Chapter 69: When Y meets the X Part 1

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It was the morning in Pablo and Priscilla's house. Yukio was on the couch, simply sketching a drawing of their street.

"Hey Yukio," Hunter said.

"Hey," Yukio said as he was busy sketching.

"Nice sketch," Hunter said.

"Thanks," Yukio said. "I'm almost done."

Yukio carefully stops and he examined his work.

"Well done," Hunter said.

"Hey, where are Aiden, Perry, RJ, Ethan, and Devin?" Yukio asked.

"Aiden and Perry are with Luan and Lynn, RJ went to the theaters, Ethan went on a date with Maggie, and Devin is sleeping," Hunter said. "He'll be up later though."

Yukio was about to say something, but he heard his phone ringing and he examined the caller ID. It wasn't from Haiku, Lucy, Lola, Zanna, or anyone he knew. He had their numbers in his contacts. It was a number that was simply on the caller ID.

"Who's calling you?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know," Yukio said. He was hesitant to answer the call, but he accepted the call and remained quiet. He signaled Hunter to stay quiet.

"Hello?" A female voice said that catches Yukio's attention. She didn't sound like a stranger. She sounded so familiar. Yukio then built up the courage to speak.

"Hello," Yukio said.

"Is this Yukio?" The women asked if she was hoping she got the right number.

"Yes," Yukio said. "What do you want?"

"Can we talk somewhere that's in public?" The women asked. "Let's meet at the Royal Woods Cafe."

"Okay," Yukio said. "I'll be there."

"Bye," The women said as she hanged up. Yukio then put his phone away and Hunter looks at him.

"What happen?" Hunter asked.

"She wants me to head to the cafe so we can meet up," Yukio said.

"Do you know her?" Hunter asked.

"She sounds familiar," Yukio said. "I know I've heard her before."

"So you're going?" Hunter asked.

"Yes," Yukio said as grab his sling backpack. "I'm going."

"Want any of us to tag along?" Hunter asked as he gestured upstairs to the others.

"I'm fine," Yukio said. "If anything happens, I'll send you all an emergency alert."

"Okay," Hunter said. "Just stay safe."

Yukio then heads straight for the front door and opens it. He steps out, close the door, and went down the steps. He then proceeded to head to his destination.


Yukio was walking down the sidewalk and he stops when he had just arrived at the entrance of the Royal Woods Cafe. He went through the front doors and sees there weren't that many people here. He sees a table that has a woman, who wore sunglasses to cover her face. She has two cups of coffee, one for her, and the other was simply on the other side of the table. There was also chocolate chips muffins in the middle. She was expecting someone to arrive. Yukio then went over to her and began a conversation.

"Are you the woman who called me earlier to meet up here?" Yukio asked as the woman took a look at him and she immediately answers.

"Yes," The women said as Yukio took a seat that was the opposite of her seat. He examines his coffee and took a drink of it.

"So why did you call me here and how do you know my name?" Yukio asked as he took a bite of a chocolate chip muffin.

"Well," The women said as she took a deep thought to explain. "I always wanted to see you, how you been, and make things right."

Yukio absorbed what she was saying and he then looks at her.

"How do you know me then?" Yukio said. The women then took a deep breath and she replied with calmness in her voice.

"I remember seeing you," The women said. "I remember Zanna introducing you to me."

Yukio then remember back at Pablo and Priscilla's wedding, Zanna introduced him to her friends and their mother and father, but they didn't even recognize him. Yukio then looks at the women and he immediately realized who he was talking to.

"Mom?" Yukio said. The women then took off her sunglasses to reveal her face. The same face he saw when he saw his mother.

"Hello Yukio," Ms. Yakel said. Yukio couldn't believe his mother finally remember him.

"So you finally remember me?" Yukio asked with a disappointing tone.

"Yes," Ms. Yakel said feeling guilty. "Yukio, I'm sorry for not recognizing you."

Yukio could see an apologetic look on his mother's face. He let out a sigh and look at her.

"Why?" Yukio asked.

"Why, what?" Ms. Yakel said.

"Why did you even abandoned me?" Yukio asked. "I want an honest answer and explanation of why. If you refuse to say anything, I'll just stop asking and just leave."

Ms. Yakel was frozen at the spot and she didn't even know what to say to him. So she cleared her throat and spoke.

"Yukio, things were happening and back then, our family was low on money. Your father and I had to work hard to get money to pay bills for our house and buy food for Zanna and ourselves. When I was pregnant with you and on the day of your birth, when the doctors gave you to me and your father to hold him, I..." Ms. Yakel said shaking a bit.

"You what?" Yukio asked.

"I couldn't hold you," Ms. Yakel said with tears forming in her eyes. "I know we had to work harder so we can keep you happy along with your sister, but your father and I couldn't do it. So we agreed to put you up for adoption."

That was all Yukio needed to hear. He now knows the truth. He felt betrayed and he felt hurt. But he ignores it, got up, and started to head out the door.

"Yukio, wait!" Ms. Yakel as she had tears in her eyes. Yukio could only look at her and he simply left through the cafe doors. He couldn't believe his parents just did that to him. They gave him up and he was taken to an orphanage didn't do its job to take very good care of him. Yukio just walk on the sidewalk and he heard the doors opening, along with his mother's pleas to stop, but he refused and head away from her.


A/N I hope you readers enjoyed this chapter. Here are the next ideas.

One: (When Y meets the X Part 2) must deal with making things right with his mother.

I hope you readers a great day :D

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