Chains of Abandonment: Brothers

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Chains of Abandonment: Brothers
By: Konigreich_Pruessen
Final story of Everything is Hetalia: Different Author-Chan

It has been a few years since Germany had abandoned me during the Second World War. I finally understood why Romano never trusted him. We also have became closer ever since then. We ended up understanding each other, finally being able to tell each other how we feel, one being that Rome would like him more. I feel like I have to agree with my fratello now, I do not believe I can ever trust Germany again. I have not even seen him since that time. I do sleep with my fratello, which comforts me, but sometimes the thought keeps me up at night. I know I should not care for Germany, just like it seems as if he did not for me, but a part of me is worried. What if something bad has really happened to him?


I must have fell asleep without knowing, because when I woke up, the sun was out and there was a sound of a screaming voice and a muffled one coming from downstairs. I quickly got dressed as I was easily able to identify the screaming voice. Romano. Did Britain decide to pay us a visit? Or maybe it was Spain. Or France... Whoever it is, he sounded partially scared, but mostly angry, at the same time.

I froze when I walked down the steps, seeing who it was. Germany. The one who abandoned me, the one who I have mixed feelings about. I did not want to see him, and my fratello certainly did not want to see him, way more than I did not want to. He was cussing him out and attempting to push him a few times, but Germany did not seem to be moving, not even a slight flinch when Romano hit him.

"Go ahead. I deserve it."

I reacted when Germany said that, grabbing Romano and pulling him back. He struggled for a while, deciding to finally relax for once when he realized I would not let go.

"I deserve this for abandoning you, but part of me does felt like I needed to."

I let go of Romano then, the shock of what he said made me lose grip. Romano started punching him again, not seeming to have his gun on him or just has not thought occurred to him.

I believe I understand now. All of it. Germany never was my friend, I was never worth anything to him. I was only liked by Rome because of my art. I was the one who became the useless country, not my brother. It will never be my brother.

"Italy, I did not-"

"Germany, do not try saying anything." I cut him off. "I know what I am like, useless and a pathetic excuse for a country. Goodbye." I raced to my room after that, not allowing him or Romano to see my tears form in my eyes.


My heart hurts, realizing why I felt so empty. My fear came true, the fear of being abandoned. The abandonment is like chains, and I can not stand it. I felt like screaming.


Who knows what happens now. Maybe Germany will someday apologize for what he said. He must regret it. Maybe my fratello will pass me up and become our country. Will this be the ending? Probably not. The only thing I care about now are the chains of abandonment, weighing me down.


This is a sequel of Chains of Abandonment. I attempted to write something that I really liked reading.It may be a bit rushed since I had finals the same time this was happening, Still, I hope you like it.



Sup dudes!
I REALLY like this one.
Chains of Abandonment is the longest and most detailed story I ever made.
I spent three hours on it.
So, seeing someone do it, makes me very honored.

The person who wrote it said that it was rushed, but even if it was, it wasn't THAT rushed.

They also had finals this was happening so I want to thank you for doing this on your own time.

I REALLY hope you like it!

Remember to vote, comment, read, and BE HAPPY!

P.S. My last chapter on this book will be posted tomorrow.

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