Chapter 77: Robots and Animals

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It was a normal day at Pablo and Priscilla's house. It was the morning and everyone was getting up.

"Guys!" Pablo said. "It's time for school."

"We'll be there," The trio said as they went downstairs and sat at the table for breakfast.

"We're here," RJ said as Ethan and Devin were behind him.

"So nothing happens between you and Leni?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, that's correct," Devin said. "Now I need to eat breakfast to help my brain for today."

The six were eating breakfast and soon, finished it. They went to the living room, waiting for Pablo.

"I'm here," Pablo said.

"Good luck in school today," Yukio said entering the scene.

"See ya Yukio," Hunter said as the six went outside.

"Remind me," Devin said. "Why doesn't Yukio go to school?"

"He's not comfortable with it," Aiden said. "So that's why Pablo and Priscilla decided to homeschool him."

"It must be nice," Ethan said.

"It's not what you think," Perry said as the six all were near the car. "Lynn, Lincoln, and the rest of the Loud sisters all tried it since Lola had it temporarily, but they didn't know there would be a test each week for what you learned."

"Never mind," Ethan said. "I take back what I said."

Back in the house, Pablo left through the front door and there were Yukio and Priscilla.

"Yukio," Priscilla said. "There is one thing I need you to do today."

"What is it?" Yukio asked.

"Mr. and Ms. Loud are off the work and I need you to take care of their pets," Priscilla said.

"Sure," Yukio said. "I'll take care of Cliff, Charles, Geo, and Walts."

Aiden then entered the house.

"Hey Yukio," Aiden said. "Could you do me a favor and make sure Minimo is okay?"

"Sure," Yukio said as Aiden then left.

"Mr. and Ms. Loud will drop their pets off at the front door," Priscilla said.

"Okay," Yukio said as Priscilla left. Soon, the front door was knocked and Yukio went over to see the Loud pets. He looks and saw Mr. and Ms. Loud in Vanzilla.

"We trust you," Mr. Loud said as he drove away.

"Okay," Yukio said. "I have to take care of Cliff, Charles, Geo, Walt, and Minimo."

Yukio let the pets in and closed the front door.

"You all stay here," Yukio said. "I have to get Minimo."

The pets all nodded and Yukio went downstairs to the basement. He looks around at the gadgets and saw Minimo, who was in the sleeping mode. Then Minimo was awakened and looks at Yukio.

"Hey Yukio," Minimo said.

"Hey Minimo," Yukio said. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well," Minimo said. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Yukio said.

"Let me know if there's something I can do for you," Minimo said.

"Okay," Yukio said. "Thanks."

Yukio heads upstairs to check on the Loud pets, who were observing the house around. Yukio then heard the doggie door opening from the back to see his pet.

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