Chapter 86: Helping, Aiding, and Pitying the Enemy

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It was a normal day at Pablo and Priscilla's house. RJ was using the computer to video chat with Heather. Hunter, Aiden, Perry, and Ethan were playing Uno as their girlfriends were observing them. Yukio was praising Riley's drawing as Haiku smiles at her artwork.

"So, Heather," RJ said.

"Yes?" Heather said.

"I was wondering..." RJ said trying to say it.

"Of what?" Heather asked.

"If you wanted to hang out with me to see the new movies that will premiere tomorrow?" RJ said finishing his question.

"Sure," Heather said. "I love to."

"Great," RJ said.

"So," Heather said. "How's everything going for you guys?"

"Well-" RJ said, but the front door was being knocked.

"I'll get it," Minimo said opening the door, but was pushed out of the way by Devin and Leni.

"You guys!" Devin said getting everyone's attention.

"What is it, Devin?" Aiden asked.

"Did you guys see the video that just went live?" Devin asked.

"What video?" Ethan questions.

"You didn't see it!" Devin said in disbelief.

"I need to show you."

With that said, Devin went over to RJ.

"Devin, what are you..." RJ said before realizing what he wants. "I'm in a video chat!"

"It's okay," Heather said. "I have to go."

"Okay," RJ said as Heather disconnects. "This video better be important."

"It is," Devin said as RJ stands up and lets Devin sits down as he began to type on the keyboard.

"Why is it important?" Hunter asked.

"It involves Eduardo," Leni said.

"Eduardo?!" Everyone said in disbelief.

"Who's Eduardo?" Riley asked.

"An enemy," Lynn said.

"What did he do?" Luna asked.

"You have to see the video," Devin as he found the video.

"Play it!" Everyone said.

"I'll stream the video to the tv," Devin said as everyone all got comfortable and looks at the tv. Devin plays it and sits next to Leni.

"Let's see," Eduardo said in the video. "A bag of chips and can of soda. This weekend is gonna be awesome."

Eduardo didn't notice a little girl pushing a shopping cart. When the shopping cart crashed into Eduardo, it caused him to drop his bag of chips and can of soda to open on impact and left a mess.

"My stuff!" Eduardo said.

"I'm sorry," The little girl apologizes as Eduardo could only glare at her.

"Sorry?!" Eduardo said. "Those were the last soda can and the bag of chips!"

Eduardo then looks around before asking a question.

"Where's your stupid mother?" Eduardo said before looking back at the shopping cart to see a lollipop. He grabs it and looks at her. "hey, were you gonna buy this lollipop?"

She could only nod before Eduardo snaps it with his knee and threw it to the ground.

"Well, now, it's broken!" Eduardo said as the little girl started to cry as he continued to rant.

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