044: Come And Find Me

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Erica was using the flashlight to look in a airduct

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Erica was using the flashlight to look in a airduct. After a few moments she turns to Blakeley, Steve, Robin and Dustin.
"Yeah. I don't know." Erica says.
"You don't know if you can fit?" Blakeley asks crossing her arms.
"Oh, I can fit. I just don't know if I want to." Erica says.
"Are you claustrophobic?" Robin asks.
"I don't have phobia's." Erica says.
"Okay, well, what's the problem?" Steve asks.
"The problem is, I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica." Erica says.
"Free ice cream." Dustin says.
"Dude." Steve says.
"What?" Dustin asks.
"Free ice cream? Deal." Erica says.
"Then free ice cream you will get." Blakeley says.
"We are so getting fired." Steve says looking at Robin, as Blakeley, Dustin and Erica walk out to the front.
"Yep." Robin agrees.
The two share a look before walking out the front as well.

Steve hands Erica her ice cream as he sits down at the table with her, Blakeley, Dustin and Robin.
"More fudge please." Erica says. "Go on."
"Okay." Robin says as Steve leaves. "You see this? This is the route you're gonna take. Then we just wait until the last delivery goes out tonight. Then you knock out the grate, jump down, open the door."
"Then you find out what's in those boxes?" Erica asks.
"Exactly." Blakeley says.
"Mm-hm. And you say this guard is armed." Erica says.
"Yes, but he won't be there." Dustin says.
"And booby traps?" Erica asks.
"Booby traps?" Robin asks.
"Lasers, spikes in the wall?" Erica says. "You know what this half bake plan sounds like to me? Child endangerment."
"We will be in radio contact with you the whole time." Blakeley tells her.
"Ah, ah, ah! Child endangerment." Erica says.
"Erica, hi. Uh... We think these Russians want to do harm to our country." Dustin says. "Great harm. Don't you love your country?"
"You can't spell 'America' without 'Erica'." Erica says.
"Yeah, yeah. Oddly that's totally true." Dustin says. "So, so don't do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man. Do it for America... Erica."
"Ohh, I just got the chills. From this float. Not your speech." Erica says. "You know what I love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is?"
"Yeah." Blakeley says.
"It means this is a free market system." Erica says. "Meaning people get paid for their services, depending on how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me that my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very, valuable to you all."
"What are you trying to say?" Blakeley asks.
"If I do this. I better get my cut. Okay?" Erica says.
"Which is?" Robin asks.
"This USS butterscotch, better be the first of many. And I'm talking free ice cream. For life." Erica says.
The phone out the back then goes off. They knew Steve would get it so didn't bother moving. A couple moments later, Steve comes up to them.
"Babe, it's you new Step dad on the phone." Steve tells Blakeley.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Blakeley says, getting up from the table.

Blakeley walks into the back room, and over to the phone, that was hanging down. She walks over picking it up.
"Hello?" Blakeley asks. "Jonah."
"Blakeley, where are you, you were meant to be home an hour ago." Jonah tells her.
"I'm still at 'Scoops Ahoy' I'm okay. I'll be back in a bit. Steve just needs help with something. I promise, I'll be back soon. Okay?" Blakeley says.
"Two hours. Then we need you home. Got it?" Jonah asks.
"Okay, I got it Jonah. Bye." Blakeley says, before hanging up the phone.
She sighs leaning against the wall before going back out.


"Erica, do you copy?" Robin asks over the radio.
"mm-hmm I copy." Erica replies. "You nerds in position or what?"
"Yeah, we're in position, it's all quite here so you got the green light." Robin tells her.
"Green light, copy that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment." Erica says, causing Blakeley to roll her eyes.
"Can we maybe not call it that?" Robin asks.
"See you on the other side." Erica says. "Nerds."
"I really hope this doesn't take long, I was meant to be home three hours ago. My mom and Jonah are gonna murder me." Blakeley says.
"Once Erica opens the door we will be in and out." Steve reassures her. "Then I'll drive you straight home."
Blakeley nods before looking down at where the guards were.

After a little while, Erica's voice comes over the radio again.
"All right, nerds. I'm there." Erica says, as Blakeley takes the radio from Robin.
"Do you see anything?" Blakeley asks.
"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about." Erica says.
"Any guards?" Blakeley asks.
"Negative." Erica says.
"Booby traps?" Robin asks.
"If I could see them they'd be pretty shit traps, now, wouldn't they?" Erica asks.
"She's got a point." Blakeley says, causing Robin to hit her shoulder. "Ow!"
"Thank you for that." Robin says.
"I'm in." Erica says.
"Oh, god." Steve says, covering his face with his hands.
The doors then open and Erica walks out of them.
"Free ice cream, for life." Erica says.
Blakeley and Robin smile, as Steve and Dustin look at her shocked.
"Let's go." Blakeley whispers, as they all slowly get up.


Billy was getting ready to go home after his shift at the pool when he heard a noise.
"Pools closed. Hey. Do you hear me? Pool is closed." Billy says going over and banging on the door. He tries to open it but it was locked.
"Billy!" A voice shouts.
"Who's there?" Billy asks.
"Billy!" The voice repeats in a sing- songy voice.
"Who's there?" Billy also repeats in a sing- songy voice.
There was then echoing laughter.
"Billy! Billy!"
"You think this is funny, huh?" Billy asks.
"Billy! Come and find me."

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