Chapter 36: A Crushing Defeat

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It wasn't a normal day at Pablo's house. Today was a big day for Perry because it was his important soccer match today.

"C'mon Hunter and Aiden!" Pablo said downstairs with Perry next to him, in his blue soccer uniform, and Yukio. "We're gonna be late!"

"On our way!" Hunter said. Aiden arrived first downstairs and Hunter arrived second. He didn't had his crutches to help him walk. Instead, he had a casted foot.

"You're glad you are no longer using crutches?" Perry asked.

"I'm fine." Hunter said, taking his steps. "It's been awhile since I walked."

The five all head outside and entered the car. Pablo was in the driver's seat, Perry was in the passenger's seat, and the rest were sitting in the back.

"You ready Perry?" Pablo asked.

"You know I am." Perry said, as Pablo started to drive out of their yard and the car was on the road.

"So, who are you against?" Aiden asked.

"Another team that has people thinking they're more better than us at soccer." Perry said.

"Do you happen to know anyone?" Yukio asked.

"Yeah." Perry said. "His name is Eduardo. He's very rude and he doesn't respect people."

"Does he even know who you are?" Hunter asked.

"He does." Perry said. "But he doesn't care about my mother."

"Did he say something that is offensive to Mom?" Pablo asked in anger.

"I'm afraid he did." Perry answered. "But I'm not letting him win."

"That's the spirit." Pablo said.

"We all will be rooting for you." Hunter said.

"We're your friends." Aiden said.

"Plus, the others promised to be there." Yukio said.

"Yeah." Perry said as they arrived at the outside soccer field.

"Let's get ready." Pablo said as the five exited the car and enter the field. Pablo, Hunter, Aiden, and Yukio all head towards the bleachers while Perry went over to his team.

"You're here Perry." The coach said. "We have everyone all present."

Perry looked at his older brother and friends, who were supporting him. Pablo had a camera to record the game, Hunter had a foam finger that has Perry's team onit, Aiden had a flag that said "Go Perry," and Yukio had a drawing of the his team's logo. The other team had arrived, who were wearing purple soccer uniforms. One of them was walking towards Perry, who had brown hair, purple soccer uniform, and green cleats.

"Hello Perry." The boy said.

"Eduardo." Perry said, with a uneasy voice.

"You're team is gonna get crushed." Eduardo said. "You all won't stand a chance."

"We'll see about that." Perry said as Eduardo just smirk and walked away.

"You okay Perry?" Yukio asked, entering the field.

"I'm fine." Perry said. "I won't go easy in this game."

"Hey guys." Lynn said entering the scene with her family.

"We can't wait to see you win." Lola said.

"After the game has finished." Lisa added.

"Hey Yukio." Lucy appearing the scene, scaring everyone expect Yukio.

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