Chapter 16: Harper

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Dear Harper,This is honestly the hardest letter for me to write

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Dear Harper,
This is honestly the hardest letter for me to write. If it wasn't for you I would probably have died years ago. You are my rock and one of the only things that hold me together. You honestly have no idea how much I love you. People always say that they don't get along with their siblings but I know that's not us. We may. Have our moments, but we always make up in the end. You truly are not only my sister but my best friend. I love you more then I have and will ever love anyone. I'm sorry for not telling you about Vecna sooner. I was just trying to protect you. And I really hope you understand that. You are my saviour, Harps. You really are. I'm sorry that I have to leave you. But I need you to promise me you won't let this effect you to much. I know it will be hard. But I need you to stay the girl you have always been. Because you have always been the best and most honest person that I know. You were never afraid to stand up to me or tell me when I was wrong. I don't know what I would do without you. little sis. You may have these powers now but you didn't need them to be my superhero because you always have been my superhero. Please don't push the party away. Don't push Max away. Let them help you. Help them.  I love you, sis. No matter where I am.
Your amazing older sister
Blakeley <3


Harper starts quietly sobbing as she finishes reading the letter. Without thinking Max pulls her into a hug.
"Why her? Why is it always her?" Harper sobs, placing her hands over her face as she leans forward.
"I don't know. But what I do know is she wouldn't want you to lock yourself in her room like you have been." Joyce says gently.
It was true. Ever since the day it all happened, Harper had locked herself in Blakeley's room, only leaving for short periods of time. She said it helped her feel closer to her sister, so no one said anything.
"I'd give anything for my sister to be okay again." Harper says.
"We all will, sweetie. We all will." Kathrine says, pulling her youngest daughter into her arms.
Harper starts sobbing again hugging her mom back.


Blakeley walks downstairs and over to the door.
"I'll be back later!" Blakeley shouts.
"B, wait." Harper says, causing her sister to stop and turn to her. "Where are you going?"
"Just out with Nancy." Blakeley answers.
"You sure that's all? You've been acting really weird recently." Harper says, slowly walking towards Blakeley, causing her to give her little sister a worried look.
"Nothings going on."  Blakeley says. "I promise. Nancy just needs some help."
"With?" Harper asks.
"With Steve." Blakeley answers.
"Why?" Harper asks.
"Why are you interrogating me? Your not mom." Blakeley says.
"Your still my sister and I want to make sure your okay." Harper says.
"I'm okay. I'll see you later, okay?" Blakeley says.
It takes a minute but Harper nods.
"Okay." Harper says.
Blakeley gives her little sister a grateful smile before leaving the house.

"You've got so much to tell me." Blakeley says, grabbing her sisters hand. "How did you get out of there?"
"It's a long story." Harper says, with a laugh.
"We'll, I'm not going anywhere." Blakeley points out, gesturing to the hospital bed she was in. "So tell me. How did you get out?"
"When it was just me and one guard in a room I used the little control I had over my powers to attack him and get his key card. I escaped the underground building and run until I got to a main road lucky enough one of my friends since before all of this were driving past. They picked me up and dropped me off a few blocks from the mall." Harper explains.
"Wow." Blakeley says. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to save you. I should have looked harder for you."
"To be honest, B. I'm glad you didn't. Dad was there. He's partially behind everything that's happened to us since Will disappeared." Harper tells her older sister.
"I'm so going to kill him." Blakeley says, shaking her head.
"No you are not. At least not right now." Harper says. "Right now you are going to focus on getting better."
"Fine." Blakeley says, rolling her eyes which causes Harper to lightly laugh.

"Hey, Blake." Harper says, poking her head around her older sisters door.
"Yeah, Harps?" Blakeley replies, looking up at her.
"Can I talk to you?" Harper asks.
"Of course you can. You know you can always talk to me." Blakeley tells her, before pattting the spot on the bed beside her. "Come sit down."
Harper goes over and sits on the bed with her back against the head rest.
"I'm scared." Harper says, after a moment of silence.
"What about?" Blakeley asks.
"This whole thing with mom and dad. I know they said nothing will change other then us moving with mom to this small town that we're moving to. But what if things do change?" Harper asks, causing Blakeley to sigh as she grabs her little sisters hand.
"I can't promise things aren't going to change. But I can promise that if they do it will be for the best. I can also promise that no matter what happens, you will always have me. I'll always be by your side no matter what." Blakeley tells her.
"Even if I do something absolutely awful that should drive you away?" Harper questions.
"Nothing you could ever do will drive me away." Blakeley says.
Harper sadly nods as she looks down. Blakeley wraps an arm around Harpers shoulder pulling her into her side.
"Love you, B." Harper says.
"Love you to, Harps." Blakeley replies, before kissing her sisters head.

The Hayes sisters and their mom were on the way to Hawkins when the car starts to slow down.
"Mom, why are you slowing down?" Harper asks, looking at her mom.
Blakeley wakes up from the five minute nap she had been having, looking at her mom confused.
"I just have to get something from a friend. I'll be back." Kathrine says, bringing the car to a stop before getting out and walking up to the house.
"Wonder what she's getting." Harper says.
"No clue." Blakeley says, tiredly.
"Want to play a game?" Harper asks.
"I want to sleep." Blakeley responds, causing Harper to laugh.
"Come on. It will be fun!" Harper says.
Blakeley sighs and rolls her eyes before sitting up straight.
"Fine. What game do you have in mind?" Blakeley asks.
"I spy." Harper suggests.
"You're lucky I love you." Blakeley says, causing Harper to smile.
"I love you to, sis." Harper says. "Now let's play!"



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