Chapter 01: Joyce

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Dear Joyce,
It's crazy to think a few years ago we didn't even know each other. You have really become like a second mother figure to me. Your one of the only people I feel I can always go to. So your probably wondering why I didn't come to you months ago when this all started. Truth is... I don't know. I just did what I always do when things get tough. I pushed everyone as far away as possible. There's part of my that wishes I told you, but part of me is glad I didn't. I'm so thankful I was lucky enough to have you as my second mother figure. I don't think I've told you enough how much it means to me that you stepped into that role without hesitation. I think we all know I can be a bit of a handful. So thanks for helping my mom handle me, my crazy ideas and all the times I would put my life on the line. If this is the last thing to get to say to you... I want to apologise that I barely visited and rarely called after you moved to Cali. I hope you get this and hope that you are okay. I'm really worried that we can't get ahold of all of you. Thank you for everything Joyce.
Blakeley <3


"Wow." Mike whispers, as Joyce finished reading the letter.
"I don't know if I want to read mine after that. I don't want to cry in public." Erica says, causing them to laugh lightly.
"I think we're all already past that." Lucas says, wiping the tears that were in his eyes.
"You know Blakeley once visited me at work. I was having a really bad day. My boss was refusing to give me a break as 'there was to much work to do', but Blakeley managed to convince him to let me go on a break and we were sat in the break room together laughing and telling each other funny stories. It made a awful day a lot less of an awful day." Joyce says.
"She always seems to have a way to make all of us feel better." Hopper says.
"For me it is her smile. It is like it is contagious." Steve says.
The group sat there in silence for a minute. Joyce then speaks up deciding to tell the group a couple more memories.


Joyce Byers was working in the shop, when Blakeley Hayes walked in.
"Hey Joyce." Blakeley says.
"Hey Blake. You okay?" Joyce asks.
"I'm good. How are you? Have you had a break? You seem tired." Blakeley asks.
"No I haven't had a break yet." Joyce says. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
No, no." Blakeley says. "Why have you not had a break, it's two in the afternoon. Is it your boss?"
"Uhm..." Joyce starts.
"It's your boss. Where is he?" Blakeley asks looking around the shop.
"He's right there."  Joyce says, pointing to her boss.
Blakeley goes over to Joyce's boss and has a go at him before he walks over to Joyce telling her to go on break.
"She's scary." Joyce's boss says to her, as he was leaving.
"Believe me. I know." Joyce says laughing.

"Do you really have to go?" Blakeley asks, walking up to Joyce.
"I do. I need to get Will, Johnathan and Eleven out of here." Joyce says.
"We'll,  I'll miss you. But, you're going to love Cali so much. It's a great place." Blakeley says. "Oh my god. You could learn how to surf."
Joyce gives her a confused look shaking her head slightly. Blakeley shakes her head as well, before smiling widely and shaking her head.
"Surf? Really?" Joyce asks.
"What? Surfing is great." Blakeley says.
"I'll consider it." Joyce says, causing Blakeley to smile. "But you better tell me all about college when we speak again."
"I will." Blakeley says.
The pair smile at each other before hugging.

Blakeley was sat on a bench in the park. She was zoned out thinking about how her sister had recently gone missing. While she was staring into space Joyce walked up to her.
"Hey, there you are. We've all been looking for you." Joyce says.
"Yeah, sorry. I just needed some time to think." Blakeley replies.
"Is this about...?" Joyce asks, trailing off, not wanting to upset Blakeley more.
"Harps? yeah." Blakeley says messing with her necklace. She lets go of her necklace and throws her hand halfway up. "I just can't believe she's gone missing. She's a smart girl, she wouldn't go anywhere that would put her in danger. I just wish I knew were she was."
Joyce sighs before sitting next to the blonde.
"I know how you feel. I felt the same when Will went missing." Joyce tells her. "If you ever need to talk to anyone, I am here. We will find Harper. I promise you. We won't stop until we do."
"Thanks Joyce." Blakeley says with a smile.
"Hey, you're the daughter I always wanted." Joyce says. "And so is Harper."
Blakeley smiles slightly before looking down.
"I miss her." Blakeley admits.
"I know, sweetheart. I know." Joyce says, wrapping an arm around the blondes shoulders.
Blakeley rests her head on Joyce's shoulder and closes her eyes.

"Hey, Joyce Byers, right?"
"Uhm... y- yeah." Joyce replies, looking at the girl on the other side of the checkout counter.
"I'm Blakeley Hayes." Blakeley says.
"Oh the famous daughter of Kathrine Hayes." Joyce says.
"The one and only." Blakeley says jokingly, with a small laugh. "I uhm... I just wanted to come and give you my condolences about your son. Anything you need, anything at all, if you need help finding him, I'm more then happy to help."
"Wow, thanks, Blakeley. That means a lot." Joyce says. "People are definitely wrong about you."
"Don't worry. I know what people think of me. I'm the bitch who's parents got divorced leading her to come to Hawkins. But every guy in school wants to be with me and every girl wants to be me. Everyone's scared of me. So things are great." Blakeley says, sarcastically.
"There's still time to change their minds." Joyce says.
"Thanks Joyce." Blakeley says, before smiling and hitting the counter with her hand gently. "Well, I better get going. You know where to find me if you need anything."
"Thanks, Blakeley." Joyce says.
Blakeley gives her one last smile before walking out the shop.



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