Chapter 39: An Old Band Reunion Part 1

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It was the morning in Royal Woods. Hunter Harrison was awake, getting out of bed, to see everyone was still sleeping in the house. He suddenly heard his phone ring.

"*Ringing!*" Hunter's phone rang out. Hunter immediately took it and left the room to not wake anyone up.

"Hello?" Hunter said, picking up the phone.

"Hunter, it's me." Ms. Harrison said.

"Hi Mom, what do you need?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing. I'm on my way to visit you. Plus I brought your siblings along." Ms. Harrison said.

"Okay." Hunter said hanging up. He immediately went back to his room, to wake Aiden and Perry up. He look for anything useful and found Aiden's air horn. He grabbed it and used it.

"*Honk!*" The air horn let out. Aiden and Perry were awake and the two fell off their beds.

"What was that?!" Perry said.

"Who used my air horn?!" Aiden said.

"Morning guys." Hunter said, placing the air horn back to where it was.

"Why did you used my air horn to wake us like that?" Aiden said, getting up.

"Because my mother is on her way to visit us. She's bringing Heather and Hector along." Hunter said.

"That's great. But next time, use a different method on waking us up." Perry said. Pablo and Yukio then entered the room.

"What's going on?" Yukio asked.

"My Mom and my siblings are visiting us." Hunter said.

"I'll get everything set up." Pablo said, leaving the room.

"I have to call Luna." Hunter said, taking out his phone.

"Why?" Yukio asked.

"Because the last time she visit us, she promised Luna and me to teach us some new music notes." Hunter said.

"Did any of you guys told your families about me?" Yukio asked.

"Of course Yukio." Aiden said. "I keep in touch with my parents."

"My parents also." Perry said.

"I let my family know what's going on." Hunter said.

"Thanks then. We better get breakfast." Yukio said as he, Aiden, and Perry left the room while Hunter dialed Luna.

"Hey Luna, guess what?" Hunter asked.

"What luv?" Luna asked through the line.

"My mother is coming over to visit us." Hunter said.

"She's on her way?! Rad!" Luna said excitedly.

"We'll meet at my garage, okay?" Hunter said.

"Got it. I'm gonna getting breakfast first." Luna said.

"Me too." Hunter said as the conversation ended by hanging up the phone call.


Hunter, Aiden, Perry, Pablo, Yukio, and the Loud siblings were in the living room, all doing their habits until a car honks outside.

"That must be my Mom." Hunter said, looking out the window to see his mother walking to the door along with Heather and Hector. He can see his father's car driving away. Hunter went to the door and opened up, to reveal his mother and siblings.

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