Chapter 15: The Famous Player

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Pablo was cleaning everything at his home, making sure nothing goes wrong. His phone ranged and he immediately picked up.

"Hello?" Pablo said.

"Hey Pablo." Ms. Pierce said through the line.

"Mom? How'd you been?" Pablo asked.

"Great. Also, check your door." Ms. Pierce said.

"My door?" Pablo said as he walked over to his door. "Why would I-"

Pablo opened the door and there was a women who had black hair, black shirt with grey sleeves, blue pants, white cleats, and black shades. The women was on her phone and she hung up.

"Mom? You're here." Pablo said. The two hugged each other and let go of each other.

"That's right. I have a lot of free time, so I wanted to spend the day with my two sons." Ms. Pierce said.

"Mom, did you came alone or is Dad with you?" Pablo asked.

"Just me. Your father is busy, but he said later he'll chat with us online." Ms. Pierce said.

"What's all the noise?" Perry asked, coming down the stairs along with Hunter and Aiden. Perry saw his mother standing there and he immediately ran to her a gave her a hug.

"Mom! You're here to visit us and spend the day here?" Perry said letting go of her.

"Yes." Ms. Pierce said. She looked at her sons. "How've you two boys been, you watch out for another?"

"We have, Mom." Pablo said.

"Yes." Perry said.

"How are you two?" Ms. Pierce said to Hunter and Aiden.

"Great." Hunter said. "We like living here."

"We already made new friends." Aiden said.

"That's great." Ms. Pierce said. "Lets all go to the park. I saw it when I was on my way here."

"Sure." Pablo said. The Pierces all walked outside to the park, leaving Hunter and Aiden alone.

"Do you think we should follow?" Aiden asked.

"Nah." Hunter said. "We should go hangout with our girlfriends."

"If we tell Lynn about their mother, how much excited she would be?" Aiden asked.

"A lot." Hunter said. "Lincoln and Perry told me she wants to a meet a famous sports player."

"Let's go see if she will be excited." Aiden said, the two walking over to the Loud House.


"Looks like you were right." Aiden said. The two explained why Perry wasn't here and when Lynn heard his mother is here to spend the day with them, she was excited.

"She's here?! Alisa Pierce is here?!" Lynn said.

"You two made her very excited." Luna commented.

"What should I call her?! Alisa or Ms. Pierce?!" Lynn wonder.

"Lynn!" Aiden said. "Relax. You can call her Ms. Pierce."

"Thanks for the advice." Lynn said relaxed. "I got to go meet her."

Lynn grab a soccer ball and took off running to her location, leaving the two couples standing there.

"Hey." Leni said entering the scene. "What did I miss?"

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