Author-Chan's Theories

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Hey guys, here are some important questions or theories that I think about Hetalia


I just want you to know...

I would hate to be Rome.

Like Rome had everything but lost all of it.

He even said that he was a fool and young.

How is it possible to be young?

Do you have to be China's age to be old.

And speaking of China.

Why is China still here.

In Hetalia, he is classified as an Ancient.
And everybody knows that all the "ancients" got wiped away .

So my theory is that, the current countries are the reincarnation of the ancients.

Maybe something bad happened and the all had to go.
Maybe it was the Dark Ages.

Because it was around there that the "ancients" started dissapearing.

Like both Rome and Germania died in 5th century which was when the dark ages and they all slowly dissapeared.

But maybe all of Asia didn't get wiped out.

Because the only ones that got major changed was Europe.

Plus, Asia has been here for over 3,000 years. Like both Japan and Korea are like 3,000 and something years old. So maybe like Europe was becoming to unpure and so God or whoever decided to wipe them out, so they could start over with "new" countries which are the current countries that haven't changed or dissapeared.

I honestly don't know.

But seriously, why did all the ancients get wiped out at almost the same century.

Also, many people think that China is the only ancient left.

But I think that all of Asia can technically be called ancient, but if that is so, why didn't Asia get "new" countries?

Also, it is stated that Germania is rumored to have killed Rome.

Historically, that is technically true. Since, Germanian tribes killed and held off food and water from the Romans, causing sickness and hunger.

However, the Hetalian theory is that the European ancients just suddenly died.
I think that they killed one another.
But I think Germania killed many of the European ancients.
I mean if it's true, Germania killed, like straight up killed, Roman.

Which leads to my other theory.

Why did Roman die by a weapon.

Everyone knows that the nations are all immortal.
So why did Roman bleed to death?

I think that the ancients weren't all immortal.
And there's a loophole.
The ancients back then weren't called nations.
They were called tribes.

So maybe when the "new" generation of Europeans came, they we're actually nations because.... I doe really know that part. YET.

Then, there's Africa.

I think Africa just stays in it's little bubble. Since, it's history is so much different than the rest of the world.

You know how Africa is pretty much split from North to South Africa.
I feel like they are like Half siblings.

Because there was Ancient Egypt.
So, perhaps... Egypt is like half-siblings because he had a mother that dissapeared just like all of Europe.

Also, All of the European countries lost their parents.

Like Scandinavia and Nordic.

Yes, there is a difference.

My theory is that the Nordic 5 is split in to two groups.

So, Denmark, he calls himself King of Scandinavia, not Northern Europe.
Thus, he doesn't rule the Dutch or British.
So, Scandinavia consists of Denmark and Sweden.

Thia brings in another theory.

Perhaps Sweden and Denmark are somehow related. Not brothers... but maybe cousins.
I have always thought them as cousins.
Anyway... since Denmark is the oldest of the Scandinavian duo...he is the heir of Scandinavia, which makes him current Scandinavia.

Then there is Nordic.

Nordic is actually Norse. Norse originated in Norway.
So, Norway is a Nordic country.
Since Iceland is actually blood-related to Norway, he also is a Nordic.
Norway is the oldest, making him the heir of Nordic, so he is the King of Nordic and Iceland as the prince.

And Finland...Sweden probably found him and shit...

Anyways, it makes sense!

Because Denmark and Norway are the most known Scandinavian-Nordic countries in both real life and the fandom. (True Hetalian Fact....statistically. )

So Norway and Denmark are like the poster boys for Scandinavia/Nordic 5.

Because it pretty much canon...that Denmark is the leader of the Nordic 5 and that Norway is

That's just some of my wierd theories.
This probably made no sense.

But whatever.

Anyways, Hope you like it and Happy Readings! :)

I so tired.

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