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"Don't go making deals with the Devil Nate." Chloe didn't want him anywhere near Gossip Girl. GG has ruined a lot of peoples reputations, including hers. She didn't want him to get involved. "You don't even know if she's telling the truth. If she is, I'd rather you do your own research than using hers." Chloe was getting she and Charli ready for her doctors appointment. Today she would be finding out the sex of the baby, unfortunately Nate wasn't able to make it.

"But isn't this something you want to know Chlo? That car was our car. The driver said the break was lose, as if he had no control over it. We could've lost our baby Chloe." Nate followed her around the house as she quickly gathered everything for Charli's go bag. "I also want to do this for your brother and your best friend and her baby." Chloe stops in her tracks.

"Don't try to guilt me into telling you that this is a good idea because it's not. Gossip Girl only wants two things, that's to keep her identity a secret and to hurt. Once you go to her, hat in hand, she's gonna know exactly what to say to get you to hurt someone. Who knows who that's gonna be, it could be your own family!" Charli walks up to the two, holding his arms out for his mom to carry him. She picks him up swiftly, and gives Nate a sweet kiss. "I'm just trying to protect you and the spectator. You and Serena are doing great things there without hurting anyone. Gossip Girl being down is only giving you even more views." Nate sighs.

"Promise you'll videotape for me?" He was more than upset that he couldn't make it to the appointment but he had a lot of work to do today. Today Serena would be dropping her new catalog on the spectator and Nate needed to be there for it.

"I promise." Nate gives Chloe one last kiss before letting them go. He pulls his phone out rereading the texts that was sent from Gossip Girl. On his way to the office he thought about it the whole way. On one side of his mind, he needed to know so he could take down whoever was trying to hurt his family and whenever hurt his best friends. On the other side, Chloe was right. She would want something in return that would probably hurt someone. He opens his phone as he hears Chloe's text ringtone.

You're smart in your own Nathaniel. You don't need anyone to guide you.

He smiled.


Meanwhile, Chloe lied on the bed to get her ultrasound taken. Charli say in a chair next to her, it was pushed closer to the bed so he could stand on it and hold Chloe's hand.

"Daddy did the same thing when we were checking on you, you know?" Chloe smiles up at her son. "What do you think the baby will be Char?" She asks him. Charli was one in a half now, and loved to talk. He didn't talk all day long but if you were to have a conversation with him he would hold up the conversation for a long time, just in broken sentences which made it even cuter. Margaret would often tutor him here and there, with the alphabet and numbers, only because he wanted to learn.

"I think boy." He smiles, squeezing his moms hand.

The ultrasound tech finally walked in, smiling at the two.

Lily, Rufus, Dan and Serena all waited for a taxi to arrive. Serena looked around for Nate but he was a no show. Paparazzi, surprisingly, waited patiently along side them to snap a picture of Serena with her new column and picture on a taxi. 10:00 AM came finally and Serena held the ipad up, smiling the biggest smile. This was finally her chance to make something of herself, not just he the pretty rich girl. The paparazzi all stop taking pictures of her, which made her confuse. She turns the ipad and it's a blank page.

No column.

Chloe texted Nate saying that the ultrasound tech was having trouble finding the baby so the doctor would be coming in to do the pictures instead. Nate dropped everything and ran to his car, he shot his assistant a text letting him know that he would be out of the office for a little. When he got to the doctors office he quickly ran to the elevator and made his way to the room. The lady at the front desk had recognized him so she quickly walked him back to Chloe's room. There he sees Chloe flustered and Charli cuddling her on the bed.

"Everything's okay with the baby's heartbeat, I was just nervous that they had to bring the doctor in." Chloe wiped her tears. "I'm sorry you had to leave work I just needed you." He hugged Chloe tightly.

"I should've taken the day off no matter what was happening at the office anyways. I should've been here with you." He kissed the top of her head. He grabs Charli off the bed and carry's him since the doctor had walked in.

"Mrs.Archibald we didn't want you to panic at all, we just got a new ultrasound tech and she was having trouble finding your little one so I'll be the one doing it from now on." The doctor explained calmly. It was the same doctor that took all of Charli's ultrasounds.

"That's extremely unprofessional, no matter how big or how small a baby is your tech should-" Chloe cut him off by saying his name. Nate was pissed, the tech scared Chloe who was already traumatized.

"We understand Mr.Archibald, and I sincerely apologize Chloe. Your family has been the best to us and we want nothing but the same for you. Now let's get pictures of this baby."

Serena walked pass Nate's assistant in the office, ignoring her calls and sat at Nate's desk. She wanted to talk to him more about her column and decided to wait for him in his office. She accidentally hit the mouse to his computer and it opened. She instantly saw emails. Emails from Gossip Girl thanking him for killing her column. Her heart drops. Before even thinking she quickly starts searching through his computer to find her column. And before she could stop herself, she posted it to the spectator.

Chloe wipes her tears, Nate holding her hand tightly and Charli in his lap clapping.

"Congratulations, you're having a girl!"

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