Chapter 75: Dance Royale

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It was a normal day in Royal Woods, Michigan. In the Loud House, the Loud siblings were watching tv until a commercial happened.

"Really?" Lola asked before Lana shush her.

"Do you want to be known?" The announcer said. "Do you have the talent to do some set of moves that'll leave the audience amazed? Well, come on down to the Royal Woods Dancing Competition, where people are to dance, show their set of dance moves, and would win 10000 dollars and the trophy for being the best dancers."

That immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Really?!" Luna asked excitedly.

"You can either go solo or duo," The announcer said. "So good luck to all of you contestants."

With that said, the commercial finished and everyone all began talking to each other.

"Just imagine what we can literally do with that money," Lori said.

"We can get whatever we want," Lincoln said.

"But who is the best at dancing?" Lynn asked as the siblings all began to think.

"Well, Hunter and I are gonna be a duo," Luna said.

"Same for me and Aiden," Luan said.

"Perry and I are going to dance," Lynn said.

"I'm inviting Bobby and Ronnie Anne over so they can help me and Lincoln," Lori said as Lincoln nodded.

"We're gonna go practice," The twins said. Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, and Lincoln all left the house and Lori and Lincoln head into to the Vanzilla, while the others headed to Pablo and Priscilla's house.

"Let's knock first," Leni said as she received nods. She then knocks on the door.

"Hold on," Pablo said. "I'm getting over here."

Pablo opened the door to see the Loud siblings.

"Hi Pablo," Luna said. "Where are Hunter, Aiden, and Perry?"

"They're in the backyard," Pablo said.

"Thanks," Lynn said as the Loud sisters all exit to the backyard, to see Hunter, Aiden, Perry, RJ, Ethan, and Devin all discussing something.

"I'm telling you," Devin said. "There could be a day where technology will have a mind of its own and rule the world."

"Really?" Perry asked.

"Yep," Devin said. "We shouldn't be too addictive to our phones, computers, consoles, etc."

"Hey dudes," Luna said earning the guys attention.

"Hey Luna," Hunter said. "What brings you guys over here?"

"Well," Luna began. "There's a Royal Woods Dancing Competition going on and I'm hoping if you will be my partner for it."

"Of course Luna," Hunter said.

"Same goes for us," Aiden and Perry said to Luan and Lynn, which causes them to smile.

"Hold on," Luna said. "Who's gonna be your partner Leni?"

"Well," Leni said looking at RJ, Ethan, and Devin. "I would want Devin as my partner."

"What?" Devin taken back by this. "I'm not that much of a dancer."

"Please," Leni said with those puppy eyes.

"No," Devin muttered before yelling. "Alright, I'll do it."

Leni smiled hearing that.

"Where's Yukio?" Luan said noticing that he wasn't here.

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