Chapter 78: Loud Family Tales Part 2

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It was nighttime in the Loud House. Lily was in her crib resting on it awake, as the Loud siblings were all looking through the book.

"Now," Lori began. "It's time to tell Lily another bedtime story."

Lily was babbling happily as the Loud siblings were smiling at her.

"Now," Lori said. "Who is gonna tell Lily the story thee version?"

"I will," Luna said.

"Here," Lori said giving her the book.

"I wonder what story she is gonna tell," Lana wondered.

"I hope it's doesn't make us the bad guys," Lola said.

"Nope," Luna said.

"Then what story are you gonna read?" Luan asked.

"It's Rapunzel," Luna said.

"You're Rapunzel, right?" Lincoln guessed.

"Yep," Luna said.

"What version is it?" Lana asked. "The original story or the movie?"

"The movie," Luna said.


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Luna, who had really long blonde hair. She lives in a tower, which was owned by her mother, Lori.

"Are you literally serious about using me as the evil stepmother again?!" Lori asked angrily.

"Yes," Luna said. "Moving on."

Luna wanted to go out and explore the outside world. However, her mother told her that the outside world was a dangerous place to be because of the people and the animals. Her mother stated that she would be better safe in the tower.

"I'll be right back sweetie," Lori said. "Stay where you are and you'll be safe."

"Okay Mom," Luna said as she left, leaving Luna all to herself. Luna was examining every item that she had, but she then looks out the window.

"Oh, how I wish to go outside," Luna said. Somewhere else, there were three bandits who were running with loot on their hands.

"We got everything from that rob," One of the bandits said. Their names were Hunter, Aiden, and Perry.

"So," Aiden said. "What do we do now?"

"We can cash this in for a lot of money," Perry said.

"Yeah," Hunter said. "Hey, guys."

"What?" Aiden and Perry said looking at Hunter.

"How much money do you guys think we'll have?" Hunter asked.

"Over 10,000 gold," Aiden said.

"We are gonna become rich!" Perry said.

"Yeah," Hunter said. "Listen, you two."

"What is it?" Aiden asked.

"I appreciate you two helping me out with this goal," Hunter said. "But..."

"But what?" Perry asked before Hunter hits Aiden and Perry to the side, causing them to drop the loot and for Hunter to swipe them.

"I need all the gold!" Hunter said running with the loot, wall jumping on two walls, and was able to escape with everything on his back.

"You traitor!" Aiden and Perry said.

"Now what?" Aiden asked.

"I dunno," Perry said. "We'll find him later. I'll tell you that."

"Let's hope so," Aiden said as the two then heard guards from the castle as they run away. "C'mon!"

Hunter was running with the loot as fast as he could and he kept going until he saw something afar.

"What the?" Hunter stopping at the sight to see a tower. "I don't remember this here."

Hunter decided to advanced forward and admire the tower. As he moved closer, he saw a window and he could hear someone.

"This is boring," Luna said as she was examining the stuff she had.

"Hello?" Hunter said which caught Luna's attention as she looks out the window to see Hunter.

"Hello," Luna said

"Hello," Hunter said. "Who are you?"

"Luna," Luna said. "Who are you?"

"Hunter," Hunter said. "Can I come in?"

"Well, I would," Luna said. "But the door is locked and I'm not allowed to open the door."

"Do you have a rope or ladder?" Hunter asked.

"Nope," Luna said. "You could climb up my hair."

"Climb up your hair?" Hunter said. "You must have really long hair don't ya?"

"That's right!" Luna said as she let hair down the window and for it to land near Hunter. Hunter proceeded to climb up the hair until he has reached the tower's window.

"I'm coming in," Hunter said as he enters the tower. "Man, this is like some sort of fairytale."

"Hold it!" Lynn said. "You're breaking the fourth wall!"

"So what if I am?" Luna asked.

"You shouldn't let the readers hear this!" Luan said.

"Now you're breaking the fourth wall!" Lincoln said.

"It's because the author is making us say this kind of things!" Leni said.

Alright, this is stupid. I'm skipping to the ending.

"No! Wait!" The Loud siblings said.

Too late.

Luna learned the truth of being the king and queen's daughter.

Hunter comes back for Luna, but Lori stabs him.

Luna cuts off her hair, causing Lori to turn into ash because of her age.

"Are you serious?!" Lori said. "You're doing-"

What did we talk about?!

"Never complain of the author choice," Lori mumbles. "I'm sorry."


Luna was able to save Hunter with a kiss.

Luna reunited with King Lynn Sr. and Queen Rita Loud.

Luna and Hunter got married.

"The end," Luna said as the Loud siblings saw Lily who fell asleep.

"Night everyone," Lana whispers as everyone except Lisa left the room.


A/N I hope you readers enjoyed this chapter. The chapter was kind of rush because I was tired from testing and I didn't want to leave you all waiting for me. Plus, I was celebrating my father's birthday yesterday. So, here are the next ideas.

One: (The Past) Yukio encounters someone and people from the past.

Two: (Connecting the Pieces) RJ and Ethan must find out what happened to their parents.

I hope you readers a great day :D

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