017: Will You...

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Kathrine, Harper, Steve, Nancy, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Hopper, Mr and Mrs Wheeler all waited in the hospital waiting room

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Kathrine, Harper, Steve, Nancy, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Hopper, Mr and Mrs Wheeler all waited in the hospital waiting room. Not only for news about Blakeley but also news about Will.  Hopper and Joyce had found Will and brought him in a couple hours before Blakeley was brought in. People had been allowed to sit with Will so Joyce and Johnathan were with him. Blakeley seeing as she had only been brought in half an hour ago, and she needed surgery for the amount of blood and oxygen she had lost, currently was still in surgery.

After half an hour of everyone sitting in silence Johnathan comes into the private waiting room they had been given. Johnathan gives Mike a look that said it all. Mike instantly turns to Lucas and Dustin who were asleep.
"Guys, guys, he's up. Will's up!" Mike says shaking his two best friends.
The three boys run out as Johnathan looks around at the group.
"Any update on Blakeley?" Johnathan asks, as to which they all shake their heads. "Let us know when there's an update."
With that Johnathan walks back to his brothers room.

Steve walks out the room a little after Johnathan, and Nancy follows him.
"Steve, wait up." Nancy says. Steve stops so Nancy can catch up before they both continue walking. "You okay?"
"My best friend practically died in my arms. How do you think I'm doing?" Steve asks sarcastically, instantly regretting it. "Sorry."
"No, it's okay." Nancy tells him. "She's gonna be okay, she's strong."
"I know. It was just scary." Steve says.
"I get that." Nancy says as they get to the cafe.
They both order a drink before going to sit down.
"So..." Steve starts.
"Shoot you shot, Steve. Before it's to late." Nancy says.
"what?" Steve asks confused.
"With Blakeley. It's obvious you like her." Nancy says.
"Nance-" Steve starts.
"It's okay, Steve. Plus I like someone else." Nancy says.
"You sure?" Steve asks.
"I'm sure." Nancy replies.
"Thank you." Steve says.
"But don't think that if you pull a stunt like you did with the movie theater again, don't think I won't end you." Nancy says.
"Got it." Steve says as their drinks come.
They both pick up their drinks after they had been placed on the table.
"Cheers to new starts." Nancy says.
"Cheers." Steve says.
The pair had only had a couple sips of their drinks when Hopper came up to them.
"She's up." Hopper tells them.
They both share a look before getting up and running to find her room.

Once they had found Blakeley's room, sure enough she was sat up awake.
"How are you already awake, you just got out of surgery?" Nancy asks hugging her best friend.
"Well, I'm a warrior." Blakeley replies jokingly, before coughing.
"You definitely are." Steve says with a laugh, but relief evident in his voice, as he also hugs his best friend.
"How are you feeling?" Nancy asks as her and Steve sit down on the chairs beside her bed.
"Still feeling a bit weak, but I'm feeling a lot better." Blakeley says.
"Thank god." Steve sighs as he grabs her hand.
The three stay there talking for a couple hours before Steve and Nancy had to go home.


It was a week after the incident and Blakeley was allowed to go home. Steve had driving her back and helped they take all the presents she got while in hospital up to her room.
"Wow. It's nice to be home." Blakeley says.
"Blake." Steve says.
"Yeah?" Blakeley asks looking at him.
"Why am I so nervous?" Steve says with a laugh.
"Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me." Blakeley tells him.
"I like you." Steve blurts out, leaving Blakeley in shock. "I really really like you Blakeley Hayes."
Blakeley stares at him for a moment before walking up to him.
"I really really like you to Steve Harrington." Blakeley says with a smile.
Steve smiles back before leaning down and kissing her.
"Blakeley Hayes, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" Steve asks after they pull away.
"I would be honoured." Blakeley says before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
It was safe to say both teens were on cloud 9. And they hoped that it would always stay that way.



Blakeley Hayes and Johnathan Byers walk down the step to the Wheeler's basement were Blakeley's sister and Johnathan's brother was, playing D&D with their friends.
"Jeez. What's that smell?" Blakeley asks.
"Have you guys been playing games all day or just farting?" Johnathan asks.
"Oh, that's just Dustin. He farted." Lucas says as they all laugh. "Dustin farted."
Lucas starts blowing raspberry, like he was farting as Harper walks up to her sister.
"Boys." Harper says causing her sister to laugh.
"You're friends with them." Blakeley says lightly hitting the back her sisters head as she walked past.
"Not by choice." Harper says.
"Hey!" Mike says.
"I'm just kidding. Love you all really." Harper says.
"Bye, guys." Will and Harper say at the same time.
"Bye Will, Bye Harps." Dustin and lucas say.
"See you guys." Mike says.

Blakeley, Harper, Johnathan and Will all walk upstairs.
"The boys told me that Harper cried at my 'funeral' today." Will says.
"I already told you, it was hay-fever." Harper says.
"In winter?" Johnathan says in a questioning tone.
"Stop trying to get me caught, Johnathan." Harper says hitting the oldest Byer's arm.
The four of them laugh as they walk into the kitchen where Mrs Wheeler was.
"Hey guys." Mrs Wheeler says.
"Hi Mrs Wheeler." Johnathan and Blakeley say.
"Hi." Harper and Will say.
"Wish your mom's a very merry Christmas from me, okay?" Mrs Wheeler tells them.
"Yeah. Thank you." Johnathan says.
"Merry Christmas." Blakeley says.
"Merry Christmas." Mrs Wheeler responds.
"So, you win?" Johnathan asks,
"Yeah." The two younger teens reply.
"Awesome." Blakeley says.
"Hey guys, wait up." They hear Nancy say.
The four of them turn to see Nancy coming down the stairs with four presents. "Merry Christmas."
"Thanks Nance. I'll drop yours round tomorrow." Blakeley says.
"Okay." Nancy says as she hands them each their present.
"Okay, Harps, Will let's go and give these two some time." Blakley says placing a hand on both the younger kids backs.
"Why?" Will asks.
"Doesn't matter. Let's just do it." Blakeley says leading the two kids out.
Blakeley and Harper wait with Will until Johnathan gets out and when he does Blakeley and Harper go over to Steve's car where Steve was waiting for them. They get over there and Blakeley grabs two presents out the seat.
"Johnathan, Will, wait up." Blakeley says going overto their car which they were about to get into. She holds the presents out to them. "Merry Christmas."
"Thanks we'll drop your's and Harper's over tomorrow afternoon." Will says.
"Okay. See you guys tomorrow." Blakeley says.
"See you tomorrow, Blakeley." Johnathan says, before him and Will get into their car and Blakeley walks back over to Steve's car.
Steve smiles at his girlfriend as she get's in. He leans over and gives her a peck on the lips, grossing out the younger girl in the back. But Harper was just happy that her sister was finally happy again.

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