Chapter 56: Date Advice

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It was a normal day in Royal Woods. Aiden was reading a comedy book in the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Hey Aiden." Pablo said with Priscilla by his side.

"Hey Pablo and Priscilla." Aiden said. "You two are heading to work together?"

"Yep." Pablo said.

"Have a nice day." Priscilla said as the two left.

"You too guys." Aiden said as he watches the two leave the house.

"Aiden!" Hunter said running down the stairs, but he fell down the stairs.

"Hunter!" Aiden said. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine." Hunter said getting up.

"But you just fell down-" Aiden said, but was cut off.

"Not important right now." Hunter said. "Luna told me that Tabby and Joe are finally going out together and they're having their first date."

"Well that's great." Aiden said.

"Also, Tasha has the courage to ask Orion out on a date." Hunter added.

"That's great news." Aiden said. "Are they planning a double date?"

"Yes." Hunter said as he had his hands up and suddenly, he felt pain entering his body. "Ow."

"I told you." Aiden said.

"What happened?" Hunter asked.

"Your adrenaline must've worn off." Aiden said before receiving a text message from Luan. He looks at his girlfriend's text message.

Luan: Aiden, I need to head over to Tasha's house.

Aiden: Why?

Luan: She needs our help along with Ella. It's a love emergency.

Aiden: Alright. I'll head my way over there fast.

Luan: Okay xoxo

Aiden then placed his phone in his pockets and took off.

"Where are you going?" Hunter asked.

"Off to see Luan." Aiden said leaving through the front door and closing it as well.

"Well, I better take it easy." Hunter said walking to the couch and taking a seat. He heard footsteps from upstairs to see Perry running down the stairs.

"Hey Hunter." Perry said.

"Hey Perry." Hunter said. "Where are you going?"

"Off to see Lynn." Perry said.

"Okay." Hunter said.

"See ya later." Perry said walking out through the front door and closing it as well.

"I better see what Luna is up to." Hunter said taking his leave and closing the door on his way out. Yukio was walking down the stairs and saw the living room was empty.

"Where is everyone?" Yukio asked. He hears his phone let out multiple notifications and he decides to have a look at it.

Pablo: Priscilla and I have to head to work.

Hunter: Gonna see what Luna's doing.

Aiden: Helping Luan out with something.

Perry: Helping Lynn out with something.

Yukio: Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

He sent his message to all of them and proceeds to write down some poetry and draw some sketches.

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