025: Sister Seperation

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While Blakeley was with Nancy and Johnathan, Harper was with Steve and Dustin on their way to find Dart

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While Blakeley was with Nancy and Johnathan, Harper was with Steve and Dustin on their way to find Dart. The demogorgon Dustin had toke in as a pet without realising.
"wait a sec. How big?" Steve asks.
"First he was like that. Now he's like this." Dustin says using his fingers to show the size of Dart.
"I swear to god Henderson, if it's just a little lizard I will kill you." Harper tells him.
"We aren't killing anyone." Steve says, looking back at Harper then to Dustin. "But I am with Harper on this one."
"It's not a lizard." Dustin says.
"How do you know?" Steve asks.
"How do I know if it's not?" Dustin asks.
"Yes, how do you know it's not a lizard?" Steve asks.
"Because his face opened up and he eat my cat." Dustin says.
"Wait? He ate Mews?" Harper asks.
"Yep." Dustin says.
"Oh, then we are definitely killing this thing." Harper says.
"What is it with you and killing?" Steve asks.
"Have you seen my sister when she has a gun in her hand?" Harper asks.
"Fair point." Steve says, tipping his head to the side in one quick movement.

The pull up to the spot and Steve gets his bat out the car. They head towards the doors where Dustin trapped Dart in.
"I don't hear shit." Steve says.
"He's in there." Dustin says.
Steve then taps his bat against the doors causing a loud sound.
"Yeah, irritate him. Good job Steve." Harper says sarcastically.
"Shh." Steve says, before hitting it again. He turns to the two younger teens, pointing the flashlight in Dustin's face. "All right, listen kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."
"Who's the one who said we aren't killing anyone?" Harper asks, looking at her sister's boyfriend as she crosses her arms.
"It's not a prank." Dustin says. "Get it out my face."
"You got a key for this thing?" Steve asks.

Dustin got the key. Steve opens the door and the three of them look in to see nothing.
"He must be further down." Dustin says. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape."
"I'll go with you Steve." Harper says.
"yeah, no way." Steve says.
"Why not?" Harper asks.
"If anything happens to you your sister will kill me." Steve says.
"Just admit that you guys care about each other." Dustin tells her pair.
Harper rolls her eyes before Steve starts to head inside.

"Steve?" Dustin says.
It had been a few minutes and they had still not heard anything from Steve.
"Steve, what's going on down their?" Harper asks.
Steve then appears.
"Get down here." Steve tells them.
The two teens go down.
"Gross." Harper says when she sees the skin on Steve's bat.
"Oh shit." Dustin says, seeing  whole in the wall.
"And he could be anywhere. Good job Henderson." Harper says.
Harper rolls her eyes before going back up.


Blakeley, Nancy, Johnathan and Murray had just finished making all the copies of the recording. They were sat around having a drink.
"To taking down the man." Murray says.
"To taking down the man." The three teens say.
"Commie bastard sure know how to make a spirit. Am I right?" Murray asks.
"Oh, no, no, no. We... we can't." Nancy says.
"Yeah. No. No. I've got to drive." Johnathan says.
"Me to." Blakeley says.
"Drive? What tonight?" Murray.
"Our parents..." Nancy starts.
"Would be proud if they knew what you were up to." Murray says. "Just tell them you're at Tammy or Dawn's or whoever and take my guest room."
"I generally have somewhere to be." Blakeley says. "I can't stay."
"Well, it is getting late." Johnathan says.
"Us two will stay." Nancy says.
"Could I take the sofa?" Johnathan asks.
"Okay. I'm confused. What's going on here? A lovers quarrel?" Murray asks.
"No, no. I mean we're just friends." Johnathan says.
"What about you two?" Murray asks gesturing between Johnathan and Blakeley.
"I've got a boyfriend. And it's not him. We're just friends as well." Blakeley says. "And that's my que to leave. See you guys soon."
"By, B." Nancy says.
Blakeley then walks back to her car to go find her sister, her boyfriend and Dustin.


Harper stands back as Steve and Dustin get everything they needed out of the car.
Dustin has a small conversation with Lucas as Steve holds bucket of raw meat out to Harper.
"No way I'm touching that. Even with gloves." Harper says.
"All right, you take this then." Steve says, holding the gasoline can out to her.
"Sure." Harper says, taking the can.
"Come on, Henderson, let's go." Steve says.
Dustin tells Lucas to meet them at the old junkyard before ending the line.


It was day time by the time Blakeley got back into Hawkins. As she was driving to find Steve, Harper and Dustin she sees Lucas and Max.
"Lucas! max!" Blakeley says, pulling up beside them.
"Blakeley." Lucas says stopping the bike.
"Do you know where Steve, Harps and Dustin are?" Blakeley asks, as Lucas and Max get off the bike.
"They're heading to the junk yard. That's where we were heading." Lucas tells her.
Blakeley gets out the car and takes the bike from Lucas and putting it in her boot.
"Get in." Blakeley tells the two teens.
Lucas gets in straight away but Max holds back a little.
"Max come on." Lucas says.
"We may of not had the best start. But if you promise to be nice to my sister from now on, I guess I can forgive you." Blakeley tells her.
"I promise to be nice to Harper from now on. I regret ever being mean to her." Max says. "There is a reason I did it but I don't think you'll understand."
"You can tell me later. Right now we've got to go help Steve, Harper and Dustin." Blakeley says. "So get in."
Max and Blakeley get in the car. Blakeley starts the car and they were off to the junkyard.

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