Chapter 16: Memories + Announcements

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It was a new day at Royal Woods. It was 7:00 am and Hunter, along with Aiden and Perry, were asleep.

"Ring!!!" The alarm clock went off. The three best friends all woken up from that sound and Perry snoozed the alarm off.

"Good morning guys!" Hunter said, stretching and grabbing his goggles.

"We better get dressed up." Aiden said.

"Yeah, and drink a cup of coffee." Perry said. The trio all put on their outfits they wear and went to their kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Before they can have a sip, there heard a voice.

"You all up too?" Pablo asked. The trio all looked at him.

"What time did you wake up?" Perry asked.

"At 6:30 am." Pablo said. He looked at his watch and grabbed his stuff.

"Where are you going?" Hunter asked.

"To work." Pablo said.

"I thought you don't work on Saturdays." Aiden asked.

"I don't, but my boss called me and asked to cover for another employee." Pablo said. "He's sick, so I'm filling in for him. It's the least I can do."

"Good luck at work." Perry said.

"Later." Pablo said, leaving the house and the three best friends alone.

"So, now what do we do?" Hunter asked.

"Let's watch TV." Perry said. "I know what we can watch."


"I wonder who she chooses?" Aiden asked.

"Dunno, but I have to go with the music guy." Hunter said.

"Nah, I say the athlete guy." Perry said.

"No, the fun guy." Aiden said. The three all began to argue and soon, the door was open.

"Hey dudes, are you-" Luna said, but she, along with her siblings, all stopped when they saw the trio were watching "Dream Boat."

"You guys watch that show too?" Lincoln asked. The three guys all looked at each other and they all made a agreement.

"Yes, we do." Aiden confirmed.

"So does Pablo, so go ahead, laugh." Perry said. The three were waiting for the sound of laughing, but it never came.

"Awesome." Luna said.

"Wait, you all are okay with this?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah. No other guys watch it, expect for our father and Lincoln." Lynn said.

"Glad you're okay with this." Perry said. "So, what's the problem?"

"Nothing." Luan said. "Just wanted to hang out with you four."

"Speaking of four, where's Pablo?" Lucy asked.

"He's at work, filling in for someone who's sick." Aiden said.

"It's nice of him." Leni said.

"Any other questions?" Hunter said. Lana raised her hand.

"Yes Lana?" Hunter asked.

"How did you three met?" Lana asked.

"I want to know too." Lola added.

"I wonder that as well." Lisa said. All eyes were on them.

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