Epilogue (Season 1)

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After a week of tears, junk food and stupid love movies, Chloe packed her bags. This summer, nothing was going to stop her. Not a man, not gossip girl and definitely not herself. She has never been so heartbroken. She hated that she dwelled for so long but now is her time to shine. No holding back, for anybody.

"Sis." Chloe screams in fear. She turns around to see her brother smirking. "Scared ya?" Chloe rolls her eyes before going back into her closet and grabbing a bunch of clothes.

"Traitor." Was all she said, he rolls his eyes. Chloe had time Chuck what happened, he found her crying in his bed. She didn't want to be in her own because it reminded her of Nate but Chuck helped her take it day by day, until he insisted that she sleeps in her own apartment.

"He really misses you Chlo." She scoffs.

"Don't even try loverboy, I will not be treated any less than I should be treated as. A princess." Chloe smirks, Chuck watches her with cautious. As much as he loved himself, he did not want her to turn into him. Egotistical asshole who's too scared to show emotion.

"He didn't mean any of those things. Trust me, I was going to have him killed. He came to me and asked for my help. I know how happy you are with him Chloe. People work things out and those people should be you two." Chloe ignores him, but she felt pangs in her heart and continues to pack.  "Where are you even heading off too?" He asked, sitting on her bed. She smiles to herself, the good news that she wanted to tell Nate but never got around to it.

"Islands. All of them." She chuckles, like it was an inside joke.

"To do what?"

"Dad ran his first business when he was 22."


"I'm gonna start mine at 16."

J HERE!!! End of season 1 :,)))) I know it's probably what we all weren't expecting but have no fear! This isn't the end of Chloe and Nate! Keep a look out for new beginnings, a lot more drama and happy endings! Thank you all so much for supporting me :,).

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