Something Changed

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Prem's POV

"What are you staring at?" Knott asks as he sits down next to me.

"Pictures from the Freshy Games," I answer, changing the picture away from the one of N'Wad that I had come across. I hadn't realized I had taken one of him during the games.

"I saw you were talking with N'Wad at the pharmacy," Tutah puts in, sitting across from me. "It was nice to see you not trying to kill him for once."

Bright and Tutah are like effing ninjas. They pop up out of thin air. I can't believe Tutah saw me talking to N'Wad.

"Really?" Bright mumbles around a bite of food. "When did you two become chummy?"

I don't know if anyone knows about the Economics Basketball team being a bunch of sore losers and attacking one of our players. If I tell my friends now, there will be hell to pay for not saying anything before.

"After Freshy Games," I shrug. "I know I was an ass. I am just trying not to be one now and to be a good senior." A good senior is all I am trying to be. What else could I be?

"Good senior?" Arthit repeats, "Are you feeling ok? Did someone drop you on your head?" He feels my forehead before he smacks me on the back of the head. "Come on, why are you playing nice, senior?"

"I don't know," I smirk, "Why are you playing nice senior with 0062?"

"Who the hell said I am playing nice senior?" Arthit growls, "When have I been nice to him?"

"You did say not to underestimate him the other day," Bright mentions, rubbing his chin. "You know, the day we were saying he wouldn't win Campus Moon."

"You are taking things out of context," Arthit grumbles, grabbing his things and getting up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Knott asks. "We just got here."

"Forgot something at my dorm," Arthit calls over his shoulder.

"Something is up with him," Tutah says, watching Arthit walk away.

I don't want to say anything. Not like I want them to remember this whole conversation started with them questioning me about N'Wad.

"Look," Bright kicks me under the table, "There is your nong."

"Fvck, Ai'Bright." I snarl, "That hurt, and he is not MY nong." Tutah and Bright laugh at this, and Knott only looks on thoughtfully.

I try to look to where N'Wad is sitting without any of my friends noticing. Why is he by himself? Does he not have friends? I wonder how I can talk to him again without people asking stupid questions. I look at my friends. Somewhere they won't see, that is for sure. I would never live it down, and Knott would be pissed if I actually killed Bright and Tutah.

I would never live it down, and Knott would be pissed if I actually killed Bright and Tutah.

I would never live it down, and Knott would be pissed if I actually killed Bright and Tutah

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now