Chapter 11: Robin

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Dear Robin,How has it barely been a year that we've been friends

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Dear Robin,
How has it barely been a year that we've been friends. It honestly feels like we've been friends for years. I honestly wish we had talked more in school. I don't know why I didn't try to talk to you more. I remember always tagging along to band practices as my friend was apart of band. I remember seeing you and thinking you seemed like a nice person. I don't know why I didn't come up to you. Maybe it was because I was scared it would ruin the reputation I managed to make for myself. Or maybe it was because I didn't want to ruin your life with everything that was going on in my head. Even though it's barely been a year I can not imagine my life without you in it. You truly are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I'm sorry that we didn't get to be friends for long. But you will always be one of my best friends. No matter where I am. Thank you for everything you have done. You have been one of my rocks since we met. I'll forever miss the two of us teasing Steve together. Please, don't let Steve shut down. Please don't let him stay hung up on what could of happened between us again. Help him move on and find someone new. For me. Thank you, Robin. I love you.
Blakeley <3


"This all feels so unreal." Robin says, looking at the letter.
"It doesn't feel right." Nancy agrees.
"Blakeley didn't deserve this. All she did was protect all of us. This can't be how all this ends." Johnathan says.
"I agree. We can't let ourselves lose. Not after everything Blakeley sacrificed. We have to finish the fight. We have to win." Harper says.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Mike asks.
"We can figure it out." Harper says. "There has to be a way."
"Well if we want to come up with a way, we're going to have to come up with it soon. Most of the town has already been evacuated. We're lucky we were even able to get in."
"If we all work together and put our heads together, I'm sure we can find something... A way to end this once and for all and get Blakeley back." Robin says.
They all knew they had to find a way, they couldn't let Blakeley's sacrifice be for nothing.


Blakeley was sat in the backroom of 'Scoops Ahoy', while Steve and Robin were out the front working. Blakeley was eating some fries she had got from the foodcourt when Robin walks into the backroom.
"Your boyfriend is so annoying." Robin says, causing Blakeley to lightly laugh.
"Will one of my fried make it better?" Blakeley asks, causing Robin to nod.
"Yeah it would." Robin says.
"Here." Blakeley says, holding the box of fries out to he best friend.
"Thanks." Robin says, taking a couple.
"So have you just left Steve out there by himself?" Blakeley asks.
"Yep. Says that me being there is chasing away all the chicks." robin says, before winking at Blakeley.
Blakeley smiles as she finishes eating the fry in her mouth as she moves a piece of hair back.
"What is he doing to annoy you this time?" Blakeley questions.
"He's just being Steve Harrington." Robin says.
"Want to ditch and go see a movie?" Blakeley asks.
"Would love to but, if I don't go back out there in a few minutes I won't have a job." Robin reminds her.
"I hate when you're right." Blakeley says, leaning back in the chair she was sat on.
"Which is all the time." Robin says.
Blakeley jokingly scoffs as she throws a napkin at Robin.
Before long Steve had burst into the backroom begging Robin to come back out front. The two girls laughed, but Robin none the less went back to work.

Blakeley and Robin were sat in the park eating ice cream. Robin had found herself stuck babysitting Erica and Blakeley had agreed to come and help her. The blonde even managed to convince Harper and Max to join as well.
"I can't get oer how you managed to convince Harps and Max to come." Robin says.
"I had to promise them to take them shopping and buy everything they want." Blakeley says, causing Robin to laugh.
"RIP your bank account." Robin says, as they both laugh.
"I'm going to need a miracle." Blakeley says.
"Oh please drag Steve along and make him try on a dress." Robin says.
"What?" Blakeley asks, with a small laugh.
"Come on, it will be funny." Robin says, grabbing Blajeley's arm. "Plus, he will do anything for you."
"You see this is why you're my best friend." Blakeley says. "We think exactly alike, yet, so different."
"Opposite attracts, right?" Robin says holding a hand up for a high five.
"Opposite attracts." Blakeley agrees, high fiving Robin.
The two girls link fingers laughing before letting go and turning to watch Erica trying to convince Harper and Max to do something.

"Seriously? I am not doing that!" Blakeley says, as she sits on her bed.
"Come on. Just dance with me. It will be fun!" Robin argues, turning the music up louder.
"You are so weird." Blakeley says, laughing at her best friend who was jumping around her room.
"And you're boring." Robin argues, causing Blakeley to scoff pretending to be offended.
"I am not boring." Blakeley says.
"Prove it. Dance with me." Robin says.
"Why don't we make it fun, longest one to dance without stopping wins and they get to make the other person do whatever they want for a week." Blakeley suggests.
"Yes. And you're so going down. Get ready to be my slave for an entire week." Robin says.
"Oh, it's on." Blakeley says.
The blonde jumps up and starts dancing. It was safe to say that Robin was not happy with the end result.

Blakeley, Steve and Robin had decided to play hide and seek in the mall to determine who would be paying for dinner. It was Blakeley and Robin decided to trick him by hiding in plain sight.
"How long do you think it will take him to find us?" Robin asks.
"Well, he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box." Blakeley jokes. "He's always singing thinking that's going to convince me to do something."
"Really?" Robin asks,causing Blakeley nod.
Blakeley starts mocking Steve's singing causing Robin to burst out laughing as she leans back against the wall.
Blakeley looks down laughing as well before looking around keeping an eye out for Steve.
"That's my boyfriend for you." Blakeley says, crossing her arms over her knee which was up in front of her.
"What even made you agree to go out with him?" Robin asks. "It's a mystery to me."
"I don't know. There's just something about him." Blakeley says.
"I can't imagine what it is." Robin says, causing Blakeley to look down with a smile as she lightly laughs.
"There you guys are." The two girls look to Steve walking over to them.
They share a look.
"Run." Robin says.
The girls stand up running off with Steve chasing them as the weave through the people walking to different shops.


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