008: Bad Influences

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Johnathan and Nancy were running around the woods trying to Find Blakeley

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Johnathan and Nancy were running around the woods trying to Find Blakeley. The blonde could hear them but not see them.
"Nancy! Johnathan!" Blakeley shouts. "Nancy! Johnathan! Guys, I'm right here! Guys, where are you? Nancy! Johnathan! Guys, I'm right... I'm right here."
Blakeley had no idea where she was.
"We're right here." Nancy says, hearing Blakeley's voice faintly.
"Just follow our voices." Johnahan says, also hearing Blakeley's voice.
"Nancy! Johnathan!" Blakeley shouts.
"Follow our voices, Blakeley!" Johnathan shouts.
"We're right here." Nancy says.
The monster Blakeley had seen a few minutes ago appears causing her to scream.
"Blakeley!" Johnathan shouts.
"B!" Nancy shouts at the same time, as they both hear her scream.
Blakeley hid behind a wall, trying to calm her breathing down as the monster walks past.
Meanwhile, Johnathan and Nancy had found the hole Blakeley climbed through.
"Blakeley, follow my voice." Johnathan says.
Blakeley looks towards where the voice came from as the monster growls.
Johnathan and Nancy where looking at the hole when a hand breaks through the webs, causing both of them to fall back.
"Nancy! Johnathan!" Blakeley screams.
"Blakeley!" Both Nancy and Johnathan shout.
The two quickly scramble to their knees as the both grab different parts of Blakeley's arm pulling her through.
Once she was through, Nancy wraps her arms around Blakeley, who was breathing heavily.
"I got you." Nancy reassures her best friend.
The trio look back at the hole before looking at each other then back to the hole. It was gone.


Steve was driving, Tommy sat beside him and Carol in the back.
"I just don't understand why we're coming out here." Carol says. "She obviously doesn't want to talk to you."
"That's... That's not it." Steve says.
"Oh, really? Because no girl would ever blow off King Steve." Carol says.
"She was acting weird. I mean, something was wrong." Steve says.
"So what?" Carol asks. "Like, you're worried about her?"
"What?" Steve asks.
"Aw, you are." Carol says leaning forward placing her arm across his neck. "Aw, Steve has a heart."
"Would you just- stop." Steve says pushing her arm off.
"Oh, Stevie's in love." Tommy teases.
"Would you just shut up?" Steve says.
"Who knew." Carol says.
"Shut up!" Steve shouts. "I'm not in love, she's my best friend, okay. She was not acting like herself at all. She played it off well, but the more I thought about it the more I realised she was acting weird."
"Dude, she's been acting weird ever since that party at yours." Tommy says.
"Aww, maybe she's embarrassed about slipping over." Carol says, in a teasing tone.
"I thought she was your guy's friend as well." Steve says.
"She is. She knows this is our sense of humour. Don't worry about it." Carol tells him.
They pull up to the house.
"So this is it, huh? Princess' castle." Tommy says.
"You've been here before." Steve says before getting out the car. "I'll just be a minute."
Steve then jogs of the window climbing up the gutter to get to Blakeley's room. When he peers in he see's Johnathan wrapping a blanket around his blonde best friend. Steve stays there for a minute before jumping back down. Once he lands he turns to see Harper leaning against the pole attached to the fence and the stairs to their porch, with her arms crossed.
"If it isn't Steve Harrington." Harper says.
"Hey Harper." Steve says.
"What you doing here, Steve?" Harper asks standing up straight.
"Just thought I would come check on your sister." Steve says.
"Why?" Harper asks.
"Because she's my best friend and I have been messaging her and she hasn't replied." Steve says.
"Not everyone has to reply to you straight away, King Steve." Harper says.
"Yeah, I know. But Blakeley normally does. So I was worried. That's all." Steve says. "Anyway, goodnight Harper."
"My mom thinks you're a bad influence on Blake." Harper says causing Steve to stop walking.
"I know she does." Steve says with a sigh as he turns to look at the younger girl. "Do you?"
"I mean, she's changed since we've moved here. A little bit in a bad way, but so have I, so there's a possibility it could be to do with our parents divorce, but she's changed a lot more then me, so maybe you, Carol and Tommy H are bad influences."
"I can promise you that all we are trying to do is help your sister." Steve says.
"By convincing her to sneak out, party, drink and do drugs?" Harper says. "Yeah right."
"Your to young to understand, Harper." Steve says.
"Maybe I am. But I'm definitely not to young to know when my sister needs new friends who are actually good for her." Harper says. "Who knows, maybe she'll realise that y'all are bad for her and leave y'all and become friends with Johnathan Byers. I mean, it seems like their getting close." Harper gestures up to Blakeley's window. "Right?"
"Yeah maybe." Steve says, not wanting to be rude to his best friends little sister.
Harper laughs and shakes her head, standing up straight keeping her arms cross.
"You better get out of here before our mom sees you." Harper says. "See you around Steve Harrington."
Harper then walks back into the house. Steve stares at the door shocked and confused for a moment before making his way back to his car.

"What did little Hayes say to you?" Carol asks as Steve get's into the car.
"Nothing." Steve replies.
"Oh come on, Stevie. She didn't upset you did she? What she could have possibly said. She's what? like 9." Tommy asks.
"She's 12." Steve replies starting the car.
"Woah, okay, sorry." Tommy says jokingly.
Steve doesn't say anything, but just rolls his eyes. He didn't know what he was going to do with what's going on with Blakeley. All he knew was he did not like the fact Blakeley and Johnathan were hanging out. He didn't like it one bit.

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