Chapter 43: The To Do List

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"Hunter, Aiden, and Perry." Pablo said entering the trio's room.

"What do you need Pablo?" Perry asked as he, Hunter, and Aiden look at Pablo.

"Look what I found." Pablo said, holding a box labeled "Best Friends Memories" on it.

"Hey, it's our box." Aiden said.

"Yep." Pablo said. "I found it when I was cleaning the attic."

Pablo then left, leaving the box to the trio.

"What do you think it has?" Hunter asked.

"Some old stuff we have." Aiden said examining every item. He stop when he saw a VHS tape.

"What's that?" Perry asked.

"I don't know." Aiden said. The trio look at the writing on it and it shows who it's from and to who.

To: Future Hunter, Aiden, and Perry

From: Young Hunter, Aiden, and Perry

"It's from us." Perry said.

"How many years ago was this?" Hunter asked.

"I can't recall." Aiden said.

"Hey, guys." Luna said as she entered the room with Luan and Lynn.

"What are you all looking at?" Luan asked.

"Some tape we recorded years ago." Aiden said, grabbing the tape out of the box.

"Why don't you watch it?" Lynn suggested.

"That's what we're planning to do." Perry said. "Aiden, where's your VHS tape player?"

"Over here." Aiden said taking it out and connecting it to the TV.

"Put the tape in." Hunter said as Aiden inserted the VHS tape into the VHS tape player.

"Is it working?" Luna asked.

"Yes." Luan said looking at the tv, which was showing color.

"Let's all sit on the couch." Lynn said as the three couples all sat on the couch and look at the TV and the footage played, showing Hunter.

"Is the camera on, Aiden?" Young Hunter asked.

"It's on." Young Aiden said.

"Hey, that's you, Hunter." Perry said.

"Yeah." Hunter said. "I look younger."

"I'm here." Young Aiden said standing next to Young Hunter and Young Perry.

"There's me and Perry." Aiden said.

"Yep." Perry said.

"I'm Hunter and I'm seven years old." Young Hunter said.

"I'm Aiden and I'm six years old." Young Aiden said.

"I'm Perry and I'm five years old." Young Perry said.

"We recording this on tape because we have a list we want our future selves to do since we can't do it." Young Hunter said.

"Hey! I remember this." Hunter said. "This was recorded 9 years ago."

"Right." Aiden said. "Let's keep watching."

"Here we have the list." Young Aiden said, taking the paper out. "Perry, will you read the paper?"

"Okay." Young Perry said as he took it and began to read. "We want you to build a robot."

"That is done already." Lynn said. "We have Minimo."

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