Chapter 42: Forming the Band

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It was the morning in Royal Woods. Aiden and Perry were fast asleep, until a sound was heard.

"Guys. Wake up." Hunter said as his best friends slowly woke up.

"Hunter?" Aiden said.

"You woke us up before the alarm." Perry said, seeing it was 6:55 am.

"C'mon, let's go get breakfast." Hunter said as the trio change from their sleeping wear into their regular clothes. They exit their room to see Yukio already up.

"Hey guys." Yukio said.

"You woke up early like Hunter?" Perry asked.

"Yes." Yukio said. "I always do."

"So Hunter, the reason you woke us up is because you're in a cheery mood?" Aiden asked.

"Yep." Hunter said. "Luna and I are going to form a band."

Everyone headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

"I'm going to eat breakfast first, then it's off to the Louds garage." Hunter said.

"Okay then." Pablo said, entering the scene. "I'll make pancakes, is that okay for you all?"

"Yes!" The trio said.

"Sure." Yukio said as Pablo served the pancakes and everyone was chewing down on Pablo's cooking.

"Delicious." Aiden said.

"That's how to start a good morning." Perry said.

"I'll be heading to the Louds now." Hunter said, leaving the room.

"See ya later then." Yukio said as Hunter closed the front door.


Hunter had arrived at the Louds garage to see Luna and Tabby waiting.

"You made it luv." Luna said.

"Wouldn't want to miss it." Hunter said.

"Can't wait to see who's auditioning." Tabby said.

"Here's the full list." Hunter said holding a clipboard.

"Let's get started." Luna said as the three all sat behind a table.

"Someone's coming!" Tabby said as Hunter and Luna looked to where she was pointing at.

"Hello." A girl said.

"What's your name?" Luna asked.

"Sally." The girl said.

"What do you play?" Hunter asked.

"I can play the drums." Sally said.

"Let's see mate." Tabby said as Hunter gave Sally a pair of drums.

"Here I go." Sally said as she started to play the drums with a unique rhythm. Hunter, Luna, and Tabby were liking the beat and Hunter wrote her name on the waiting list.

"Great skills Sally." Hunter said. "We'll let you know if you're accepted."

"Thanks." Sally said, leaving the garage.

"Who's next?" Luna asked. The three rockers spend minutes, listening to people who were playing musical instruments. Some were great, some were okay, and some were bad.

"Did everyone on the list all played a music for us?" Luna asked.

"Yes, but we're missing one person." Hunter said with his eyes on the clipboard, looking at every name checkmarked expect for the last one.

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