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It was the first day of the Summer of 1983

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It was the first day of the Summer of 1983. Blakeley Hayes was in her room, laying on her bed reading a book, when her little sister comes into the room.
"Blake, mom and dad wants to talk to us." Harper Hayes tells her older sister.
"Okay, Harps, be there in a second." Blakeley says.
Harper nods before leaving the room. Blakeley gets to the end of the page she was on before closing her book and going down stairs to the living room.

"Hey, what's going on?" Blakeley as walking down the last few steps of the stairs.
She grabs onto the banister at the bottom swinging herself around as she walks into the living room.
"Honey, can you sit down for this?" Kathrine asks.
"Okay, this can't be good." Blakeley says as she sits down next to Harper.
"What's going on?" Harper asks.
"Before we say we just want you girls to know that we love you both so much, and all of this has nothing to do with either of you." James Hayes tell the two girls.
"Guys, you're really scaring us, what's going on?" Blakeley asks.
"Sweethearts, we have decided to get a divorce." Kathrine announces.
"Wh-What why?" Harper asks.
"Things just aren't working between us anymore, but that's not your fault. It's no ones fault, sometimes people just fall out of love." James explains. "Me and your mother still love and care for each other, but now it's just in another way then it use to be."
"So wh-What's gonna happen now?" Blakeley asks.
"We have decided that it's best for the two of you that you girls stay with your mother. But I'll still come and see you." James tells them.
"So who's moving out?" Harper asks.
"Us three would be moving." Kathrine explains.
"To a new house here, right?" Blakeley questions.
"No, honey. We'll be moving to a place called Hawkins, Indiana." Kathrine says. "It's about five hours from here."
"What!" Blakeley shouts.
"Blakeley..." James sighs.
"No, you can't do this!" Blakeley shouts standing up. "All our friends are here. My boyfriends here! You can't force us to leave!"
"Honey, we won't force you but this is what me and your father believes is best. Why don't you both talk to your friends and see what they say." Kathrine suggests.
"Sure." Blakeley says before walking back upstairs, slamming her bedroom door closed.

It didn't take long after Blakeley had slammed the door to her room, for her to call her boyfriend Daniel Adams. It also didn't take long after the call, for Daniel to be climbing through the girls, already open, bedroom window.
"You know there's a front door right?" Blakeley questions, from where she was laying on her bed.
"Yeah, I know. But this is more fun." Daniel answers walking over to the bed. He leans down and kisses her before sitting down as She sits up as well. "So what's up? You seemed really upset on the phone."
"My parents are getting a divorce." Blakeley tells him.
"Oh, Blake, I'm so sorry." Daniel says wrapping a arm around the girls shoulders pulling her towards him.
"That's not the only thing." Blakeley mumbles.
"What else is there?" Daniel asks.
Blakeley slowly takes his arm off her shoulder, causing the boy to look at her confused. She moves on the bed so she was facing the same way as him, sitting next to him, as she looks down.
"My parents want me and Harper to move with my mom." Blakeley says. "To the town that is five hours away."
"Bla..." Daniel starts.
"I don't know what to do, Dan." Blakeley admits as tears run down her face. "I don't want to leave here. I don't want to leave you or our friends."
Daniel sighs before laying his head on her shoulder.
"It'll be okay." Daniel reassures her. "Go with your mom, it's a new adventure. We can do long distance. And if you absolutely hate it there, still after a few months you can always move back here."
"Yeah." Blakeley agrees.
Daniel lifts his head of her shoulder, kissing her forehead then pressing a kiss to her lips.
"I love you." Daniel tells her.
"I love you to." Blakeley says.
But, saying those words didn't feel right anymore. Not after what's going one with her parents. Blakeley Hayes didn't know what love truly was anymore.


About two weeks after the news of Blakeley's parents divorce, the girl, her mother and younger sister where moving boxes out of the moving van and into their new home. They had officially moved to Hawkin's Indiana. That all happened yesterday however. Today was the first day of school. Blakeley walks into Hawkin's high school, wincing and the bright orange and green strips painted along the walls.
After the girls parents divorce, her whole personality changed. She went from a sweet nice girl who was bubbly and talked to everyone, to a girl who had become more closed off. She broke up with Daniel a week ago, the girl had really changed, and it worried everyone around her.
Blakeley kept her head down as she walked to the office. As she was looking down it lead to her bumping into someone.
"I'm so sorry." Blakeley says.
"It's okay. Don't worry." The girl says sweetly. "I'm Nancy, Nancy Wheeler, and this is Steve Harrington."
"Nice to meet you." The boy says.
"Nice to meet you to, I'm Blakeley, Blakeley Hayes." Blakeley tells the pair.
"Are you new? Haven't seen you around before." Nancy asks.
"Yeah, moved here yesterday." Blakeley says.
"Well, want to hangout with us at lunch?" Nancy asks.
"I'm not to sure. I don't really hangout with anyone anymore." Blakeley admits. "Sorry."
"It's okay, if you change you're mind we're normally sat in the cafeteria with our friends. You are welcome to join us." Nancy tells her.
"Thank you. Uhm.. do you guys know where the office is?" Blakeley asks.
"Oh, it's just down the hall that way." Steve says pointing down the hall.
"Thanks. Nice meeting you guys." Blakeley says before awkwardly walking away.

During lunch that day, the blonde had planned on just going and sitting in a quite corner of the library. But she decided to take up the offer of the girl she had met that morning and headed to the cafeteria. Going over and sitting with Nancy, Steve and their friends Carol and Tommy. And that was the start of a few new friendships in Blakeley Hayes' life.

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