042: Russian Assholes

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Blakeley was on the roof with Steve, Dustin and Robin looking down at some people they thought could be Russians, rain pouring down on them

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Blakeley was on the roof with Steve, Dustin and Robin looking down at some people they thought could be Russians, rain pouring down on them.
"Look for imperial Panada and Kaufman shoes." Blakeley tells Dustin, who was looking through a pair of binoculars.
"They're with that whistling guy ten O'Clock." Dustin tells them.
"What do you thinks in there?" Steve asks.
"Guns, bombs, chemical weapons." Robin lists off.
"Whatever it is they're armed to the teeth." Dustin says.
"Great. That's great." Steve says sarcastically.
"Hey, what's in there?" Blakeley asks as the doors open.
"It's just more boxes." Dustin says.
"Hey, let me check it out." Steve tells him, trying to grab the binoculars.
"No, I'm still looking." Dustin says.
"Lemme see if." Steve says, as they fight for the binoculars.
The binoculars bang against the side making a loud bang. The guards look in their direction causing all of them to duck, and Blakeley and Steve to subconsciously grab each other's hands.
"Come on. Let's get out of here." Blakeley says, standing up, still keeping low so the Russians don't see them.

The group where now walking through the back corridor of the mall.
"I think we found our Russians." Robin says.
"I swear to god. If they have anything to do with Harper going missing I'm going to kill every single one of them." Blakeley tells them.
"I'll help." Steve says.
"Okay, guys calm down." Robin tells them.
"My sister is missing, don't tell me to calm down." Blakeley warns.
"Okay, okay. Sorry." Robin says.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. I'm just so on edge with my sister missing." Blakeley admits.
"Hey, I get it. It's okay." Robin tells her.
Blakeley gives her best friend a small smile as they make it back to 'Scoops Ahoy'.
"I could really use some ice cream." Dustin admits.
"Same, Dusty. Same." Blakeley agreed. "But I've got to go out and look for Harps."
"Why don't we... have a bit of ice cream, then we can all go out together and look. We'll cover more ground that way." Steve says, wanting his girlfriend to relax a bit.
"I just want to find her." Blakeley says.
"I know, baby. I know." Steve tells her, walking over and grabbing both her hands. I want to find her to. We all do. And we will."
"How can you be so sure?" Blakeley asks.
"Because..." Steve says, moving his hands to either side of her face. "We've killed monsters, babe. We will find Harper, I know we will."
Blakeley sighs before smiling slightly. Steve smiles back before kissing her. Then Steve goes out the front with Robin to get some ice cream for the group.


Max and Eleven knew that Blakeley told them not to do anything without telling her first. But they had to go see Billy and find out what was going on. So the headed over to where Eleven saw him.
"Are you sure about this?" Eleven asks.
"I'm sure. I need to make sure he doesn't have anything  to do with Harper's disappearance. Because if he does I will kill him." Max tells her.
"Okay then." Eleven says.
The girls walk up to the door and Eleven uses her powers to open it. They walk through the house coats soaking wet from the rain. Max then saw a photo of Heather and her family.
"This is her house." Max says, looking at the photo.
"What?" Eleven asks.
"Heather's house." Max says.
The then hear a women laughing. They walk towards the laughter, leading them to the dining room where they see Billy sat down with Heather's parents.
"Max." Billy says, upon seeing his stepsister.
"We didn't mean to... barge in. We tried to knock but maybe you didn't hear us over the storm." Max says.
"I'm sorry, who's this dripping all over my living room?" Heather's father asks.
"I'm sorry,  Janet, Tom, this... is my sister Maxine." Billy says, getting up and making his way to the two girls. "What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?"
"We just wanted to make sure everything was okay." Max tells him.
"Okay? Why wouldn't it be okay?" Billy asks.
"Where is she?" Max asks turning serious.
"Who?" Billy asks.
"Harper. Where is she?" Max questions.
"Is there still no news about your girlfriend?" Billy asks trying to act concerned, a small smirk on his face. "I'm sorry, sis. But, I don't know where she is."
"Well where is the other person we're here to find?" Eleven asks.
"I'm sorry where is who?" Billy asks.
"Well they're a little burnt." Heather says coming into the room. "I'm sorry-"
"Heather this is my sister Maxine. And I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name." Billy says, the last part to Eleven.
"El." Eleven replies.
"El? Now what was it you were saying, El?" Billy asks. "You were looking for somebody."
"I saw-" Eleven starts.
"Your manager at the pool. He said you guys didn't come into work today. So we got worried." Max says, cutting El off.
"Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health. But you're feeling just fine right now, aren't you,  Heather?" Billy explains.
"I'm feeling so much better." Heather tells the two girls. "Do you girls want a cookie? They're fresh out of the oven."
"No,  we're okay. Thank you. We should get going." Max says.
Heather nods as her and her parents say a quite goodbye and Billy leads the two girls to the door.


After the plane landed,  Harper walks off it with a man following her.  She looks ahead of her to see nothing but dessert ahead of her. She turns to the men behind her.
"Where have you Russian assholes brought me?" Harper asks.
"I'd be careful how you speak to us,  Harper Hayes. Wouldn't want to make things worse for yourself. Would you?" One of the Russians ask her,  causing her to roll her eyes.
"Harper Hayes?" Harper turns at voice.
After turning she comes she comes face to face with none other then Dr Brenner from Hawkins Lab.

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