Chapter 17: Steve

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Dear Steve,Jesus

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Dear Steve,
Jesus. This is hard. There's so much to say, but I have no idea how I am suppose to say it. I'm sorry for all the pain I have put you through. I regret it all so much. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you more then anything. I'm sorry for pretending like I don't. Because I really do. I really do love you. If it wasn't for you I would not be the person that I am today. You have made me the best person I can be. We have been through so much together. And even though it may not have all been good, I would still go through it all again, if it meant we could be together in the end. You have and always will be by rock. The person I can turn to no matter what. I'm sorry that I didn't turn to you with this. Maybe if I told you everything months ago when the nightmares started we wouldn't be in this position. I just didn't want to worry you as I thought it was nothing. But the moment I realised it was something I broke up with you so you would hate me instead of being hurt when I've gone. If you are reading this then that means that I'm no longer here. Well, that's if you listened to me when I gave you the letter and didn't open it unless something happened. I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way that we wanted them to. I admit it's all my fault. I really do love you, Steve. I always will. No matter where I am. You truly are the love of my life. I'm sorry that things have ended like this. Love you forever.
Blakeley <3


"If you'll... If you'll excuse me." Steve says, getting up and walking out the room.
Steve walks into Blakeley's room, closing the door behind him. He walks over to the bed and sits down on it, picking up the photo-frame on the bedside table. In the frame was a photo of Blakeley and Steve that Johnathan had taken. The photo was taken the night of their prom. They were both dressed in their prom outfits, and stood infront of the Wheeler's house. They had there arms wrapped around each other and were laughing. Steve smiles letting out a small laugh, before putting the photo down.
There was a knock on the door causing Steve to wipe the tears in his eyes away.
"Come in." Steve says, before the door opens and Harps walks in. "Hey, Harps."
"You, okay?" Harper asks, closing the door behind her.
Steve nods as Harper walks over to him.
"I think so." Steve says, as Harper sits beside him.
"You know I'm here for you if you need anything." Harper says. "I know how much B means to you."
"Thanks, Harps." Steve says, smiling at her.
"B, loves this book. Maybe you could take it to the hospital and read it to her." Harper suggests, opening Blakeley's bedside table.
Harper pulls out the book, freezing slightly.
"What is it?" Steve asks, as Harper pulls out a letter.
"It's a letter to all of us. As in not individual ones. It's one letter, to all of us." Harper says.
Steve takes the letter. Steve sighs as he reads the envelope.
'To Everyone.
Only to read if things go south'


"Hey, Babe."
Steve looks at Blakeley, who was laying on her bed staring up at the ceiling, confused.
"Babe, what's up?" Steve asks.
"Nothing." Blakeley replies.
"Really? It doesn't seem like nothing." Steve says, walking over.
"Steve, seriously I'm fine." Blakeley tries to reassure him, as he grabs her hands pulling her to standing up.
"I'm worried about you, B." Steve tells her, causing her to sigh.
"Sit down." Blakeley tells him.
Steve sits down on the desk chair before Blakeley slowly walks towards him eyes never leaving the floor. As she gets in arms reach, Steve grabs both her hands again, running his thumb over her knuckles.
"Baby, what's going on?" Steve asks.
"I'm scared." Blakeley admits. "Everything that's happened with those monsters. What if they come back?"
"They won't come back. I promise." Steve says, shaking his head before standing up and stepping closer to her. "Plus if they do, you will just kill them easily because your a badass that can't be contained."
Blakeley looks down laughing.
"Shut up." The blonde says, before Steve places a hand under her chin, gently moving her head to look at him.
"I'm serious, B. So much so that it scares the hell out of me. Because you and your badass nature are so reckless that you could get killed and I can't lose you." Steve says.
The pair look at each other, saying all the words they couldn't in that moment, before Blakeley wraps her arms around his neck and kissed him. One of Steve's hand finds it's way to Blakeley's cheek while the other finds it's way to her waist.
"I'm not going anywhere." Blakeley promises, as they pull apart, but keep their foreheads together.
"I love you, Blake."
"I love you to, Stevie."

Blakeley was sat talking with a few friends at prom. Nancy and Johnathan were off dancing, and the blonde had no idea where her boyfriend was. That soon changed though as while she was listening to one of her friends, her friend beside her hits her arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" Blakeley asks.
"Lover boys coming over." Her friend tells her.
Blakeley looks over to see Steve coming up to the table.
"Hey ladies. Mind if I still my girlfriend?" Steve asks.
"Not at all, Harrington." Blakeley's friend says.
Blakeley smiles before taking Steve's extended hand letting him drag her to her feet. They walk to the middle of the dance floor just as a slow song comes on. The pair smile at each other as they start dancing.
"You know. I never saw me coming to prom with you of all people." Blakeley admits.
"What do you mean 'me of all people'?" Steve asks.
"We'll you were my best friend before we got together. It would have been weird if I pictured coming to prom with you." Blakeley points out, causing Steve to laugh and nod.
"True." Steve says.
"Hey, there's the happy couple." Nancy says, as her and Johnathan come over.
"Hey guys." Blakeley says.
"Smile for the picture." Johnathan says, holding the camera to take the photo.
Steve wraps his arms around Blakeley's waist, lifting her up slightly as they both laugh.
"You guys are the cutest." Nancy says.
"Yeah we are." Steve says, wrapping an arm around Blakeley's shoulders and kissing her.

Blakeley was walking to her homeroom at college when she spotted someone at the end of the corridor.
"Steve!" Blakeley shouts, running over and hugging him tightly. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to surprise you." Steve says, hugging her back just as tightly.
"I'm so happy your here. I missed you." Blakeley says, as they pull apart.
"I miss you to." Steve says, keeping his arms wrapped around her waist as he kisses her.
Blakeley places her hands on his shoulder, before they pull apart, Steve still keeping his arms wrapped around her waist.
"You know, my last class is homeroom. Which, isn't important. I can skip and we can spend the rest of the day together." Blakeley says.
"Sounds perfect." Steve says, before kissing her again.

While the group were preparing for the fight with Vecna, Robin had gone to talk to Nancy, leaving Blakeley and Steve alone. Steve was watching the group before turning to Blakeley.
"You okay?" Steve asks her.
Blakeley doesn't respond instead she looks down and placed a finger on her cheek.
"I'm okay." Blakeley responds, after a moment of silence.
"You sure. You know you can tell me if your not." Steve tells her.
"I'm sure." Blakeley replies, finally looking Steve in the eye.
The boys eyes only showed concern, worry and love for the girl infront of him. She gave him a reassuring smile. Not only trying to reassure him but also to reassure herself. That everything was going to be okay.



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