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"Where are you going?" Chloe woke up from her nap with Charli while Nate was rummaging through the closet.

"Chuck got a new lead on something Diana has been hiding." Nate mumbled, getting his clothes on quickly. So Diana admitted she wasn't their mother, and Chuck has this brilliant idea that Jack is their father. It was too much for Chloe to handle so she was gonna stay out of it until they came up with a conclusion. She felt sick enough when she thought Diana was her mother.

"But what if it's something dangerous? You guys have no idea what you're getting yourselves into." Chloe stood up from the bed, putting on a pair of pants.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nate laughed.

"With you."

"Didn't you just say how dangerous it was? Do you think that's what's best for a pregnant lady?" He cornered her. "I promise I'll call you when I get there and I'll keep you updated. Just stay." He kisses her passionately.

Nate smiled before he left, he saw Chloe rubbing her belly and looking out the window with Charli. Pointing at things and naming them, he would copy her. He wouldn't trade this life for the world. He couldn't even imagine if he ended up with the life that his family made for him. Soon they would find out the gender of the baby, and after he bought out Diana Payne from the Spectator, he had nothing to worry about.

Chloe heard her front door being opened, she peaks her head out of the room and sees Lily. Charli quickly runs over to her and jumps in her arms.

"Mother! It's so nice to see you!" Chloe and her hug tightly. "Is everything okay?" She couldn't instantly see the discomfort in Lily's face. They sit on the couch, Charli whines as his mom takes too long to turn on the tv for him. He giggled when his favorite show came on.

"Oh honey, you're the only one I feel I could talk to." Lily sighs, "Rufus and I are heading towards a divorce I feel." Chloe gasps, taking her mothers hand. "I did whatever I needed to do to protect my family. That's all I ever do, and he wants to protect that Ivy Dickens. And then when I have my sister thrown in jail, he gets even more upset. She hired a scam artist to try and steal our money! I just won't ever apologize for doing what I did."

"Here why don't I make you some tea?" She could tell Lily was riled up. She felt awful, this lady has had many divorces before but she could tell this one was gonna hurt her the most. Even if her father were alive, she doesn't think that their divorce would've hurt this much. She sits the cup in her mothers hands and looks at her. "In my eyes, you did nothing wrong. You stood strong and pushed hard for your family. I would've done the same thing for mine. Would I have gotten Chuck arrested? Eh, probably not. But Carol is someone you've known your whole life. I don't think anyone outside of your guys relationships has a say. If you think you were doing what's best for your family then who are we to judge you?" Lily shook her head.

"I just don't know what I'm gonna do without him." She begins to cry.

"You're gonna continue to be the boss ass bitch you've always been. Excuse my language." She covered Charli's ears who only looked at her crazily. "You're Lily, it doesn't matter what your last name is because you are Lily. Period. And you have all of us to be here for you okay?" She hugs her tightly, Charli joining in the hug as well. After a couple of hours of chit chatting and catching up, Lily makes her way back to her home. She always knew Chloe was going to say the right things. She didn't have any friends to go to and she felt truly blessed to have a daughter like Chloe. The next day Chloe was cooking lunch for Charli, herself and Nate but stopped when she heard her phone began to ring. She picked it up, smiling to herself.

"Long time no hear S. What's up?" She held the phone up with her shoulder as she continues to stir the mac n cheese she was making.

"Do you have any idea what's going on with Chuck?" Chloe's eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"Blair told me to check up on him but won't tell me why. Now Diane and Nate are here and it's so tense. I figured you would know if Nate knew." Chloe stopped stirring and grabbed her phone with her hand.

"No...I'm coming over." Serena's cheeks turned red when she realized what she had done. Serena quickly called Blair.

"You have one more minute to tell me what's going on before a very concerned and possibly angry pregnant lady bursts into here." Serena spoke whispered quickly into her phone.

"S!! How could you?!" Blair freaked out. "You know how Chloe is, especially when she's pregnant! Her body can't handle the stress." Blair held her head annoyed. She was just hit with the news that Dan wanted to take her to Rome all summer and now Serena has blabbed to Chloe that something was wrong. Blair heard Chloe's voice on the background before Serena hung up quickly.

Chloe made her way into Nate's old room, where she saw Nate and Lola together? Chloe handed Charli over to Serena, who tried to stop her from entering. Chloe raised her hand to slap Nate as he stood up to explain what was happening. Chuck grabbed it quickly.

"As much as I would like for you to beat up Nathaniel. It's not what you think." Chuck says. Chloe whips her hand back to herself.

"I truly don't give a shit what's going on. Is this what you've been doing all this time?! Hanging out with Lola while I'm at home??" Chloe couldn't help it. Her hormones were all over the place.

"Wha- Chloe no!" Nate was flustered. He knew it looked bad but he and Lola had the same plan. Take Diane down. "Diane is a menace to society and last night we found out something that could finally push her out of New York."

"What have you done?" Chuck glared at Nate and Lola.

"We're sorry we messed up your deal. But this was beyond business, it was personal." Lola said.

"You have no idea how personal. I made that deal so she could help get my father out of hiding." Chloe turned to Chuck.


"By father you mean Jack right?" Serena asked.

"Bart. He's alive."

Chloe felt her whole world turn and flip as she found it hard to get steady on her feet. Chuck and Nate quickly grab her, moving her to the couch. She felt the baby kick, relieving her stress of hurting the baby. She held her belly and look at Chuck with glossy eyes.

"W-where is he? When can I see him?" Chloe asked, which broke Chucks heart. He didn't want to tell her their father was fleeing and that's the reason he needed Diana. "Why would he hide this from us??"

"Chlobird I promise I'm dealing with it. Let me handle this and in the end everything will be okay." Chuck reassured.

"Why won't you take me to him? Why can't I see him?" She asked, immediately Chuck saw Chloe as 9 years old again. Daddy's little girl. The child that was so proud to have Bart as her father.

"Trust me okay? I need you to stay here. It can get dangerous and we need you to be okay for the baby." Chuck's eyes glanced to Nate, who helped her up and took her back to their own home. "You better help fix this." Chuck spoke to Lola with gritted teeth.

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