Chapter 10: Johnathan

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Dear Johnathan,It's crazy to think a couple years ago we could barely stand each other

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Dear Johnathan,
It's crazy to think a couple years ago we could barely stand each other. And now we're best friends. It's weird not having you here in Hawkins but I know you guys moving to Cali was the best decision for your family. I miss you loads and hope you are enjoying it. I really really hope you are okay. We can't get ahold of you guys and if I was honest it's kind of freaking me out. I really hope you have continued photography because you are amazing at it. I can't help but think back to that time me and you did a mini photoshoot in the middle of Hawkins. I know you Johnathan, and I know you will put the kids before anything else. But please, don't forget to take care of yourself. Okay? If anything happens to me I don't want to have to come back and haunt you for not listening to me. Getting to know you as been the best experience in my life. If you told me two years ago that we would be friends I would call you crazy. Because I never thought we would be as we are entirely different people. But I guess the saying opposites attract is for friendships as well as relationships. Thank you for being my best friend Johnathan. Couldn't imagine anyone better.
Blakeley <3


"You okay, Johnathan?" Jonah asks, as the older Byers boy remained quiet for a moment after reading the letter out loud.
"She's right. We couldn't stand each other to start with." Johnathan says. "But now... I can't imagine why."
"Because she was pretending to be someone she wasn't." Nancy says.
"I would love to know what B was like in Cali." Robin admits.
"Pretty much how she was here just a lot more of a dialled down version." Harper says. "But that's expected as in Cali we didn't have to fight these crazy monsters from an ultimate dimension."
"B wouldn't want us sitting here doing nothing. We have to do something. We have to end this. For B." Johnathan says.
"What can we do, J? This has gotten way out of our control." Will says.
"I'm not sure what we are going to do now, all I know is, I agree with Johnathan, we need to finish this once and for all. For Blakeley." Robin speaks up.
"Blakeley always had the best ideas. We just have to think, what would Blakeley do?" Joyce says.
"Throw herself into the middle of the storm." Hopper says, causing a few people to lightly laugh knowing that he was right.


"Hey, what you doing here?" Blakeley asks. "Trying to get better then me."
Johnathan laughs as Blakeley walks up to where he was stood in the field shooting a gun.
"Maybe. How did you know I was here?" Johnathan asks.
"I didn't. I was driving and saw you." Blakeley says.
"You didn't crash into a tree did you?"  Johnathan asks,  Blakeley just gives him an annoyed look as he looks away from her. "I'm joking, B. No need for that look."
"Yeah yeah. Whatever. What happened with you and Nancy after Tina's party?" Blakeley asks.
"Nothing happened between us. Nothing has ever happened between us. We're just friends." Johnathan says.
"Like I'm going to believe that." Blakeley says, causing Johnathan to roll his eyes.
"I'm serious, B. Nothings going on." Jonhathan says.
"Okay, okay. Nothings going on." Blakeley says, raising her hands up in defence. "Anyway I'm going to go get some food, want to join?"
"Yeah sure." Johnathan says, shooting the gun one more time.
"Wait, hand it here a minute." Blakeley asks.
"Why?" Johnathan asks, handing her the gun.
Blakeley doesn't answer instead she just shots the gun, hitting the target. Making it the only shot that hit the target.
"Now we can go." Blakeley says, before walking off.
Johnathan jokingly scoffs before following her.
"Can I at least get my gun back?"

"Hey,  Johnathan Byers, right?"
"Uhm... yeah." Johnathan says. "Sorry, w- who are you?"
"Oh I'm new. I'm Blakeley Hayes. My new friends pointed you out and told me a lot about you. So thought I would meet you."
"Oh, um... okay." Johnathan says.
"My new friends are Tommy H, Carol, Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington." Blakeley says. "We..."
"Oh, I know where this is going." Johnathan says, before going to walk away.
"I'm sorry?" Blakeley says, slightly confused.
"Here's a bit of advice. You want to be liked by people in this school then find new friends. Because barely anyone in this school actually likes them because they are assholes." Johnathan says, causing Blakeley to scoff.
"Don't remember asking for your advice. Maybe you shouldn't give advice to someone you barely know." Blakeley suggests.
The blonde rolls her eyes before walking away and back over to her friends.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Johnathan asks, walking into Blakeley's hospital room.
"I'm doing good. How's Will?" Blakeley asks.
"He's doing good. Still not talking about what happened but, he's getting better." Johnathan tells her, causing her to smile.
"I'm so glad." Blakeley says. "How are you doing?"
"Great. Now that my brothers back." Johnathan says.
"Don't you want to spend time with him instead of being here?" Blakeley asks.
"Blake, your the best friend. Of course I want to see you." Johnathan says.
"That's the first time you've called me your best friend." Blakeley says with a small smile.
"We'll we haven't exactly gotten along until recently." Johnathan points out.
"True." Blakeley says with a laugh. "Thanks for coming to check on me."
"Of course." Johnathan says. "Do you want to to talk about it?"
"About what?" Blakeley asks.
"What happened. From what the kids explained it seemed pretty scary." Johnathan says.
"I'm okay." Blakeley says.
"You sure?" Johnathan asks.
"I'm sure." Blakeley tells him, before seeing the unconvinced look on his face. "Johnathan, I promise. I'm okay."
"Okay, just know if you need to talk to anyone I'm here." Johnathan says, causing Blakeley to lightly smile.
"Thank you." Blakeley says.
Johnathan nods with a small smile before going back to Will.

"Why would you go there after we told you not to?" Johnathan asks Blakeley.
Nancy had gone back to his car after they had come up with a plan on what to do with the tape Blakeley had got when she went to Hawkins Lab.
"You know I don't listen to what people tell me." Blakeley says.
"Blakeley you could have got hurt! Killed even. Who knows what they would have done to you if they didn't want to scare us." Johnathan says.
"What's the worse they could have done, J?" Blakeley asks.
"Well for starters they want us to shut up about they whole deal. So they could have killed you, or keep you there and make you one of there test subjects." Johnathan says.
"Well they didn't. Did they?" Blakeley asks. "That's the main thing."
Blakeley then walks towards her car. Johnathan sighs before walking to his. Before getting in he stops and looks at Blakeley who was already in her car. She waved at him before starting her car and driving off.



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