Chapter 48: Loud TV Friends

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It was the morning in Royal Woods. Hunter, Aiden, Perry, and Yukio were watching TV.

"Are you calling me a liar?" The man on TV said.

"I ain't calling you a truther!" The other man on TV said.

"It was a good show back then." Aiden commented.

"Yeah, it was." Hunter said.

"We interrupt this program to bring you a message." The TV announcer said.

"What commercial is this?" Perry asked.

"Hey, all you people!" A director said. "Have you ever thought about auditioning to be on shows such as "Dream Boat" or a new one?"

That caught the trio's interest.

"If you head to the Royal Woods Studio, we're having an audition for a chance to be on TV." The announcer said.

"Do you guys hear that?!" Hunter asked.

"We have to audition!" Aiden said.

"Let's go tell the Louds." Perry said. Suddenly, the front door opens and it was the Louds.

"Did you see the commercial?" Lincoln asked.

"We sure did and we're about to tell you." Hunter said.

"C'mon, let's go audition." Luna said as the trio all joined them.

"Yukio, you coming?" Aiden asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." Yukio said.

"Suit yourself." Perry said as they all left and closed the front door. Pablo then entered the scene.

"What did I miss?" Pablo asked.

"Hunter, Aiden, Perry, and the Louds all head to Royal Woods Studio to be in an audition for TV." Yukio said.

"All of them on TV?" Pablo asked.

"Just the Loud siblings." Yukio pointed out. "Their parents must've been busy."


Everyone all arrived at the Royal Woods Studio.

"Here we are." Hunter said.

"Everyone ready?" Lori asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone said as they entered through the front doors. The whole lobby was crowded with a line.

"Are you serious?" Lana asked.

"Over a hundred people came to audition." Lisa said.

"Over a hundred?!" Lola said.

"I'm afraid so." Lisa said. "In the meantime, the only thing we can do is wait."

Everyone all let out sighs while Lucy says sigh. The group all watch as the line got shorter and shorter. Soon, the line was really short and everyone can hear the director.

"Next!" The director said.

"Lori, you're up first." Lincoln pointed out. "Good luck."

"Thanks." Lori said as she entered the stage.

"Name?" The director asked.

"Lori Loud." Lori said.

"What would get you mad?" The director asked.

"Someone against me, someone who messes with my family, and no cell reception for my phone." Lori said.

"Okay, next." The director said as she decided to stay and watch everyone else get their chance to speak.

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