Special Chapter: April Fools Day

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"Hello everyone." I said as I was coming up with a evil scheme.

"Today is April 1st, which means it is April Fools Day." I said. "It's the day where you play pranks, trick others, and mess around during the day."

I was filling up empty munchkins with mayonnaise.

"I'm giving my siblings these munchkins that contain mayonnaise as a prank." I said. "While I'm setting everything up, I will let you readers read the special chapter."

I took out my computer and began typing on it.

"On this chapter, everyone all tries not to get pranked by Aiden and Luan, because they're quite the evil masterminds of pranking." I said. "Now sit back and relax."


It was March 31, 11:00 am, in Royal Woods, Michigan. Yukio was trying to draw something in his artbook.

"Let's see, what creativity can I make?" Yukio said. Then suddenly, he heard the sounds of construction out in the halls.

"What was that?" Yukio asked as he went out of his room to Hunter and Perry, mostly Perry, because Hunter had crutches on, are moving food and supplies to their room.

"Keep going." Hunter said.

"I know, I know." Perry said.

"What's going on?" Yukio asked.

"Dude, it is March 31st! Do you know what this means?" Hunter asked.

"Tomorrow will be April 1st, which is known as April Fools Day." Yukio answered.

"Yes, and it's also Aiden and Luan's favorite holiday." Perry said.

"So?" Yukio asked.

"They are gonna pull many pranks on that day." Hunter said. "Which is why we're fortifying a room to make sure neither one of them has the opportunity to get us."

"Those two are pros when it comes to the pranking." Perry said.

"Luna and her siblings are staying in Lincoln's room." Hunter said. "They used mahogany to block the door."

"What are we going do then?" Yukio asked.

"It's very simple and clean. We will hide in your bedroom." Perry said.

"If that's okay with you." Hunter said.

"It's fine." Yukio said. "I better tell Haiku."

"Don't worry." Hunter said. "Lucy told her and she also told her to not respond to Aiden and Luan's text messages as well."

"Lynn told me that Luan used Ronnie Anne to lure Lincoln outside." Perry said.

"That's both clever and evil." Hunter said.

"Hold on a minute." Yukio said. "Where are Aiden and Luna right now?"

The sounds of the front door opening was heard from downstairs. The three boys went downstairs to see Aiden and Luan, both holding a box label "Plans for pranking" on it.

"Hey guys." Aiden said.

"Today is Pranksmas Eve." Luan said.

"Prepare to get pranked tomorrow on Prankmas Day." Aiden said, as the two left by entering the basement and closing the door, followed by laughter at the other side.

"Oh boy." Perry said.

"Let's get ready." Hunter said.

"Hold it." Yukio said. "Where's Pablo?"

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