Chapter 87: Dining at the Royal Woods Restaurant

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It was a normal night in the Royal Woods Restaurant. The workers didn't have that many people in the restaurant. Later, Pablo and Priscilla show up.

"Name?" The man behind the desk asks.

"Pablo Pierce," Pablo said.

"Priscilla Pierce," Priscilla said.

"We made a reservation," Pablo said as the man was looking into it.

"Ah, yes," The man said. "On time too. So, it's just the two of you?"

"Actually," Pablo said as Hunter, Aiden, Perry, Yukio, Haiku, Riley, RJ, Heather, Ethan, Maggie, Devin, the Santiago siblings, and the rest of the Loud family all enters as the man was surprised. "We have others joining us."

"Okay..." The man said. "We have a table that's enough for all of you."

"Thanks," Priscilla said as the group moves to the table. Each person sat next to the person they dating/married and all look at the menu.

"Hello," The waiter said. "What would you like to order?"

Immediately the waiter was told many orders as he lucky did his best to write all their orders in his notebook.

"It'll take a while," The waiter said walking slowly until running to the kitchen door.

"What's his problem?" Lola asks.

"Well," Devin said. "He has to serve a lot of people food. He's gonna need some help."

"So," Mr. Loud said. "How's everyone been?"

"We've been doing okay," Hunter said.

"Hey," RJ said. "I just realized something."

"What is it?" Perry asks.

"What events happen before we arrived?" RJ asked.

"I'm interested too," Ethan said.

"I need to know," Devin said.

"Well," Aiden said. "We actually went to a forest to explore for Bigfoot."

"Bigfoot?!" RJ, Ethan, Devin, Maggie, and Riley said.

"Yeah," Hunter said.

"However," Lincoln said. "It was all fake and the tourist were behind this."

"Do you guys believe in Bigfoot?" Lisa asks.

"I do!" Devin said. "He's somewhere out there, hiding from the public, not wanting to be discovered."

"I agree with you on that," Aiden said smiling.

"Y'know, there was this time we formed a reunion for my mother and her band," Hunter said.

"Really?" Ethan said.

"Yeah," Luna said. "A lot of their fans were there."

"Anything else?" Riley asked.

"Well," Yukio said. "I enter an art competition and won against a selfish guy."

"I remember," Maggie said. "I saw you on the headlines taking that guy's victory streak."

"A lot of people saw Yukio on the headlines," Lola said.

"Yeah," Yukio said. "That's how my sister first discovered me."

"She saw your picture and instantly recognized you?" Devin asks.

"Not at first," Yukio said. "But later on."

"What else happened?" Ethan asked.

"Well," Hunter said. "Luna and I formed a band with Tabby and that's how we friended and recruited Joe."

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