Chapter 13: Stopping the Destruction Part 1

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Aiden was sleeping in his bed, while Hunter and Perry were sleeping on their beds, which were bunk beds.

"*Ringing!*" Aiden's phone ranged. Aiden woke up and looked to see who was calling him at 3 in the morning. Aiden picked it up, left the room, and went downstairs to the living room.

"Hello?" Aiden asked, tired a little.

"Hello Aiden." A new voice entered.

"Dr. Thompson? Why are you calling this late?" Aiden asked.

"Listen Aiden, your mother requests to see you right now." Dr. Thompson said.

"What? Why?" Aiden asked.

"She'll tell you when you get there." Dr. Thompson said.

"Okay." Aiden said. "I'll ask Pablo to take me there."

"Bye." Dr. Thompson said, hanging up. Aiden slowly got out of his bed, slowly walked out of the room, walked to Pablo's room, and gently woke him up.

"Pablo." Aiden said, shaking him gently.

"Five more minutes." Pablo tiredly said.

"Pablo." Aiden said.

"What? Oh, hey Aiden." Pablo said, yawning.

"I need you to drive me somewhere." Aiden asked.

"To where in the middle of the night?" Pablo said.

"I'll explain along the way." Aiden said.

"We'll take my car." Pablo said. "But first, let's take a drink of coffee to help us."


Pablo was driving in his new car he got and Aiden was in the passenger's seat.

"So let me get this straight." Pablo began. "The doctor told you that your mother requests you to visit her."

"Yeah, that's right." Aiden said.

"Why?" Pablo asked.

"I dunno, she'll tell me what the problem is." Aiden said. "I know how worried she can be."

"Yeah." Pablo said. "She needs you to help her with something."

"I can help her." Aiden said. The two finally arrived at the mental hospital.

"Here we are." Pablo said, pointing to the building.

"See ya later Pablo." Aiden said leaving the car. He closed the door and entered the building. When Pablo saw that Aiden entered the building, he drove off back to home. Aiden was in the main lobby, looking at the people who need help. He walked to the front desk to speak to the person.

"Hello? How can I help you?" The women said.

"Hi, I'm here to see my mother." Aiden said.

"You're her son, right?" The women asked.

"Yes." Aiden said. The woman looked at her computer, and soon, she finished her search.

"Your mother is in room A-7." The women said, pointing to the hallway A.

"Thanks." Aiden said, leaving to the hallway and arriving at the A-7 door. He took courage and open the door. The room was an okay room. He saw a women with long black hair, cyan shirt, black pants, and gray shoes. She was reading a book and lying on a bed.

Aiden was having many flashbacks of when he was spending time with her.

"Hey Mom." Aiden said happily. The women looked up and gasped at who it was.

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