Chapter 21: Hunter and Luna's Big Break

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Hunter and Luna, were in the Louds garage, rehearsing a song and were getting the notes rights.

"We're done." Hunter said, putting his guitar on his back. "That was perfect."

"I loved it." Luna said. "It would be perfect if we can play this at a concert."

"A concert? We're gonna have to book it first." Hunter explained.

"I know luv, but it's hard." Luna said, looking down.

"Hey." Hunter said, gaining his girlfriend's attention. "Maybe one day, we will perform live to others."

"Yeah, you're right." Luna said. The two went closer to each other and were about to kiss, but someone interrupted them.

"Hey Hunter!" Aiden said.

"Luna!" Luan said.

'Why?' Both Hunter and Luna thought. Aiden and Luan arrived at the garage and their faces show excitement.

"What do you guys want?" Luna asked.

"We found someone you two know." Luan said.

"Is it Mick Swagger?!" Hunter and Luna said.

"Close." Aiden said.

"What do you mean by that?" Hunter said.

"Luan and I met Mick Swaggers assistant manager." Aiden said. Suddenly, he was grabbed by Luna and was being violently shaken by her.

"His manager?!" Luna said. "Where is he?!"

"At the diner. A man wearing a suit." Aiden said. Luna let go of him, causing him to fall to the ground and she ran out the garage, to the diner, with Hunter behind her.

"Aiden? You okay?" Luan asked, helping her boyfriend up.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Aiden said. He then took notice of his best friend's disappearance. "He left too, didn't he?"

"Yep, he's after Luna like a Hunter." Luan joked, causing herself and Aiden to laugh.


"Why do I have the feeling of someone using my name in a joke?" Hunter said. He simply shrugged it off and entered the diner. He saw Luna, looking for Mick Swaggers assistant.

"You found him?" Hunter asked.

"Nope." Luna said. "Wait a second."

"What?" Hunter said.

"This must be Aiden's and Luan's prank on us." Luna said.

"Uh, Luna?" Hunter said, noticing something.

"When I get hands on those two, I'll-" Luna said, but she was cut off by Hunter.

"Luna! Look." Hunter said, pointing to what he's looking at. It was a man, wearing a suit and he was in a call with someone.

"Is that who I think it is?" Luna said.

"Let's go find out." Hunter said. The two walked towards him and listen to his call.

"No, Mick is gonna perform there, do you hear me?" The manager said. "I'm at the diner in Royal Woods. I'm getting dinner for myself to eat, and probably get some for Mick."

"It really is him." Hunter said.

"Let's talk to him." Luna said, with her boyfriend agreeing.

"See you later." The manager said. He let out a sigh.

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