032: The Tunnels

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Harper and Max helped Blakeley to the car, while the boys somehow got Steve, who was completely unconscious to the car

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Harper and Max helped Blakeley to the car, while the boys somehow got Steve, who was completely unconscious to the car. They also somehow manged to all fit in the car.
Steve was still unconscious beside Blakeley, who had her head resting on her boyfriends shoulder. Somehow she wasn't unconscious but she was in a lot of pain.
Steve slowly starts to wake up.
"Blakeley?" Steve asks, looking beside him where Harper was sat.
"I'm right here." Blakeley says, taking her head off his shoulder, going slightly dizzy from the sudden movement.
"No, no. Don't touch it." Dustin tells Steve, who went to touch a place on his face. "Hey, buddy. Shh, shh. It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass. But you put up a fight. You're okay."
"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile. Then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas explains.
"What's going on?" Steve asks, before seeing Max was driving. "Oh My God."
"Relax. She's driven before." Dustin says.
"Yeah, in a parking lot." Mike remarks.
"That counts." Dustin says.
"They were gonna leave you behind." Blakeley says. "I promised you'd be cool, okay?"
"Why aren't you driving?" Steve asks.
"I'm not exactly in the best shape either." Blakeley says, with a laugh.
Upon hearing that, Steve wanted to turn to look at his girlfriend to make sure she was okay, but if he did he knew he most likely would throw up.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Steve asks, as Max speeds up. "Oh my God! No! Whoa! Stop the car! Slow down!"
"I told you he'd freak out." Harper says.
"Stop the car!" Steve shouts.
"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus." Max shouts.
Max then has to make a sudden turn, as she does everyone screams.

Max eventually stops the car.
"I told you, zoomer." Max says.
They all then get out of the car, the kids start getting stuff out of the boot as Blakeley and Steve lean against the car.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Steve asks Dustin, who was walking away. "Are you deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now! I made myself clear! Hey, there is no chance we're going down that hole, all right? This ends, right now."
"Steve, you're upset. I get that. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide assistance." Dustin says. "Now, I know you promised Nance you would keep us safe. So keep us safe."
Steve takes his bag and bat from Dustin.
"Steve?" Blakeley asks, as Dustin walks away.
"Yeah- Whoa." Steve says, as he catches Blakeley who stumbles. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Blakeley replies, putting a hand on her head.
Steve sees the bruises and cuts on her face as well as the state her wrist was in.
"Did Billy do that?" Steve asks, gently placing a hand on his girlfriends cheek.
"Yeah." Blakeley replies quietly.
Blakeley walks round to the boot of the car, grabbing her gun.
"Stay here, okay?" Steve tells her.
"I ain't letting you guys go down their without me." Blakeley says.
"Blakeley, you're in no shape to go down there." Steve says.
"Neither are you." Blakeley responds, closing the boot.
"Just stick close by me, okay?" Steve asks.
Blakeley nods as she cocks her gun.

The group were now down in the tunnels.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike says.
"You pretty sure, or your certain?" Harper asks.
"I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know." Mike says, walking ahead.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so." Steve says. "Any of you little shits die down here me and Blakeley are getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. Let's go."
They all then start to follow Steve through the tunnel.

"God." Lucas says, after they had been walking for a little while.
"What is this place?" Max asks.
"Guys, come on, keep moving." Steve says.
Everyone continues on, expect Dustin. All of a sudden they hear Dustin screaming and run back.
"What happened?" Blakeley asks.
"What happened?" Steve asks, at the same time.
"It's in my mouth! Some got in my mouth! Shit!" Dustin says, as he starts coughing.
"Shit." Steve says.
Dustin then looks up at them, as he stops coughing.
"I'm okay." Dustin says.
"You serious?" Harper asks.
"Very funny, man." Steve says.
"Nice. Very nice." Blakeley says.
"Jesus. What an idiot." Max says, as they all start to walk away.
The group continue to make their way through the tunnels.
"All right, Wheeler. I think we found you hub." Steve says.
In front of them were entrances to loads of different tunnels.
"Let's drench it." Mike says.

"Okay, this is insane on a whole new scale." Lucas admits, after they had pored gasoline all over the place.
"I tried to stop you, shitheads." Steve says.
"Look, the sooner we do this the sooner that El can get to the gate safely and close it then this will be all over." Blakeley says. "No more demogorgons, demo- dogs, or the Mind Flayer. We'll all be safe and we can go back to our normal lives before any of this happened."
"Blakeley's right." Mike says.
"You're only saying that because you have a crush on El and want her to be safe." Lucas says.
"Which is what we all want, El to be safe. We want everyone to be safe." Blakeley says.
"Well we aren't right now, are we?" Harper says.
"May I remind all of you dickheads, that you're the ones who wanted to do this." Steve reminds them.
"Come on, let's do it." Max says.
"Okay. One." Dustin says.
"Two." Harper says.

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