003: Pool Side Bonding

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Blakeley was sat on one of the deck chairs by Steve's pool

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Blakeley was sat on one of the deck chairs by Steve's pool. She watched as Tommy picked Carol up causing her the shriek.
"One! Two! Three!" Tommy says.
"Stop it, Tommy, no! Don't!" Carol shouts before Tommy puts her down. Carol pushes him. "You're such an asshole Tommy."
Steve walks over to where Blakeley was sitting, handing her a beer.
"Thanks, Steven." Blakeley says.
"No problem, Blake." Steve replies.
Steve pierces the bottom of his can with a knife before handing the knife to Blakeley who does the same. They both chug their beers before Steve sits down on the deck chair between Blakeley and Nancy.
"Is that suppose to impress me?" Nancy asks Steve,
"You're not?" Steve asks putting a cigerette into his mouth.
"You are a cliche, you do realize that?" Nancy says to Steve as he hands Blakeley a cigarette before lighting the one already placed between his lips.
"You are a cliche. What with your... grades and your band practice." Steve says.
"I'm so not in band." Nancy says as Steve hands Blakeley the lighter.
"Okay, party girl..." Blakeley says lighting her cigertte placing it in between her lips, she then grabs a beer holding it out to Nancy. "Why don't you just show us how it's done?"
"Okay." Nancy says taking the beer and knife from Blakeley as she stands up.
"You gotta make a little hole right in-" Steve starts.
"I got it." Nancy tells him.
"Yeah, she's smart, you douche!" Tommy says.
Nancy makes the hole before starting to chug it as everyone, apart from Barb, cheers her on.
"Barb, you wanna try?" Nancy asks.
"What? No." Barb answers as Nancy grabs a beer for her. "No, I don't want to thanks."
"Come on." Nancy says.
"Yeah, come on Barb, It's not that bad." Blakeley says placing her two fingers on each side of the cigarette and removing it from her lips, taking a breath then putting it back between her lips.
"Nance, I don't want to." Barb tells her.
"It's fun! Just give it a-" Nancy starts.
"Nance..." Barb cuts her off.
"Just... Just give it a shot." Nancy says.
Barb ends up cutting herself as she tries to slit the can.
"Gnarly." Tommy says.
"Are you okay?" Nancy asks.
"Yeah." Barb says as Blakeley walks over.
Blakeley grabs Barb's wrist turning it so she could check her hand.
"Barb, you're bleeding." Blakeley tells her.
"I'm fine." Barb says pulling her wrist from Blakeley's grip.
"Okay." Blakeley mutters before going and standing next to Tommy and Carol who were stood behind Barb.
"Where's you're bathroom?" Barb asks Steve.
Steve gives Barb the directions before leaving.
Blakeley had gone to get another drink when she heard screaming. She turns to see Carol in the pool and Tommy laughing.
"Did you just push her in, H?" Blakeley questions Tommy.
"Yeah, do you want to go next, Hayes?" Tommy asks running over and lifting Blakeley up.
"Tommy, put me down." Blakeley says laughing. "Tommy, don't you dare."
"Okay." Tommy says putting her down before jumping into the pool himself.
Blakeley turns to go and sit back down but sees Steve slowly walking over to her.
"Harrington, don't you fucking dare." Blakeley warns.
"Sorry, Hayes." Steve replies.
Before she could respond Blakley gets pushed into the pull by Steve.
"Steven!" Blakeley shouts as she resurfaces.
Steve pushes Nancy into the pool before jumping in himself.
The five of them were splashing each other with the water when Steve manages to somehow get Blakeley and Nancy's shoes.
"Steven, give me back my shoe!" Blakeley says trying not to laugh.
"Gonna have to come and get me." Steve says before swimming off, the two girls following.

After a while they all get out of the pool. Ever since Blakeley and Steve became as close as they are now, she had also had some clothes in the spare room of the house, for when she would stay over when things with her mom got to intense. She went and put on some dry clothes before heading out to the pool to see Barb sat there.
"Thought Nancy told you to head on home?" Blakeley says.
"Yeah, she did." Barb says.
"Didn't think you'd want to stay any longer then needed to." Blakeley says as she sits down next to Barb, coping the position Barb was on and dipping her feet in the water.
"Don't want to leave Nancy without a ride." Barb says.
"That's nice of you." Blakeley says before looking away and sighing.
"You okay?" Barb asks. "I know we aren't close but, if you need someonr to talk to..."
"It's just it's 5 months ago today was the day I found out my parents were getting a divorce." Blakeley says resting her head on her hand, which was in a fist.
"I'm sorry." Barb says.
"I wasn't like the person I am now before." Blakeley admits. "I didn't drink, smoke or sneak-out."
"It's understandable that you would change after something like that." Barb tells. "And hey, you're still awesome."
Blakeley smiles and looks at the girl sat next to her.
"No one's ever told me that before." Blakeley says. "Thanks, Barb."
"Of course. I mean, I've seen you in town with your sister and you always seem so soft with her. It's obvious there's still a part of the old you in there. Maybe you just need help finding it again." Barb says before quickly adding. "That's if you want to."
"Well, my sister's been through the same thing as me, so it just doesn't feel right being mean to her." Blakeley says. "But to be honest, I like the person I am now, I like the more adventurous side of me, but I do want to find a little bit more of the person I use to be."
"You'll find it Blakeley, I know you will." Barb tells her.
"Thanks, Barb. I'm sorry we all kind of forced you into, you know..." Blakeley says shrugging her shoulders a little.
"It's okay."Barb says.
Just then a drop on blood falls into the pool. Blakeley looks at Barb's hand to see it still bleeding quite badly.
"Barb, you should really get that checked out. I can take you if you want. I mean, I don't have my car, but I can drive, so I can ask Steve to take his." Blakeley tells her.
"That would actually be nice, thank you." Barb says.
"Of course, let's go." Blakeley says.
The two girls go to get up but the electricity shuts off and the lights to the pool turn off, and they hear a growling like noise.
"What was that?" Barb asks as the two girls look around.
"The pools on a timer and the growling must be from a dog." Blakeley says. "Come on. let's get you to the hospital." Blakeley gets up and starts walking away. "Barb, you coming?"
"yeah, I'm..." Barb starts but then gets pulled into a tree as she screams.
"Barb!" Blakeley shouts.
A tentacle like thing comes down and tries to get Blakeley put she jumps out of the way but gets a massive scratch across her stomach in the process. She cries out in pain as the tenticle thing comes again this time scratching her cheek before wrapping itself around her right wrist.
"Let go!" Blakeley screams.
"Blakeley!"She hears Steve shout.
The monster let's go before disappearing. Even though Blakeley didn't see it, she hopped it was gone. She slumps down against the wall holding her stomach.

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