go for it. Don't interfere if they get back together please." Chloe kisses Chucks cheek. Chuck sighed frustrated, Blair Waldorf would never love him. He only wished.

Chloe's dance teacher had called a mandatory rehearsal since the recital was tomorrow. Yes, she called it on thanksgiving and a lot of her students were ticked but it had to be done. Chloe is stretching when she feels a presence sit next to her, she looks to her side and sees the golden boy. She doesn't speak, he's too scared to even open his mouth.

"Okay everybody listen up!" Her dance teacher yells to get everybody's attention. "Everybody is good with their solos and duet, but I need one more routine to fill up the needed time." Chloe looks around, seeing everybody cower away. The teacher groans. "Okay fine, I'll choose." The students get even more scared. "Nate!" Nate swears under his breath making Chloe chuckle "AND Chloe!"

"Wait what?"

"Let's get you two started...you two might have to sing as well." They groan together, Chloe didn't mind singing but come on? With Nate? The teacher had to be doing this on purpose.

(J here! I know Nate doesn't sing but in this book he does ;) don't judge!)

As the teacher worked with the two, the others worked on their solos and duets and trios. As the group dance they would be doing the tango they had learned. Nate was watching Chloe's face as she looked down at her feet and learned the steps. He admired how much she loved the performing arts. Secretly, he wished that she stayed in musical theatre so he could watch her perform like when they were little. He loved to see the sparkle in her eyes.

"Can you focus?" Chloe gave him attitude making Nate chuckle.

"Why you wanna impress your boyfriend?" Nate teased, but hoped she didn't agree with him.

"He's not my boyfriend." He mentally sighed in relief, "but I want him to be, so focus." Nate rolled his eyes. He couldn't stand what's his name.

"Listen Chlo, I will not give up on you." Chloe looked up shocked, Nate was glad he took little Jenny's advice about this one. "I'm not gonna let you go just like that." He twirls her when the time comes and brings her back into his arms. "And I definitely am not going to see him win." He lifts her, letting her body slowly slide down his until she touched the floor. The two were advices by the teacher to practice by themselves as she worked with other groups.

"Nate," she says, as they're practicing making him focus on her. "I want you...more than anything. I've always wanted you, and you can ask Charles as well." She chuckles, he side smiles. "But after everything you did to Blair, I don't know." She sighs. They stop dancing.

"I would never do that to you." He says seriously. He grabs her chin and brings her lips closely to his "I'm willing to work and prove anything to you Chloe."

"I want a for sure answer by tomorrow. Do you want me, or is this just a game?" Chloe says, as the teacher dismisses them. She leaves him, he smirks. He already knew his answer. Well, that was until he got a text on his phone.

Princess Bass - Nate Archibald Where stories live. Discover now