Chapter 52: Skate Boarded

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It was the morning in Pablo and Priscilla's house. Perry was minding his own business when he heard something from the basement. He went downstairs to see Aiden working on something.

"What is that?" Perry asked.

"It's something new I'm working on." Aiden said as he trying to add something.

"Can I see?" Perry asked.

"Sure." Aiden said as he reveal what he's working on. It was a skateboard with small turbo engines on the back.

"What is that?!" Perry asked in amazement.

"This is a special skateboard I've been working on." Aiden answered. "I'm still working on the name for it."

"What does it do?" Perry asked.

"Allows you to go turbo fast." Aiden answers. "I'm still determining to see if it's safe or not."

"Can I have a go?" Perry asked.

"Not yet." Aiden said.

"C'mon." Perry said. "I'm hyped!"

"I know you are, but I still need time to work on it." Aiden said. "Why don't you go hang out with Lynn?"

"Alright." Perry said taking his cue to leave by heading upstairs. Before he left the house, he grabs his skateboard. When he arrives at the Loud House, he knocks on the Loud's front door.

"Who is it?" Lynn asked.

"It's me." Perry said as the door opened to reveal his girlfriend.

"Hello Perry." Lynn said.

"Hey Lynn, do you wanna go with me to the park so we can hang out and also try out the new skate ramps?" Perry asked.

"Of course." Lynn said. "Let me get my skateboard first."

Lynn then left, leaving Perry alone.

'Okay Perry.' Perry thought. 'Whatever you do, don't think about that super cool skateboard Aiden's working on. I need to focus on my skateboard date with Lynn.'

"Hello Perry." Mr. and Ms. Loud said snapping Perry out of his thoughts.

"Hello Mr. and Ms. Loud." Perry said.

"So Perry." Mr. Loud said. "I heard from my kids that your brother and his girlfriend are getting married. Is it true?"

"Yes." Perry said. "It's true."

"That's great." Ms. Loud said.

"Hey Perry." Mr. Loud said. "Can you later tell Pablo that if he needs someone to talk to, I can help him?"

"Also Priscilla, she can talk to me?" Ms. Loud asked.

"Sure." Perry said causing the Loud parents to smile.

"Thanks Perry." The two parents said as they walked away and Lynn returned.

"I'm back." Lynn said. "Let's go."

Perry and Lynn walked together to the park and saw the new ramps.

"Check them out." Perry said.

"I can't wait to skate." Lynn said as the two ran towards to the ramps. Many other kids were there skating laughing. Perry and Lynn were having fun trying out the new skate ramp.

"This ramp is awesome!" Lynn said.

"Yeah." Perry said.

"Y'know what would be really great?" Lynn asked.

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