055: The End Of The Battle

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Blakeley walks through the back corridors of the mall

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Blakeley walks through the back corridors of the mall. She was heading to the weapon store in the mall. On her way there she freezes feeling someone behind her.
"Blakeley Hayes." She slowly looks to see a Hawkins Lab doctor. "You need to come with me."
"Yeah, no chance. The only reason I would come with you is to get my sister back." Blakeley tells him.
"What if I told you that's why I was coming to get you?" The doctor asks.
"I wouldn't believe you." Blakeley responds.
There was all of a sudden a loud bang causing the floor the shake and the doctor to fall to the floor. Blakeley takes this as her opportunity to run off.

Blakeley got to the weapon store and grabbed the largest knife she could find before running out in the main area were all the chaos was happening. She stands there for a moment, out of view of everyone.
"This is for you, Harps." Blakeley whispers.
Blakeley rushes towards the monster with the intent to cut it's legs off but the monster spots her and uses one of it's hands and sharp claws to stab her. She gasps in pain as she falls to the floor. She loses grip of the knife as everything quickly becomes numb from the rapid lose of blood.

After stabbing Blakeley the monster turns to Billy and Eleven. Eleven was on the floor while Billy stood there. The group were all out of fireworks so all they could do was stand and watch. As the monster reaches out to Eleven Billy stops it, getting caught instead. Billy screams in pain as he gets stabbed multiple times. All of a sudden the monster lets go of Billy and stumbles into the railing in front of Steve and Robin. Steve and Robin jump back just as the monster makes impact with the railing before collapsing to the floor. Steve and Robin rush to the balcony, which is when Steve sees Blakeley.
"Blakeley!" Steve shouts, running towards the steps to get down to her.
Upon hearing Steve shout her best friends name Nancy frantically looks for the blonde before finally spotting her.
"Blakeley, no!" Nancy shouts, following Steve down the stairs.
In the meantime, Mike runs to El while Max slowly makes her way to Billy.
"Billy?" Max asks, kneeling down beside her brother who was coughing, blood spilling from his mouth. "Billy. Billy, get up, please. Billy, get up, please, please."
"I'm sorry." Billy manages to get out.
Billy then takes his last breath. Max refusing to believe he's gone shakes him sobbing, calling his name. She all of a sudden feels arms wrap around her from behind. She looks bsck, shocked by who she sees.
"Harps?" Max asks.
Harper nods, before Max hugs her tightly sobbing.


"Blakeley, hey, hey. Babe." Steve says, kneeling down beside Blakeley, pulling her into his lap.
"Hey." Blakeley chokes out as blood starts to come from her mouth.
"No, no, no. Blakeley, please, d- don't do this." Steve begs.
"It's okay." Blakeley tells him.
"You promised. You promised you'd come back to me. Don't leave me, not now." Steve says.
Nancy kneels down on the other side of Blakeley grabbing her hand and Johnathan kneels down beside Nancy.
"We need to keep you on a leash or something." Johnathan half heartedly jokes.
Blakeley laughs lightly, causing her to cough.
"Pro- Promise me. Promise me you'll find Harper for me." Blakeley says.
"Of-" Nancy starts.
"I'm right here, B." The four of them look to see Harper slowly walking towards them.
"Harps?" Blakeley questions, weakly, as Johnathan stands up to give Harper a space beside her sister.
Harper breaks into a run, once getting to Blakeley she kneels down in the spot Johnathan had just been. Harper quickly lets her head fall to her sister's chest as she sobs.
"Don't go." Harper sobs.
Blakeley uses the hand that wasn't holding Nancy's to stoke her sisters head.
"It's gonna be okay." Blakeley reassures her little sister.
"Please. Don't go." Harper sobs again.
Blakeley, weakly leans up kissing the back of Harper's head before laying back down again, she looks at Steve who was silently sobbing. The blonde takes her hand out of Nancy's using it to reach up and place on Steve's cheek.
"I love you." Blakeley tells him.
"I love you to." Steve says, now loudly sobbing.
The rest of the group come over and Blakeley gives her friends a small smile before slowly letting her eyes close.


There were ambulances and fire engines all outside the mall. One ambulance had already left with Blakeley. Steve had begged to go with but wasn't allowed to. So him and Harper were currently sat on the back of a fire engine, Harper's head on Steve's shoulder and Steve's arm around the younger girls shoulders. Steve saw Kathrine, Joyce, Jonah and Murray all walking out but no Hopper, meaning he was gone. Kathrine instantly sees Harper running over to her.
"Harps!" Kathrine shouts, as Jonah follows her.
Harper looks up at the sound of her moms voice.
"Mom!" Harper shouts.
Just as Harper stands up Kathrine gets to them pulling her youngest daughter into a hug.
"Where's Blakeley?" Jonah asks.
Kathrine pulls away at that question, looking around. Until her eyes land on Steve who looks down tears running down his cheeks.
"No." Kathrine says.
"She- she's not gone. But, the paramedics don't think she's gonna make it. They've already taken her to the hospital." Steve explains, not daring to look up.
That was until he feels two arms pull him up. Before he could react, Jonah was hugging him, causing Steve to finally break down in tears.
Kathrine and Harper hug each other again.
The battle was over, but there were lasting impacts.
Hopper was gone.
Billy was gone.
And Blakeley Hayes had been left in life threatening conditions.

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