Chapter 07: Dustin

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Dear Dustin,If I'm being honest, I never saw us being this close

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Dear Dustin,
If I'm being honest, I never saw us being this close. I did t even see us as friends at all. You were crazy,  as sorry to say, but a bit annoying. But those this that I hated about you, over the years we have been getting to know each other, I have grown to love those thing. You may annoy the hell out of me and sometimes make me want to stab you, but you really are like a brother to me. I think more of a brother to me then anyone. You always make me laugh with the crazy things that you come out with. I don't understand how you aren't scared of all this Upside Down stuff at all. If it wasn't for you coming to me, Steve and Harper one day I wouldn't be involved with this at all. I would of just stopped after that first fight with the Demogorgon before Will came back. But you always know how to persuade me to do stuff. Guess you learnt that from Harper. You must have been having secret lessons with her or something. I can't help but think back to the little boy you were when this all started and how different you are now. You have grown up so much. And it has been an honour to see it. Dustin Henderson, you really are one of a kind.
Blakeley <3


"I Uhm... I don't know what to say." Dustin admits, looking down at his shaky heads which were clutching the letter.
"Dustin not having anything to say? That's new." Robin half heatedly jokes.
The group knew for all of them it was getting harder and harder the more people that read their letters. But they knew this is what Blakeley would have wanted. She would have wanted to open all of them all together. So that's what they were going to do. For Blakeley.
"Why didn't she tell us she was cursed?" Max questions.
"She acted tough, but I think deep down we all know she was just as scared as any of us were. If not more She just didn't show it." Nancy says.
"That's Blakeley for you." Johnathan says.
"Always putting her life on the line for others." Steve says, obviously still broken from recent events.
"Blakeley's strong. She'll fight through this. I know she will." Jonah tries to reassure the group.
"How is she going to get away from Vecna by herself? If El is right and her mind and soul are stuck with Vecna. How is she going to get away without our help? And we can't help her." Lucas asks.
"She's Blakeley Hayes,  she'll either find a way out herself,  cause she's smart as hell,  or she'll survive until we can find a way to save her,  because she's a fighter." Jonah reminds them.
They all slowly nod knowing he was partially right.


Walking back into the hall where the dance was being held after talking the Steve, Blakeley let's her eyes scan the room to find Nancy or her sister and her friends. Nancy and Blakeley's 'shift' at the drinks table was over, so when the blonde found Nancy sat with the group of kids, Blakeley had somehow kind of adopted, she walks over taking the seat between Nancy and Harper.
"Hey,  where did you go?" Nancy asks.
"Steve showed up." Blakeley answers, causing all of them to smirk at her. "All of you shut up!"
"We didn't say anything!" Mike says raising his hands in the air in defence.
Blakeley rolls her eyes, before Harper's favourite song comes on. She drags all her friends out onto the dance floor, while Blakeley sits back and watches with a smile. A slow song then comes on and Dustin once again was left by himself standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall. Without hesitation Blakeley gets up and walks over to him.
"Want to dance again?" Blakeley asks, holding her hand out to him.
Dustin nods and smiles before the pair start to dance.
"How come you're always the one to save our asses?" Dustin asks.
"Guess I just care... so much about you all." Blakeley says, jokingly widening her eyes at the last part.
Dustin laughs as the song comes to an end. A more upbeat song comes on a Blakeley starts jumping up and down like a lunatic.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asks.
"Come on Dusty,  you only live once." Blakeley says, grabbing his hands and forcing him to jumping up and down with her as they move their arms. It takes a little while, but Dustin eventually gets into it. They were both getting weird looks from the other kids in the hall, but neither of them cared. Harper, Max, Mike, Eleven, Will, Lucas and Nancy join them and the group just enjoy their time together.

Dustin was walking to her moms car after school when a younger kid walks up to her.
"H-Hey. I-I'm D-Dust-Dustin Hend-Henderson." The younger boy says.
"Okay?" Blakeley says looking at him slightly confused.
"Are you new in town? I haven't seen you around before, and Hawkins is a small town." Dustin says.
"Yes, I'm new. Now is that all?" Blakeley asks.
"I think your younger sister is in my class." Dustin says.
"Yeah,  she most likely is." Blakeley says.
"Yeah." Dustin says,  staring at her.
"Okay. Bye." Blakeley says, walking past him.
"Bye!" Dustin calls after her.

"I don't know how I feel about this." Dustin says, sitting down next to Blakeley.
"How you feel about what?" Blakeley asks.
"This. You sacrificing yourself and distracting Vecna." Dustin says.
"Dusty, I'll be fine. I promise you, okay? I'm not done making fun of you yet." Blakeley tells him,  causing Dustin to lightly laugh.
"Still something about this just doesn't feel right." Dustin tells her.
"It'll all be okay. What happens is what's meant to happen." Blakeley says.
"You really believe that saying?" Dustin asks.
"I really do." Blakeley says.
"You aren't going to lose me, Dusty. I promise." The blonde tells the young boy.
Dustin sighs before hugging Blakeley.
"Promise me you'll be okay." Dustin says.
Blakeley hesitated for a moment, knowing that there was a high chance she could break the promise.
"I promise."

Blakeley was sat in the garage with her sister and her friends. They watched as they played D&D.
"What's so interesting about this game?" Blakeley asks. "It just seems like a boring game to me."
"How dare you call this a boring game." Dustin says. "But I still love you though."
Dustin jokingly blows Blakeley a kiss causing her to smile and lightly laugh.
"Love you to, Dusty." Blakeley says. "Now get back to your stupid game before this gets any of soppy."



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