Chapter 68: Kimberly's Ex

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It was a normal day at the Loud house. Aiden and Luan were reading a book of jokes together. Luan was resting her head on his shoulder while Aiden was holding the book so they can read together. Their reading was interrupted by a rapid knock on the door that brought the couple's attention.

"Who could that be?" Luan asked.

"I'll open it," Aiden said as he got up and approached the door. When he opens the front door, there stood Kimberly, but she looked different. Aiden gasped and Luan came to the door to see why he gasp, only for herself to gasp as well.

"Kimberly?" Luan said as Kimberly could only wave.

"What happen to you?" Aiden asked as Kimberly entered the house by limping and she sat on the couch.

"I...was..." Kimberly softly said before tears started to come out of her eyes.

"Kimberly," Luan said as Aiden closed the front door. "Who did this to you?"

"Remember Justin?" Kimberly said receiving nods from the comedian couple. "He came to me and he said he wanted to get back together with me, but I said no and then he... he..."

Kimberly was looking at her injuries and she felt more tears coming out of her eyes.

"Kimberly, what did he do?" Aiden asked as he and Luan put their hands on her shoulders.

"He then attacked me!" Kimberly said. That brought Aiden and Luan's attention and they look at Kimberly to see her breaking down. She immediately pulls Aiden and Luan into a hug and the two were startled of her for doing that. Aiden and Luan could only pat her back and said things to calm her down while she was crying.

"It's alright Kimberly," Luan said. "We won't let Justin near you."

"Yeah," Aiden said. "We'll tell the others and they can help."

"You two mean it?" Kimberly asked as she was sniffing a bit.

"We promise," Aiden said. "Luan, get your siblings while I get the others to help out."

"Okay," Luan said as she left upstairs and Aiden moved Kimberly to the couch.

"You'll be fine Kimberly," Aiden said as he took out his phone.

"I'm just scared," Kimberly said looking down.

"He won't lay another finger on you," Aiden said as he was currently texting. "When he attacked you, did you ran?"

"Yes..." Kimberly said quietly. Luan then came down the stairs.

"My siblings are on their way," Luan said.

"The others are gonna be here as well," Aiden said. "Now let's take care of your injuries before they get here."


Kimberly was bandaged up and the Loud siblings along with Hunter, Perry, Yukio, Haiku, RJ, Ethan, Maggie, Devin, Orion, Tasha, and Ella were in the living room of the Loud house.

"Where's Pablo and Priscilla?" Aiden asked as everyone looks at Perry.

"They're at work," Perry said. "I told Pablo and Priscilla and they said to watch out for Kimberly and they'll be here when they're done working."

"Okay," Luan said.

"Are you okay Kimberly?" Tasha asked as she and Ella sat near her.

"I'm fine," Kimberly said. "For now. Can you guys please take me to my house?"

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