050: Bathroom Talk

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"Jesus! Slow Down!"Robin was driving one of the Russian vehciles that they used to get around the base

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"Jesus! Slow Down!"
Robin was driving one of the Russian vehciles that they used to get around the base. Blakeley and Steve were sat in the back and had bashed against the side a couple times.
"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Blakeley asks, slurring her words slightly.
"It's the Indy 300." Steve says.
"No, babe, it's 500!" Blakeley says.
"It's 300!" Steve agrues.
"Let's say a million." Blakeley reasons, causing them both to laugh.
All of a sudden they drive into a wall, causing Blakeley and Steve to sit the back of the vehicle hard again.
"You guys okay back there?" Dustin asks, causing the two to just groan in response.
"They're fine." Robin says.
Dustin, Robin and Erica all get out the vehicle going and opening the back.
"Come on, we gotta go, now." Dustin says.
"Come on!" Erica shouts. "Get out!"
"Let's go!" Robin tells them.
The couple get out and they go back to the elevator. As the elevtor was going up, Steve and Blakeley find a red cart that you use to put boxes on. Steve jumps on it, pretending to surf.
"Whoa!" Steve cheers.
"Hey! You look like you're surfing." Blakeley tells him.
"Surfing! Yeah!" Steve cheers. "I'm a natural! Check it out!"
Blakeley then pulls the kart back causing Steve to go flying into some boxes.
"Wipeout!" Blakeley laughs.
"He's burning up." Dustin says checking Steve's temperature.
"You're burning up." Steve replies.
Robin walks towards Blakeley.
"Don't touch me." Blakeley slurs, as she sits down.
Robin places a hand on Blakeley's forehead.
"She's burning up as well." Robin tells the other two.
"He's pupils are super dilated to." Dustin says.
"Same over here." Robin says, checking Blakeley's pupils.
"Ow!" Blakeley says, hitting Robin's hand away.
"Maybe they're drugged." Erica suggests.
"Boop." Steve says, tapping Dustin's nose.
"Steve, are you drugged?" Dustin asks.
"How many times, dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijana." Steve says.
"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you." Dustin tells him. "Are you going to die on us?"
"Boop." Steve says, tapping Dustins nose again.
"We all die, Dustin. It's just a matter of how and when." Blakeley says.
"They're gonna be looking for us up there so I need you to tell me where you parked you're car." Dustin tells Steve.
"Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve asks.
"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick." Blakeley agrees.
"All right. Yeah, food." Robin says. "You can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell us where your car is parked."
"Uh oh. The car is off the board. They toke the keys. The Russians toke the keys. Like forever ago." Steve says, as him and Blakeley laugh. "That's a bummer, right?"

They made it out of the elevtor but two guards saw them, causing Dustin and Robin to drag Blakeley and Steve through a door. Erica closing it behind all of them. They ended up in the movie theater at the mall. Blakeley and Steve sat together while Robin, Dustin and Erica sat a few seats down from them. But without they other three noticing Blakeley and Steve sneak out.

Blakeley and Steve were by a water fountian as Steve had a drink.
"That's amazing." Steve says.
"So, like, I wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but... I'm pretty sure that mom was trying to bang her son." Blakeley says.
"Wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom?" Steve asks.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." Blakeley says. "Thanks for calling someone else hot, by the way."
"You know you're the only girl I like." Steve tells her. "But, I'm pretty sure they were the same age."
"He went back in time." Blakeley says.
"Then why is it called 'Back to the future'?" Steve asks.
"He has to go back to the future because he's in the past so the future is actually the present which is in his time." Blakeley says.
"Wh... what?" Steve asks.
"No, no. It's my turn. You've had enough." Blakeley says, pushing Steve out of the way to get some water.
"Hey Blakeley. You got to check this out." Steve says, looking up.
Blakeley walks over lookinh up at the ceiling, and saw the lights looked like stars.
"Wow." Blakeley says.
"This ceiling looks beautiful." Steve says.
All of a sudden they start to feel sick coming up their throats.

Blakeley and Steve rush into the toilets, going to different stalls and throwing up. Eventually they stop.
"The ceiling has stopped spinning for me." Blakeley tells Steve, laying on the bathroom floor with her legs up on the side of the stall. "Is it still spinning for you?"
"Holy shit. No." Steve says. "Do you think we puked it all up?"
"Maybe. Ask me something." Blakeley tells him, before turning to a Russian accent. "Interrogate me."
"Okay. Interrogate you. Sure." Steve says. "When was the last time you.... Peed your pants?"
"Today." Blakeley admits.
"What?" Steve asks.
"When the Russian doctor toke out the bone saw." Blakeley clarifies.
"Oh my God." Steve says laughing.
"It was just a little bit though." Blakeley says, also laughing.
"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system." Steve says, trying to hold back a smile, but failing.
"Okay. My turn." Blakeley says, sitting up with her back against the wall. "Have you... ever been in love?"
"Yep. Right now. With the most wonderful girl who goes by the name Blakeley Hayes." Steve says, causing Blakeley to laugh.
"Shut up." Blakeley says laughing.
"It's true. I'm in love with you." Steve tells her.
"I'm in love with you to." Blakeley replies.
"I mean come on. You make me the happiest I have ever been. You have made me laugh harder then I have ever left before. You're smart, way smarter then me. You cracked a Russian code for god sake. Your honestly unlike anyone I've known before." Steve says. Blakeley remains quiet causing Steve to knock on the stall. "Blakeley? Babe, did you just OD in there?"
"No. I am... still alive." Blakeley says, sitting up on the toilet. Steve slids under the stalls into hers. "The floors disgusting."
"Yeah, we'll, I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so..." Steve says. "What are you thinking?"
"Uhm..." Blakeley starts, looking down at Steve on the floor in front of her. She looks down putting a hand to her mouth breifly. "Just thinking about how those assholes toke my sister and I did nothing about it."
"There's nothing you could have done. we will find Harper. I promise. We just have to be patient." Steve tells her, grabbing her hand which was on her knee.
"How do you always know what to say?" Blakeley asks, Steve smiles looking down. "Steve, did you OD over there?"
"No, just thinking." Steve says.
"About?" Blakeley asks.
"How much I love you." Steve says.
"I love you to." Blakeley says.
"Do you remember when we first met. It was your first day at Hawkins and you came over to us at lunch. All the boys were staring at you and coming up asking you out." Steve says.
"Oh god remember Keith Andrews?" Blakeley asks.
"'Have you come here to find me, because here I am. Let me take you out tonight.'" Steve mocks Keith. causing the couple to burst out laughing.
As they were laughing Dustin, Erica and Robin come in.
"Okay." Dustin says.
"What the hell?" Robin asks.
Blakeley and Steve look at each other laughing again.

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