029: Kill It

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Nancy and Johnathan had been looking for Mike and Johnathan's family when they heard something in the woods

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Nancy and Johnathan had been looking for Mike and Johnathan's family when they heard something in the woods. They walked over, surprised when they saw who was there.
"Steve?" Both Nancy and Johnathan asks.
"Nancy?" Steve asks.
"Johnathan." Dustin says.
"What are you doing here?" Nancy asks.
"What are you doing here?" Steve asks back.
"We're looking for Mike and Will." Nancy says.
"They're not in there are they?" Dustin asks, gesturing the to Lab, which they were all stood outside of.
"We're not sure." Nancy says.
"Why?" Johnathan asks.
They then hear a monster screech.


Inside the lab, Blakeley was with Hopper, Joyce, Mike and Owen waiting for Bob to turn the power back on. Will was still asleep.
"I knew I should have gone down there with him. That guy doesn't know how to use a gun in the slightest." Blakeley says.
"I'm not even going to question how you know." Hopper says, causing Blakeley to give him a slightly annoyed look.
The lights turn on and so do the cameras.
"He made it." Mike says, when they see Bob in the basement on the cameras.


Outside the lab, the group were fighting when Nancy pushes through them.
"The powers back." Nancy says, seeing the lights of the lab turn back on.
The group try to open the gate to get in but it doesn't work.


"Okay, Bob, can you hear us?" Owen asks over the radio.
"Loud and clear, Doc." Bob answers. "Can you hear me back?"
"Yeah. We hear you." Owens says.
"Okay, give me a minute." Bob says, before doing what he needed to do. "Open sesame."
The doors and outside gate open.
"Son of a bitch did it." Hopper says.
"Okay, I'll meet you outside." Bob says.
"Got it." Blakeley says.
They then spot the west stairwell was not clear anymore.
"What's going on?" Bob asks.
"We got some company." Owens tells him.
"where?" Bob asks.
"The west stairway." Owens says.
"I got an idea." Bob says.
All of a sudden sprinkles turn on in another part of the building.
"Okay, okay. That worked. Now get out of there." Owens tells Bob.
Everyone gets ready to go.
"Wait, chief." Owens says, before handing Hopper a radio. "Take this."
"What you doing?" Hopper asks, holding Will over his shoulder with one arm, as he takes a radio.
"Anymore surprises I'll let you know." Owens says. "Go. Go!"

The group managed to get out. Expect for Bob who got killed. Joyce was devastated. Blakeley was holding Will up while Hopper was doing the same with Joyce. That's when they hear a car horn. They then see Johnathan.
"Come on! Get in!" Johnathan shouts.
The group run and get into the car.
As their wasn't enough room for everyone in Johnathan's car, Hopper and Blakeley get into Hopper's van.
"What were you doing here in the first place?" Hopper asks as he starts the car.
"El's not at the cabin." Blakeley says, causing Hopper to look at her as the demogorgons continue to break down the glass door. "Go!"
Hopper quickly drives off following Johnathan.
On the way out Blakeley and Hopper pick up Steve, Harper, Dustin, Lucas and Max.
"Blakeley?" Steve questions seeing his girlfriend sat up front.
"Hey." Blakeley replies, looking back at the group sat in the back. "You guys okay?"
"You're asking us when you just got close to death for the fifth time?" Harper asks.
Blakeley laughs and shakes her head before looking out the window.

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