068: Seems To Be A Moment

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"Looks like somebody forgot to pay their electric bill

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"Looks like somebody forgot to pay their electric bill." Lucas says, as they look around the walkway of the Creel House.
Everyone then turns of their flashlights.
"Where did everyone get those?" Steve asks.
"Do you need to be told everything?" Harper asks. "You're not a child."
"Thank you." Steve says sarcastically.
Blakeley grabs the spare flashlight from her bag, walking past Steve as the others walk ahead.
"Here." Blakeley says handing it to him, without even looking at him she follows the group.
"They left everything." Nancy says.
"Guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value." Robin says.
"Wait, guys." Max says, causing everyone to look at her to look and see she was shining her torch on a clock. "You guys see that right?"
"Yeah." Dustin says.
"Is this what you saw in your visions?" Harper asks.
Max nods.
"I mean it's... just a clock." Robin says. "Right?"
Blakeley goes up and wipes some dust of it.
"Just like a normal old clock." Blakeley says.
"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?" Steve asks. "Maybe he's like a clock maker or something?"
"Think you cracked the case, Steve." Harper says sarcastically and teasingly.
"All I know is the answer is here. Somewhere." Nancy says. "Everyone stay in groups of two, Robin upstairs."

"So..." Steve trails off, as he and Blakeley enter an upstairs room.
"We don't have to talk, Steve." Blakeley tells him. "Let's just get this done and quickly. One so Vecna doesn't come back for Max and two I'm going to have to leave in a couple days for college, so we need to figure this out soon."
"Can't you just call the school and tell them you're going to be a couple days late?" Steve asks.
"It's not that easy, Steve. I'm already on thin ice as I applied late as college was a last minute decision as I was going to have a gap year." Blakeley tells him.
"Surely all of this trumps going back to college." Steve says.
"Says the guy who doesn't go to college." Blakeley remarks, before rolling her eyes and looking away from him.
"That's by choice." Steve says.
"The bottom line is, I want to go back to college so I can have my normal life back. When I'm at college I'm not the girl who came back from the dead. Everything that's gone down here these past few years doesn't exist. Everything is normal. I'm a normal person." Blakeley says.
"If you like it so much, why don't you go back now?" Steve asks.
"Maybe I will." Blakeley responds.
"Fine." Steve says.
"Fine." Blakeley replies.
The two then remain in silence as they look around the room.
After a while of looking Steve all of a sudden backs into Blakeley.
"Jesus! What's wrong?" Blakeley asks.
"There's a spider." Steve says.
Blakeley's worried face soon becomes annoyed.
"Really Steve?" Blakeley asks.
Blakeley then walks out the room and into another one. Upon coming out of the room she was just in, after finding nothing, she catches what seems to be a moment between Steve and Nancy as Nancy picks cop webs out of Steve hair and Steve goes on about how him, Nancy, Robin and Johnathan should do something all together.
Blakeley hides behind the door frame watching the moment continue until Steve eventually walks away.


Max and Harper walk into a room downstairs as the music on Max's tape stops playing.
"I wish we had a longer loop." Harper says.
"Forty six minutes isn't bad." Max says. "I think there are bigger concerns. Like... what if by listening to this over and over, I get sick of it, and suddenly it's not my favourite song anymore? Will it still work or will Kate Bush, like, lose her magic power of something?"
"Kate Bush? Never." Harper says.
"You're a Kate Bush fan?" Max asks.
"Uh, yeah. Now I am." Harper replies.
"Really?" Max asks.
"Yeah. Mega fan. She saved your life. Besides we're hot on this creeps trail. We're gonna find Vecna and kill him before he even thinks about messing with you again, all right?" Harper says, placing a hand on her girlfriends shoulder. "In fact, if we hit these suckers in the right combo, we might open a door to his secret lair." Harper then plays the piano keys and they both laugh. "Vola."
"You're such a dork." Max says laughing.
"You're the one who's stuck with me." Harper says.
The couple get caught staring at each other until the tape clicks.
"Ready. Kate work your magic." Max says, as she starts playing the song. As Max goes to put the headphones on the lamp beside them flickers. "I promise I'm going to stop asking this, but you see that, right?"
"Yeah." Harper says.
As Max reached out to the lamp it goes out.
Slowly the lights in the corridor flickers one by one.


The group all stood around watching the light flicker.
"It's like the Christmas lights." Nancy says, looking at Blakeley.
"The Christmas lights?" Max asks.
"When Will was in the upside down, Joyce used Christmas lights to talk to him. They came to life." Blakeley explains.
"Vecna's here." Dustin says. "In this house."
"Just on the other side." Lucas says.
The lights then go out.
"I think he just left the room." Robin says.
"Did he hear us?" Harper asks.
"Can he see us?" Steve questions.
"Headphones." Harper tells her girlfriend.
"Wait wait. Everybody turn off your flashlights and spread out." Blakeley tells them, as Max puts her headphones on.
"We're not going to be able to see if we turn off our flash... lights." Steve says, cutting himself off as everyone turns there's off.
They were all walking around until Steve's flashlight turns on by itself  and they follow it.
"Shit, I lost him." Steve says, as the light goes out.
"No you didn't." Max says opening the door, where the light was on.
"It's an attic. Of course it's an attic." Robin says, as they all walk up the steps.
"Wait guys, what if he's leading us into a trap?" Dustin asks.
As they all walk into the attic all their flashlights turn on as the bulb above them was still on.
"Okay, what's happening?" Steve asks.
All of a sudden the lights explode causing everything to go dark.

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