Chapter 13: James Hayes

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Dear Father,I honestly don't know what to say to you

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Dear Father,
I honestly don't know what to say to you. I didn't even want to write this, but it didn't feel right not to. You may be my father but you haven't been my dad since yours and mom's divorce. I want to forgive you for everything you have done. I really do, but I know that I can't. You haven't been there. You haven't even bothered to call within the past two years. You don't have a clue what has been going on here. Is that I would say if I didn't know you were involved in Hawkin's Lab. There's so many things you have done. The worse you have done is kidnapping your own daughter.  What time of father does that? The one time I needed you the most you didn't even make an effort to be here. I still haven't told mom or Harps. I haven't told them about the time you came to college to see me to try and get back into my life as if nothing happened. I meant everything I said that day. Mom's new boyfriend is more of a dad to me and Harper then you ever were. I wish you weren't my father. If you had just taken a moment to be there for me and Harper things would be so different. But they aren't. Would say I wish you have the best life, but I would be lying. Bye father.
Blakeley <3


"What's wrong with you?" James shouts as Kathrine closes the door to hers and Jonah's bedroom.
After James had burst into the house Kathrine had dragged him to the bedroom for privacy, with Harper and Jonah following closely behind.
"What's wrong with me?" Kathrine asks, with a scoff. "What's wrong with you?"
"You were never here for us, dad. Unlike mom, who has been here constantly. If anything's wrong with anyone, it's you." Harper says.
James scoffs looking at Jonah.
"So your the man my wife replaced me with." James asks.
"I'm not your wife." Kathrine says.
"Still, you replaced me with this guy." James says, gesturing to Jonah.
"Don't talk to her that way." Jonah says, placing an arm in-front of Kathrine and Harper.
"Listen man, you don't get to come along and take over my role in my daughters lives."  James says.
"What role?" Harper asks, stepping towards towards James. "You don't have a role in mine or Blakeley's life. You haven't been there to have a role. How many times do we have to say that to get it into your head."
"You and Blakeley are still my daughters. I love you both. And I want to be here more." James says.
"It's too late." Harper tells him. "Please leave."


Blakeley was in class when she got a message saying there was someone at reception for her. She walks in and up to the desk.
"Hi. I'm Blakeley Hayes. I got a message saying there was someone here to see me." Blakeley tells the lady behind the desk.
"Over there." The lady says, pointing to the side of the room.
Blakeley looks to see her dad. She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Thanks." The blonde says to the lady, before walking away.
"Blakeley, wait." James says, following his daughter out of the school.
"What are you doing here?" Blakeley asks, looking back at him.
"I came to see you." James tells her.
"Well I don't want to see you." Blakeley snaps. "Please leave."
James sighs looking away before looking back to his daughter.
"Blakeley, please. I'm sorry I haven't been here but I want to be here now." James says.
"It's to late. Mom's new boyfriend Jonah is more of a dad then you ever were." Blakeley says.
"Harper said the exact same thing." James says, with a smile laugh.
"No kidding. It's not a surprise, seeing as it's true." Blakeley says. "I got class. Just leave. And don't bother coming back."
Blakeley walks past James, bumping his shoulder on the way. Without looking back she walks back into the school building  and back to class.

"Hey sweetie, can I talk to you?" James asks, walking into his oldest daughters room.
"Yeah. Sure." Blakeley replies, closing her notebook.
"I'm sorry that what's going on between me and you're mother is happening." James says. "Just know, none of this is your fault at all."
"Then what's happened?"  Blakeley questions.
"Things change. People grow and as they grow they sometimes grow apart. That's just what happens, sweetie." James tells her.
"Please, just. Promise me things won't change to much." Blakeley says.
"I promise, sweetie. Me and your mother love you and your sister so much. No matter what." James says, wrapping an arm around his daughters shoulders.
"Love you, dad." Blakeley says, resting her head on his shoulders.
"Love you to, sweetie." James says, kissing his daughters head before resting it on top. "Forever and always."

James Hayes was sat in the living room when Blakeley walks down the stairs.
"Hey dad, where's mom and Harps?" Blakeley asks, sitting down on the couch diagonal from the one her father was sat on.
"Gone to get dinner." James answers, flicking through the channels on the TV.
"What are we getting?" Blakeley asks.
"Chinese." James answers.
"You doing okay?" Blakeley asks, seeing the way he was acting.
"Yeah. Just, can't believe you and Harps are leaving tomorrow." James says.
"Mom's leaving too." Blakeley says, with a weak smile. "Sorry, I shouldn't of..."
"It's fine, sweetie." James says. "No need to worry."
"Well, it may be the last family meal for now, but I can bet it wont be the last family meal forever. We just have to make the most of tonight."  Blakeley says, causing James to nod.
"Yeah we do." James says, causing Blakeley to laugh at the way he said it.
Blakeley smiles, standing up and moving to the couch her father was sat on. When Kathrine and Harper get back they see Blakeley and James cuddled up on the couch laughing.

"You all packed?" James asks, walking over to his oldest daughter who had just finished putting all her stuff into the boot of the car.
"Yeah." Blakeley says.
Blakeley smiles lightly before hugging James.
"Love you, sweetheart." James says.
"Love you to, dad." Blakeley replies.
James kisses the side of Blakeley's head before the pair pull apart.
"Just promise you won't find someone to replace my father role in your life." James says.
"Who could?" Blakeley says.
James smiles before Harper and Kathrine come out. James hugs Harper and says goodbye to Kathrine before the three girls were off.



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