Chapter 02: Hopper

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Dear Hopper,
There's so much I wish I could say to you. I know your gone, but part of me still believes your out there somewhere. Now, I don't know where. I picture you on a beach in Cali with Joyce, her being the only one who knows your alive because it's to dangerous for anyone else to know. But for all I know you could be captured by the Russians. I'm writing this because even though I'm not hundred percent sure if you are out there, I want to write one just in case you are. If you do get this, I just want to say I'm sorry. You've spent years trying to protect all of us, but the moment your gone I go and sacrifice myself. At the time of writing this, I know it's going to be me Vecna takes. It's pretty clear as day. Not only because of all the trauma I've experienced over the years,  but also because I'm not going to let anyone else die because of this monster. Hopper, I can honestly say you are a father figure to me. When I lost connection with my own father you stepped up and became the father I needed. I miss you Hopper. Thank you for everything.
Blakeley <3


"She's always been brave. I never knew she was stupid." Hopper says, as he stares at the letter in his hand.
"She definitely gets the stupid side from her father." Kathrine says.
"Have you heard back from him?" Joyce asks.
"Nope. Not a single thing." Kathrine says. "I posted the letter Blakeley wrote for him. He should have got it by now."
"Maybe he's just taking some time to come to terms with it on his own. Blakeley still is his daughter." Jonah suggests.
"Like he cares who is daughters are." Harper scoffs.
"Harps." Max sighs.
"It's true. If it wasn't for him none of this would have happened. He's the one who started the whole programme me and El were apart of with Dr Brenner. If he didn't set up the programme the Upside Down would never of been created and these monsters would never of been created." Harper says. "He has no right to grieve."
"You know, the first time Blakeley got in trouble and I had to talk to her at the station, she opened up to me about how she was feeling about her dad." Hopper says.
"What did she say?" Kathrine asks.


"So, you're new in town, right?" Chief Hopper asks, as he sits opposite Blakeley Hayes.
"Just tell me what I'm charged with so I can go home." Blakeley tells him, leaning back in the chair and crossing her arms.
"I'm not charging you with anything." Hopper tells her.
"Then why am I here?" Blakeley asks.
"Because what you've done is still wrong and it's protocol." Hopper says.
"What exactly did I do again?" Blakeley asks.
"You were caught spray painting the side of a building." Hopper says.
"Loads of people spray paint buildings, why am I getting in trouble when they haven't?" Blakeley asks.
"Because you've been caught doing it." Hopper says, causing Blakeley to scoff quietly. "Is there a reason why you did it?"
"Felt like it." Blakeley says, shrugging her shoulders.
"You sure it has nothing to do with your parents recent divorce?" Hopper asks.
"So what if it did?" Blakeley asks.
"Listen,  my parents got divorced when I was your age as well. I started to act out as well. I toke this job to help people through the same thing." Hopper explains.
If Blakeley was honest she didn't think she would meet anyone who would understand what she was going through. But knowing someone did, couldn't not bring a smile to her face.

Hopper was working when Blakeley walks into his office.
"And here's you daily coffee." Blakeley says, placing a coffee down on Hopper's desk.
"Thanks Blake." Hopper says. "You are seriously a life saver."
"In what way?" Blakeley jokes, causing Hopper to laugh.
"Many ways." Hopper says.
"So how's things with Joyce?" Blakeley asks with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" Hopper asks.
"Come on. You guys are so into each other." Blakeley says.
"We are not." Hopper says.
"Really? No one's listening you can admit it. I won't tell anyone." Blakeley says.
"Okay, okay fine. If it will make you happy, I like Joyce a little bit." Hopper says.
Blakeley smiles jokingly jumping up and down and dancing around.
"I knew it. I knew it. I knew it." Blakeley sings, causing Hopper to let out a small laugh.
"Okay, okay. I've got a lot of work to do, so if I could get on with that it would be very much appreciated." Hopper says.
"Right I'll leave you to it.". Blakeley says before leaving and shutting the door behind her. After a second Blakeley opens it again. "I knew it."
"Get out." Hopper says laughing at the blondes craziness.
Blakeley laughs as well before leaving.

When Hopper had dropped Eleven off at the Snow Ball, Blakeley had been talking to Nancy. She spotted Hopper walking back to his car, so excused herself from her conversation with Nancy before running out.
"Hey Hopper! Wait up!" Blakeley shouts.
Hopper turns to look at her.
"Hey Blakeley." Hopper says, as the blonde gets to him.
"Can I ask you something?" Blakeley asks.
"Of course you can." Hopper says.
"So, Uhm... I kind of need a favour." Blakeley says. "You know I haven't heard from my dad since he came here when he was sick?"
"Blakeley..." Hopper sighs, seeing where this was going.
"Can you please see if you can find him." Blakeley asks. "I just want to make sure he's okay. As the last time I saw him he still wasn't hundred percent better."
"Are you sure that's the only reason?" Hopper asks.
"Yeah." Blakeley says.
"I'll see what I can find." Hopper says, knowing there was a deeper reason.
"Thank you." Blakeley says, before walking back into the dance.

Blakeley was sat in a new coffee shop working on her college application, when Hopper walks up to her.
"Hey Bakeley." Hopper says.
"Hey Hop. Is everything okay?" Blakeley asks.
"I found something on your father." Hopper tells her.
"What was it? Blakeley asks.
"He's still in Indiana." Hopper says.
"Is that all?" Blakeley asks, shaking her head slightly and lifting a hand up.
"At least we know he's still near." Hopper says.
"Your right. I'm sorry. Thanks for helping." Blakeley says.
"Of course." Hopper says. "I'll let you get back to your college application."
Blakeley quietly thanks him again before he leaves.



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