080: Dreams Are Like Vines

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Blakeley runs to the door of the Creel house and opens it only to find it boarded up

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Blakeley runs to the door of the Creel house and opens it only to find it boarded up.
"Where are you going, Blakeley?" Vecna asks, causing Blakeley to turn and see him coming down the stairs.
Blakeley runs around the house opening every door to the outside, only to find them all boarded up.
Blakeley all of a sudden hear's screaming from outside. She runs to the window and sees a pool outside and Barb trying to climb out of it, screaming Blakeley's name. All of a sudden Barb gets pulled down.
Blakeley closes her eyes trying to think of a happy memory. She thought back to the time Steve asked her to be his girlfriend.
When she opens her eyes again she finds herself in her bedroom.
"Holy shit." Blakeley says. "It worked."


Steve opens the door to the Creel house to find vines all over the floor.
"Oh shit." Steve says, seeing there was barely any space to step. "That's not good."
Before anyone could stop her, Harper starts hopping through the vines, Steve follows her, then Robin, then Nancy.


Blakeley was sat on her bed waiting for anything to happen, when all of a sudden the balloons that Steve had put out all around her room, to welcome her home from the hospital, start to pop and blood goes everywhere. Everything in the room starts to fall apart. The pictures she had hanging off the fairy-lights on the walls of her room rip and fall down, the fairy-lights also fall down. The posters she had around her room start to turn darker and moldy. The whole room then turns dark and snow like particles start to fall from the sky. She then sees red lighting out of her window.


Harper, Steve, Nancy and Robin make it up the stairs, before there was an earthquake causing them all to grab ahold of each other. When it stops they look at each other. All of a sudden Robin is grabbed by a vine and held against the wall as vines wrap around her.
"Steve! Nancy! Harper!" Robin shouts.
Before long they were all pinned against the wall as the vines wrap themselves around all four of them.


Blakeley was putting everything she can against the door to stop it from opening. She turned her back for a minute and when she turned back, the stuff was no longer there, and the Creel house door was. The door slowly opens.
"You can't hide from me, Blakeley." Vecna says, as Blakeley hears the clock.
Blakeley closes her eyes, trying to think of a new memory.
"You think I don't see what you're doing?" Vecna asks. "You think I don't see everything. You thought you could trick me. You thought you friends could stop me. I can see them. I see your friends. Just as clearly, as I... see you."
As Vecna was talking she sees everything all her friends were going through, she saw Jonah and Erica outside the Creel house, Jonah trying to pull someone off of Erica, Eddie on a bike in the Upside Down, she saw Dustin shouting, she saw her mom, Joyce, and the person she thought was dead in Russia, she saw Jason pointing a gun at Lucas and Max and she saw Nancy, Robin, her sister and the love of her life being held to the walls by the vines.
"I can feel them. I can feel them dying." Vecna says, Blakeley opens her eyes, to see the door fully open and a figure walking closer and closer. "It's time, Blakeley. It's time for you to join us." Blakeley looks around the room, walking backwards, until she bumps into something. She turns to see Vecna. "It's time."
Vecna then uses his powers to pin Blakeley to the wall with her arms out. Blakeley cries in pain as Vecna get's closer and closer. Vecna comes insanely close to Blakeley causing her to close her eyes.
"You are brave, Blakeley. But in the end... you are weak and fragile. Like all the rest of them. And you... will... break."
Vecna's hand then raise up over Blakeley's face. Right when he was about to kill her he flies against the opposite wall. Blakeley falls to the floor as Vecna stays floating in the air. Blakeley looks up to see Eleven, walking towards Vecna with her hand raised up in the air. Eleven walks up behind Vecna before turning him to look at her, using her powers.
"You." Venca says, seeing her.
"Hi." Eleven says, before using her powers to slam him through the wall.
As Blakeley gets up Eleven runs over to her.
"Blake, are you okay?" Eleven asks.
"Huh?" Blakeley asks.
"Are you okay?" Eleven asks again.
"Yeah." Blakeley replies. "Are you... Are you real? Di- Did I make you?"
"I'm real." Eleven says, grabbing the older girls hands.
"How?" Blakeley asks.
"I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer." Eleven says.
"What?" Blakeley asks.
"Uh-" Eleven starts.
"Never mind. I'm so glad to see you again. I miss you." Blakeley says, hugging the younger girl.
"I missed you to." Eleven says, hugging her back.
"Wait... what happened to your hair?" Blakeley asks, seeing Eleven's head was shaved as they pull away from the hug. "And how did you get your powers back? When did you get your powers back?"
"Uhm..." Eleven says.
Eleven gets cut off by the sound of the floorboards creaking. They look to see Vecna walking through the wall.
"Stay back." Eleven tells Blakeley, as Vecna glares at them.
Blakeley watches worriedly as Eleven and Vecna walk to stand opposite each other.

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