Chapter 22: A Visit from the Past Part 1

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The mailman's truck parked right in front of Pablo's house. The mailman got out of his vehicle, walked to the front door, and rang the doorbell. Pablo went to the door and open it.

"Delivery here." The mailman said.

"Thanks." Pablo said. He took the clipboard and signed his name with a pen on it. He was given many letters and the mailman left. Pablo then closed the door.

"Guys, the mail is here!" Pablo said, catching the trio's attention. They walked downstairs and saw how many letters he hold.

"What is it?" Hunter asked.

"Here, it's from your family." Pablo said, giving him his mail. Hunter opened it and saw a letter from his parents, along with some money.

"Sweet." Hunter said, taking the money and reading the letter.

"This one is for all of us." Pablo said, opening a mail and in it was money from his father. He gave 25% amount of money each to the trio and he had the remaining money for himself.

"This is a letter from Mom." Pablo said, giving the mail to Perry and he opened it. Inside was a gift.

"Nice, she got me tickets for a game." Perry said. He took out the letter and read it.

"Anything else?" Aiden asked.

"Let's see." Pablo said. "Bills, bills, bills, bills, bills...."

"What?" Aiden said. Pablo was frozen at the mail in his hand.

"This mail is for you." Pablo said.

"From who?" Aiden asked.

"Your father." Pablo said, which grabbed the trio's attention.

"What?" Hunter said.

"No way." Perry said.

"Aiden, do you want to read this?" Pablo asked, giving him the mail.

"...." Aiden was silent. He wasn't sure to read whatever his father wrote to him. It's been about 5 years since he heard from him.

"Y'know, you don't have to." Pablo said.

"Yes." Aiden spoke. He took the mail and open it. He took the letter out and began to read. Aiden began to read it.

Dear Aiden,

It's me. Your father. It's been 5 years since we seen each other. I am aware of what's been going on with you and your mother. I know you're doing well. I just wish your mother was here with you, because I want to see the both of you in person. But I know she is being taken care of. It took me a while to find your new address and send the letter to you, but I did it. I understand if you don't want to talk to me, but if you do, I have my address at the bottom of this letter. You can either visit or write back. Your choice.

Sincerely, Dad.

"He finally responded." Aiden said.

"Are you thinking about talking to him?" Hunter asked.

"Well, we haven't seen each other for 5 years, and now, I got his address." Aiden said.

"What if it's a prank?" Perry asked.

"It's not a prank." Aiden said. "I seen his handwriting."

Aiden then went upstairs and his best friends followed him. He enter his room and took out his laptop.

"What are you doing?" Perry asked.

"Typing in the address and seeing what his house looks like." Aiden said. He got a result and it was a picture of a well looking house.

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